SAP PP 启用Storage Location Level 的MRP Area之后对于SD的影响初探
Storage location level MRP Area CN07_WS setting:
Finished product material: F000201336.
The initial stock for this material:
In 1001(existing site), we have 4400 EA, in 1003 (new site), we have 800 EA
Scenario: one item in sale order, but in delivery, business team will pick material from 1001 storage location and 1003 storage location.
Sales order: 5000054368, the quantity in this SO is 5000 EA. It means that we need to pick materials from 1001 and 1003 in order to meet the customer requirement.
If we activate MRP area for this material in master data,
We cannot confirm this SO even if we have 5200 EA stock in CN07 plant.
Try to change the confirmed quantity as 5000,
If we inactivate MRP area view for this material in master data,
Then we can confirm the SO quantity now,
This is the impact to SD domain if we setup MRP area view for finished-product.
2017-03-03 写于苏州市吴中区