Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

  Android Bluetooth

Android 4.4上蓝牙协议栈采用的是BRCM和Google共同开发的bluedroid,代替了之前的Bluez.

一、 Bluetooth 源码分布 (基于Android 4.4 )

1.  packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/bluetooth

     bluetooth Settings 代码

2.  packages/apps/Bluetooth

     BT 应用层代码,及BT profile(如:A2dp,gatt,hdp,hfp,hid,map,opp,pan,pbap ...) 上层代码


3.  frameworks/base/core/java/android/bluetooth

     framework 层相关 java 代码与aidl

4.  external/bluetooth/bluedroid      


5.  linux/kernel/drivers/bluetooth

6.  linux/kernel/net/bluetooth

7. 以下是近期项目intel 平台



vendor/intel/fw/PRIVATE/bt    厂商bt固件

 二、Bluetooth 常用类及相关profile

A2dpAdvanced Audio Distribution Profile 蓝牙音频传输模型协定

 蓝牙立体声,和蓝牙耳机听歌有关那些,另还有个AVRCP--(Audio/Video Remote Control Profile)音频/视频远程控制配置文件,是用来听歌时暂停,上下歌曲选择的

GATT: Generic Attribute Profile   通用属性配置文件

       GATT是基于ATT Protocol的,ATT针对BLE设备做了专门的优化,具体就是在传输过程中使用尽量少的数据。每个属性都有一个唯一的UUID,属性将以characteristics and services的形式传输

HDPBluetooth Health Device Profile 蓝牙关于医疗方面的应用 

HFP : Hands-free Profile  和电话相关,蓝牙接听、挂断电话 

HIDHuman Interface Device  

         定义了蓝牙在人机接口设备中的协议、特征和使用规程。典型的应用包括蓝牙鼠标、蓝牙键盘、蓝牙游戏手柄等。该协议改编自USB HID Protocol

MAPMessage Access Profile

OPP : Object Push Profile

PAN : Personal Area Network Profile

描述了两个或更多个 Bluetooth 设备如何构成一个即时网络,和网络有关的还有串行端口功能(SPP),拨号网络功能(DUN)

PBAP: Phonebook Access Profile 电话号码簿访问协议


三、Enable Bluetooth

1. 服务启动:



Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1             // Skip Bluetooth if we have an emulator kernel
 2             // TODO: Use a more reliable check to see if this product should
 3             // support Bluetooth - see bug 988521
 4             if (SystemProperties.get("ro.kernel.qemu").equals("1")) {
 5                 Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooh Service (emulator)");
 6             } else if (factoryTest == SystemServer.FACTORY_TEST_LOW_LEVEL) {
 7                 Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooth Service (factory test)");
 8             } else if (!context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature
 9                        (PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH)) {
10                 Slog.i(TAG, "No Bluetooth Service (Bluetooth Hardware Not Present)");
11             } else if (disableBluetooth) {
12                 Slog.i(TAG, "Bluetooth Service disabled by config");
13             } else {
14                 Slog.i(TAG, "Bluetooth Manager Service");
15                 bluetooth = new BluetoothManagerService(context);
16                 ServiceManager.addService(BluetoothAdapter.BLUETOOTH_MANAGER_SERVICE, bluetooth);
17             }
Bt 服务


 2.  BluetoothAdapter 



Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1     /**
 2      * Turn on the local Bluetooth adapter—do not use without explicit
 3      * user action to turn on Bluetooth.
 4      * <p>This powers on the underlying Bluetooth hardware, and starts all
 5      * Bluetooth system services.
 6      * <p class="caution"><strong>Bluetooth should never be enabled without
 7      * direct user consent</strong>. If you want to turn on Bluetooth in order
 8      * to create a wireless connection, you should use the {@link
 9      * #ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE} Intent, which will raise a dialog that requests
10      * user permission to turn on Bluetooth. The {@link #enable()} method is
11      * provided only for applications that include a user interface for changing
12      * system settings, such as a "power manager" app.</p>
13      * <p>This is an asynchronous call: it will return immediately, and
14      * clients should listen for {@link #ACTION_STATE_CHANGED}
15      * to be notified of subsequent adapter state changes. If this call returns
16      * true, then the adapter state will immediately transition from {@link
17      * #STATE_OFF} to {@link #STATE_TURNING_ON}, and some time
18      * later transition to either {@link #STATE_OFF} or {@link
19      * #STATE_ON}. If this call returns false then there was an
20      * immediate problem that will prevent the adapter from being turned on -
21      * such as Airplane mode, or the adapter is already turned on.
22      * <p>Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH_ADMIN}
23      * permission
24      *
25      * @return true to indicate adapter startup has begun, or false on
26      *         immediate error
27      */
28     public boolean enable() {
29         if (isEnabled() == true){
30             if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "enable(): BT is already enabled..!");
31             return true;
32         }
33         try {
34             return mManagerService.enable(); // 
35         } catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, "", e);}
36         return false;
37     }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1     /**
 2      * Get a handle to the default local Bluetooth adapter.
 3      * <p>Currently Android only supports one Bluetooth adapter, but the API
 4      * could be extended to support more. This will always return the default
 5      * adapter.
 6      * @return the default local adapter, or null if Bluetooth is not supported
 7      *         on this hardware platform
 8      */
 9     public static synchronized BluetoothAdapter getDefaultAdapter() {
10         if (sAdapter == null) {
11             IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(BLUETOOTH_MANAGER_SERVICE);
12             if (b != null) {
13                 IBluetoothManager managerService = IBluetoothManager.Stub.asInterface(b);
14                 sAdapter = new BluetoothAdapter(managerService);
15             } else {
16                 Log.e(TAG, "Bluetooth binder is null");
17             }
18         }
19         return sAdapter;
20     }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1     /**
 2      * Use {@link #getDefaultAdapter} to get the BluetoothAdapter instance.
 3      */
 4     BluetoothAdapter(IBluetoothManager managerService) {
 6         if (managerService == null) {
 7             throw new IllegalArgumentException("bluetooth manager service is null");
 8         }
 9         try {
10             mService = managerService.registerAdapter(mManagerCallback);
11         } catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, "", e);}
12         mManagerService = managerService;
13         mLeScanClients = new HashMap<LeScanCallback, GattCallbackWrapper>();
14     }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

 3. BluetoothManagerService


Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1     public boolean enable() {
 2         if ((Binder.getCallingUid() != Process.SYSTEM_UID) &&
 3             (!checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser())) {
 4             Log.w(TAG,"enable(): not allowed for non-active and non system user");
 5             return false;
 6         }
 8         mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(BLUETOOTH_ADMIN_PERM,
 9                                                 "Need BLUETOOTH ADMIN permission");
10         if (DBG) {
11             Log.d(TAG,"enable():  mBluetooth =" + mBluetooth +
12                     " mBinding = " + mBinding);
13         }
15         synchronized(mReceiver) {
16             mQuietEnableExternal = false;
17             mEnableExternal = true;
18             // waive WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission check
19             long callingIdentity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
20             persistBluetoothSetting(BLUETOOTH_ON_BLUETOOTH);
21             Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(callingIdentity);
22             sendEnableMsg(false);
23         }
24         return true;
25     }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
1     private void sendEnableMsg(boolean quietMode) {
2         mHandler.sendMessage(mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_ENABLE,
3                              quietMode ? 1 : 0, 0));
4     }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

sendEnableMsg 交给handleMessage 处理,可以看到case MESSAGE_ENABLE: 里调用了handleEnable

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1     private void handleEnable(boolean quietMode) {
 2         mQuietEnable = quietMode;
 4         synchronized(mConnection) {
 5             if ((mBluetooth == null) && (!mBinding)) {
 6                 //Start bind timeout and bind
 7                 Message timeoutMsg=mHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_BIND);
 8                 mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(timeoutMsg,TIMEOUT_BIND_MS);
 9                 mConnection.setGetNameAddressOnly(false);
10                 Intent i = new Intent(IBluetooth.class.getName());
11                 if (!doBind(i, mConnection,Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE, UserHandle.CURRENT)) {
12                     mHandler.removeMessages(MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_BIND);
13                 } else {
14                     mBinding = true;
15                 }
16             } else if (mBluetooth != null) {
17                 if (mConnection.isGetNameAddressOnly()) {
18                     // if GetNameAddressOnly is set, we can clear this flag,
19                     // so the service won‘t be unbind
20                     // after name and address are saved
21                     mConnection.setGetNameAddressOnly(false);
22                     //Register callback object
23                     try {
24                         mBluetooth.registerCallback(mBluetoothCallback);
25                     } catch (RemoteException re) {
26                         Log.e(TAG, "Unable to register BluetoothCallback",re);
27                     }
28                     //Inform BluetoothAdapter instances that service is up
29                     sendBluetoothServiceUpCallback();
30                 }
32                 //Enable bluetooth
33                 try {
34                     if (!mQuietEnable) {
35                         if(!mBluetooth.enable()) {
36                             Log.e(TAG,"IBluetooth.enable() returned false");
37                         }
38                     }
39                     else {
40                         if(!mBluetooth.enableNoAutoConnect()) {
41                             Log.e(TAG,"IBluetooth.enableNoAutoConnect() returned false");
42                         }
43                     }
44                 } catch (RemoteException e) {
45                     Log.e(TAG,"Unable to call enable()",e);
46                 }
47             }
49             // Inform AudioRouteManager that bluetooth is enabled
50             mAudioManager.setParameters(AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_BLUETOOTH_STATE + "=true");
51         }
52     }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


 4. AdapterService,AdapterState


Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1      public synchronized boolean enable(boolean quietMode) {
 2          enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(BLUETOOTH_ADMIN_PERM,
 3                                         "Need BLUETOOTH ADMIN permission");
 4          if (DBG)debugLog("Enable called with quiet mode status =  " + mQuietmode);
 5          mQuietmode  = quietMode;
 6          Message m =
 7                  mAdapterStateMachine.obtainMessage(AdapterState.USER_TURN_ON);
 8          mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(m);
 9          return true;
10      }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

此处用了用了StateMachine,它会在AdapterState 里processMessage 处理(StateMachine就是状态机,在不同的状态下,收到相同的Event,做不同的事情),直接搜索UER_TURN_ON 可以看到下面:

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1     private class OffState extends State {
 2         @Override
 3         public void enter() {
 4             infoLog("Entering OffState");
 5         }
 7         @Override
 8         public boolean processMessage(Message msg) {
 9             AdapterService adapterService = mAdapterService;
10             if (adapterService == null) {
11                 Log.e(TAG,"receive message at OffState after cleanup:" +
12                           msg.what);
13                 return false;
14             }
15             switch(msg.what) {
16                case USER_TURN_ON:
17                    if (DBG) Log.d(TAG,"CURRENT_STATE=OFF, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_ON");
18                    sendCrashToolInfo("ON");
19                    notifyAdapterStateChange(BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_ON);
20                    mPendingCommandState.setTurningOn(true);
21                    transitionTo(mPendingCommandState);
22                    sendMessageDelayed(START_TIMEOUT, START_TIMEOUT_DELAY);
23                    adapterService.processStart();
24                    break;
25                case USER_TURN_OFF:
26                    if (DBG) Log.d(TAG,"CURRENT_STATE=OFF, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_OFF");
27                    sendCrashToolInfo("OFF");
28                    //TODO: Handle case of service started and stopped without enable
29                    break;
30                default:
31                    if (DBG) Log.d(TAG,"ERROR: UNEXPECTED MESSAGE: CURRENT_STATE=OFF, MESSAGE = " + msg.what );
32                    return false;
33             }
34             return true;
35         }
36     }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1     void processStart() {
 2         if (DBG) debugLog("processStart()");
 3         Class[] supportedProfileServices = Config.getSupportedProfiles();
 4         //Initialize data objects
 5         for (int i=0; i < supportedProfileServices.length;i++) {
 6             mProfileServicesState.put(supportedProfileServices[i].getName(),BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF);
 7         }
 8         mRemoteDevices = new RemoteDevices(this);
 9         mAdapterProperties.init(mRemoteDevices);
11         if(mBondStateMachine != null) //Avoid resource leakage
12         {
13             mBondStateMachine.doQuit();
14             mBondStateMachine.cleanup();
15         }
17         if (DBG) {debugLog("processStart(): Make Bond State Machine");}
18         mBondStateMachine = BondStateMachine.make(this, mAdapterProperties, mRemoteDevices);
20         mJniCallbacks.init(mBondStateMachine,mRemoteDevices);
22         //FIXME: Set static instance here???
23         setAdapterService(this);
25         //Start profile services
26         if (!mProfilesStarted && supportedProfileServices.length >0) {
27             //Startup all profile services
28             setProfileServiceState(supportedProfileServices,BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON);
29         }else {
30             if (DBG) {debugLog("processStart(): Profile Services alreay started");}
31             mAdapterStateMachine.sendMessage(mAdapterStateMachine.obtainMessage(AdapterState.STARTED));
32         }
33     }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

setProfileServiceState(supportedProfileServices,BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON); 是用来开启Bluetooth Profile 的,log 中可以看到:        

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1         BluetoothAdapterService( 1789): Starting service
 2         BluetoothAdapterService( 1789): Starting service
 3         BluetoothAdapterService( 1789): Starting service
 4         BluetoothAdapterService( 1789): Starting service
 5         BluetoothAdapterService( 1789): Starting service
 6         BluetoothAdapterService( 1789): Starting service
 7         BluetoothAdapterService( 1789): Starting service
 8     bluedroid( 1789): get_profile_interface handsfree
 9     bluedroid( 1789): get_profile_interface a2dp
10     bluedroid( 1789): get_profile_interface avrcp
11     bluedroid( 1789): get_profile_interface hidhost
12     bluedroid( 1789): get_profile_interface health
13     bluedroid( 1789): get_profile_interface pan
14     bluedroid( 1789): get_profile_interface gatt?
BT Profile log
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1                 case STARTED:   {
 2                     if (DBG) Log.d(TAG,"CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = STARTED, isTurningOn=" + isTurningOn + ", isTurningOff=" + isTurningOff);
 3                     //Remove start timeout
 4                     removeMessages(START_TIMEOUT);
 6                     //Enable
 7                     boolean ret = adapterService.enableNative();
 8                     if (!ret) {
 9                         errorLog("Error while turning Bluetooth On");
10                         notifyAdapterStateChange(BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF);
11                         transitionTo(mOffState);
12                     } else {
13                         sendMessageDelayed(ENABLE_TIMEOUT, ENABLE_TIMEOUT_DELAY);
14                     }
15                 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

由mAdapterService.enableNative(); 可以看到 /*package*/ native boolean enableNative();


 5. JNI 调用

enableNative() 是在 packages/apps/Bluetooth/jni/com_android_bluetooth_btservice_AdapterService.cpp

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 static jboolean enableNative(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
 2     ALOGV("%s:",__FUNCTION__);
 4     jboolean result = JNI_FALSE;
 5     if (!sBluetoothInterface) return result;
 7     int ret = sBluetoothInterface->enable();
 8     result = (ret == BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
 9     return result;
10 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
static const bt_interface_t *sBluetoothInterface = NULL;
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
  1 /** NOTE: By default, no profiles are initialized at the time of init/enable.
  2  *  Whenever the application invokes the ‘init‘ API of a profile, then one of
  3  *  the following shall occur:
  4  *
  5  *    1.) If Bluetooth is not enabled, then the Bluetooth core shall mark the
  6  *        profile as enabled. Subsequently, when the application invokes the
  7  *        Bluetooth ‘enable‘, as part of the enable sequence the profile that were
  8  *        marked shall be enabled by calling appropriate stack APIs. The
  9  *        ‘adapter_properties_cb‘ shall return the list of UUIDs of the
 10  *        enabled profiles.
 11  *
 12  *    2.) If Bluetooth is enabled, then the Bluetooth core shall invoke the stack
 13  *        profile API to initialize the profile and trigger a
 14  *        ‘adapter_properties_cb‘ with the current list of UUIDs including the
 15  *        newly added profile‘s UUID.
 16  *
 17  *   The reverse shall occur whenever the profile ‘cleanup‘ APIs are invoked
 18  */
 20 /** Represents the standard Bluetooth DM interface. */
 21 typedef struct {
 22     /** set to sizeof(bt_interface_t) */
 23     size_t size;
 24     /**
 25      * Opens the interface and provides the callback routines
 26      * to the implemenation of this interface.
 27      */
 28     int (*init)(bt_callbacks_t* callbacks );
 30     /** Enable Bluetooth. */
 31     int (*enable)(void);
 33     /** Disable Bluetooth. */
 34     int (*disable)(void);
 36     /** This ensures the chip is Powered ON  to support other radios in the combo chip.
 37      * If the chip is OFF it set the chip to ON, if it is already ON it just increases the radio ref count
 38      * to keep track when to Power OFF */
 39     int (*enableRadio)(void);
 41     /** This decreases radio ref count  and ensures that chip is Powered OFF
 42      * when the radio ref count becomes zero. */
 43     int (*disableRadio)(void);
 45     /** Closes the interface. */
 46     void (*cleanup)(void);
 48     /** Get all Bluetooth Adapter properties at init */
 49     int (*get_adapter_properties)(void);
 51     /** Get Bluetooth Adapter property of ‘type‘ */
 52     int (*get_adapter_property)(bt_property_type_t type);
 54     /** Set Bluetooth Adapter property of ‘type‘ */
 55     /* Based on the type, val shall be one of
 56      * bt_bdaddr_t or bt_bdname_t or bt_scanmode_t etc
 57      */
 58     int (*set_adapter_property)(const bt_property_t *property);
 60     /** Get all Remote Device properties */
 61     int (*get_remote_device_properties)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr);
 63     /** Get Remote Device property of ‘type‘ */
 64     int (*get_remote_device_property)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr,
 65                                       bt_property_type_t type);
 67     /** Set Remote Device property of ‘type‘ */
 68     int (*set_remote_device_property)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr,
 69                                       const bt_property_t *property);
 71     /** Get Remote Device‘s service record  for the given UUID */
 72     int (*get_remote_service_record)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr,
 73                                      bt_uuid_t *uuid);
 75     /** Start SDP to get remote services */
 76     int (*get_remote_services)(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_addr);
 78     /** Start Discovery */
 79     int (*start_discovery)(void);
 81     /** Cancel Discovery */
 82     int (*cancel_discovery)(void);
 84     /** Create Bluetooth Bonding */
 85     int (*create_bond)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr);
 87     /** Remove Bond */
 88     int (*remove_bond)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr);
 90     /** Cancel Bond */
 91     int (*cancel_bond)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr);
 93     /** BT Legacy PinKey Reply */
 94     /** If accept==FALSE, then pin_len and pin_code shall be 0x0 */
 95     int (*pin_reply)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, uint8_t accept,
 96                      uint8_t pin_len, bt_pin_code_t *pin_code);
 98     /** BT SSP Reply - Just Works, Numeric Comparison and Passkey
 99      * passkey shall be zero for BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_COMPARISON &
101      * For BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_ENTRY, if accept==FALSE, then passkey
102      * shall be zero */
103     int (*ssp_reply)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, bt_ssp_variant_t variant,
104                      uint8_t accept, uint32_t passkey);
106     /** Get Bluetooth profile interface */
107     const void* (*get_profile_interface) (const char *profile_id);
109     /** Bluetooth Test Mode APIs - Bluetooth must be enabled for these APIs */
110     /* Configure DUT Mode - Use this mode to enter/exit DUT mode */
111     int (*dut_mode_configure)(uint8_t enable);
113     /* Send any test HCI (vendor-specific) command to the controller. Must be in DUT Mode */
114     int (*dut_mode_send)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len);
115     /** BLE Test Mode APIs */
116     /* opcode MUST be one of: LE_Receiver_Test, LE_Transmitter_Test, LE_Test_End */
117     int (*le_test_mode)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len);
119     /* enable or disable bluetooth HCI snoop log */
120     int (*config_hci_snoop_log)(uint8_t enable);
122     /** Get FM module interface */
123     const void* (*get_fm_interface) ();
124 } bt_interface_t;
bt_interface_t 定义
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

 bt_interface_t 定义 在hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/bluetooth.h


6. Bluedroid ->bluetooth.c


sBluetoothInterface->enable(); 会调到下方

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 static int enable( void )
 2 {
 3     ALOGI("enable");
 5     /* sanity check */
 6     if (interface_ready() == FALSE)
 7         return BT_STATUS_NOT_READY;
 9     return btif_enable_bluetooth();
10 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理



Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 /*******************************************************************************
 2 **
 3 ** Function         btif_enable_bluetooth
 4 **
 5 ** Description      Performs chip power on and kickstarts OS scheduler
 6 **
 7 ** Returns          bt_status_t
 8 **
 9 *******************************************************************************/
11 bt_status_t btif_enable_bluetooth(void)
12 {
15     if (0 == btif_core_radio_ref_count){
17         if (btif_core_state != BTIF_CORE_STATE_DISABLED)
18         {
19             ALOGD("not disabled\n");
20             return BT_STATUS_DONE;
21         }
23         btif_core_state = BTIF_CORE_STATE_ENABLING;
25         /* Create the GKI tasks and run them */
26         bte_main_enable();
27         btif_core_radio_ref_count++;
28     }
29     else
30     {
31         btif_core_radio_ref_count++;
32         /*btif core/chip is already enabled so just do other initialisation according to event*/
33         btif_transfer_context(btif_in_generic_evt, BTIF_CORE_BT_STATE_ON, NULL, 0, NULL);
34     }
36     return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
37 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理



Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 /******************************************************************************
 2 **
 3 ** Function         bte_main_enable
 4 **
 5 ** Description      BTE MAIN API - Creates all the BTE tasks. Should be called
 6 **                  part of the Bluetooth stack enable sequence
 7 **
 8 ** Returns          None
 9 **
10 ******************************************************************************/
11 void bte_main_enable()
12 {
13     APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s", __FUNCTION__);
15     /* Initialize BTE control block */
16     BTE_Init();
18     lpm_enabled = FALSE;
20     bte_hci_enable();
22     GKI_create_task((TASKPTR)btu_task, BTU_TASK, BTE_BTU_TASK_STR,
23                     (UINT16 *) ((UINT8 *)bte_btu_stack + BTE_BTU_STACK_SIZE),
24                     sizeof(bte_btu_stack));
26     GKI_run(0);
27 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 /******************************************************************************
 2 **
 3 ** Function         bte_hci_enable
 4 **
 5 ** Description      Enable HCI & Vendor modules
 6 **
 7 ** Returns          None
 8 **
 9 ******************************************************************************/
10 static void bte_hci_enable(void)
11 {
12     APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s", __FUNCTION__);
14     preload_start_wait_timer();
16     if (bt_hc_if)
17     {
18         int result = bt_hc_if->init(&hc_callbacks, btif_local_bd_addr.address);
19         APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("libbt-hci init returns %d", result);
21         assert(result == BT_HC_STATUS_SUCCESS);
23         if (hci_logging_enabled == TRUE || hci_logging_config == TRUE)
24             bt_hc_if->logging(BT_HC_LOGGING_ON, hci_logfile);
27         APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s  Not Turninig Off the BT before Turninig ON", __FUNCTION__);
29         /* Do not power off the chip before powering on  if BT_CLEAN_TURN_ON_DISABLED flag
30          is defined and set to TRUE to avoid below mentioned issue.
32          Wingray kernel driver maintains a combined  counter to keep track of
33          BT-Wifi state. Invoking  set_power(BT_HC_CHIP_PWR_OFF) when the BT is already
34          in OFF state causes this counter to be incorrectly decremented and results in undesired
35          behavior of the chip.
37          This is only a workaround and when the issue is fixed in the kernel this work around
38          should be removed. */
39 #else
40         /* toggle chip power to ensure we will reset chip in case
41            a previous stack shutdown wasn‘t completed gracefully */
42         bt_hc_if->set_power(BT_HC_CHIP_PWR_OFF);
43 #endif
44         bt_hc_if->set_power(BT_HC_CHIP_PWR_ON);
46         bt_hc_if->preload(NULL);
47     }
48 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


由 bt_hc_if->set_power(BT_HC_CHIP_PWR_ON);可以看出:

static bt_hc_interface_t *bt_hc_if=NULL;

下面是bt_hc_if 的初始化

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 /******************************************************************************
 2 **
 3 ** Function         bte_main_in_hw_init
 4 **
 5 ** Description      Internal helper function for chip hardware init
 6 **
 7 ** Returns          None
 8 **
 9 ******************************************************************************/
10 static void bte_main_in_hw_init(void)
11 {
12     if ( (bt_hc_if = (bt_hc_interface_t *) bt_hc_get_interface()) 13          == NULL)
14     {
15         APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("!!! Failed to get BtHostControllerInterface !!!");
16     }
18     memset(&preload_retry_cb, 0, sizeof(bt_preload_retry_cb_t));
19 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理



Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 /*******************************************************************************
 2 **
 3 ** Function        bt_hc_get_interface
 4 **
 5 ** Description     Caller calls this function to get API instance
 6 **
 7 ** Returns         API table
 8 **
 9 *******************************************************************************/
10 const bt_hc_interface_t *bt_hc_get_interface(void)
11 {
12     return &bluetoothHCLibInterface;
13 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 static const bt_hc_interface_t bluetoothHCLibInterface = {
 2     sizeof(bt_hc_interface_t),
 3     init,
 4     set_power,
 5     lpm,
 6     preload,
 7     postload,
 8     transmit_buf,
 9     set_rxflow,
10     logging,
11     cleanup
12 };
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理



Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 /** Chip power control */
 2 static void set_power(bt_hc_chip_power_state_t state)
 3 {
 4     int pwr_state;
 6     BTHCDBG("set_power %d", state);
 8     /* Calling vendor-specific part */
 9     pwr_state = (state == BT_HC_CHIP_PWR_ON) ? BT_VND_PWR_ON : BT_VND_PWR_OFF;
11     if (bt_vnd_if)
12         bt_vnd_if->op(BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL, &pwr_state);
13     else
14         ALOGE("vendor lib is missing!");
15 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


可以看到,bt_vnd_if->op(BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL, &pwr_state);


bt_vendor_interface_t *bt_vnd_if=NULL;

 bt_vnd_if 初始化:

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 /******************************************************************************
 2 **
 3 ** Function         init_vnd_if
 4 **
 5 ** Description      Initialize vendor lib interface
 6 **
 7 ** Returns          None
 8 **
 9 ******************************************************************************/
10 void init_vnd_if(unsigned char *local_bdaddr)
11 {
12     void *dlhandle;
14     dlhandle = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
15     if (!dlhandle)
16     {
17         ALOGE("!!! Failed to load !!!");
18         return;
19     }
21     bt_vnd_if = (bt_vendor_interface_t *) dlsym(dlhandle, "BLUETOOTH_VENDOR_LIB_INTERFACE");
22     if (!bt_vnd_if)
23     {
24         ALOGE("!!! Failed to get bt vendor interface !!!");
25         return;
26     }
28     bt_vnd_if->init(&vnd_callbacks, local_bdaddr);
29 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理




下面主要是broadcom 为例,我们进入/hardware/里面:

$ find . -name |xargs grep libbt
./broadcom/libbt/ := libbt-vendor
./broadcom/libbt/ := libbt-vendor
./broadcom/libbt/ LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(TI_BT_VENDOR_PATH)/libbt-vendor-ti.c
./qcom/bt/ $(call all-named-subdir-makefiles,libbt-vendor)
./qcom/bt/libbt-vendor/ := libbt-vendor



broadcom/libbt/src/bt_vendor_brcm.c:147: case BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL:
broadcom/libbt/src/bt_vendor_brcm.c:149: BTVNDDBG("op: BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL");
qcom/bt/libbt-vendor/src/bt_vendor_qcom.c:105: case BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL:


Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
  1 /** Requested operations */
  2 static int op(bt_vendor_opcode_t opcode, void *param)
  3 {
  4     int retval = 0;
  6     switch(opcode)
  7     {
  8         case BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL:
  9             {
 10                 BTVNDDBG("op: BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL");
 11                 int *state = (int *) param;
 12                 if (*state == BT_VND_PWR_OFF)
 13                     upio_set_bluetooth_power(UPIO_BT_POWER_OFF);
 14                 else if (*state == BT_VND_PWR_ON)
 15                     upio_set_bluetooth_power(UPIO_BT_POWER_ON);
 16                     BTVNDDBG("Delay for a while after BT power on");
 17                     usleep(200000);
 18             }
 19             break;
 21         case BT_VND_OP_FW_CFG:
 22             {
 23                 BTVNDDBG("op: BT_VND_OP_FW_CFG");
 24                 hw_config_start();
 25             }
 26             break;
 28         case BT_VND_OP_SCO_CFG:
 29             {
 30                 BTVNDDBG("op: BT_VND_OP_SCO_CFG");
 32                 if (is2076())
 33                 {
 34                     ALOGD("PCM2 Settings for AP6476(BCM2076)");
 35                     hw_pcm2_config();
 36                 }
 37                 else
 38                 {
 39                     ALOGD("SCO config");
 40                     hw_sco_config();
 41                 }
 42 #else
 43                 retval = -1;
 44 #endif
 45             }
 46             break;
 48         case BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN:
 49             {
 50                 BTVNDDBG("op: BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN");
 51                 int (*fd_array)[] = (int (*)[]) param;
 52                 int fd, idx;
 53                 fd = userial_vendor_open((tUSERIAL_CFG *) &userial_init_cfg);
 54                 if (fd != -1)
 55                 {
 56                     for (idx=0; idx < CH_MAX; idx++)
 57                         (*fd_array)[idx] = fd;
 59                     retval = 1;
 60                 }
 61                 /* retval contains numbers of open fd of HCI channels */
 62             }
 63             break;
 65         case BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE:
 66             {
 67                 BTVNDDBG("op: BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_CLOSE");
 68                 userial_vendor_close();
 69             }
 70             break;
 72         case BT_VND_OP_GET_LPM_IDLE_TIMEOUT:
 73             {
 74                 BTVNDDBG("op: BT_VND_OP_GET_LPM_IDLE_TIMEOUT");
 75                 uint32_t *timeout_ms = (uint32_t *) param;
 76                 *timeout_ms = hw_lpm_get_idle_timeout();
 77             }
 78             break;
 80         case BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE:
 81             {
 82                 BTVNDDBG("op: BT_VND_OP_LPM_SET_MODE");
 83                 uint8_t *mode = (uint8_t *) param;
 84                 retval = hw_lpm_enable(*mode);
 85             }
 86             break;
 88         case BT_VND_OP_LPM_WAKE_SET_STATE:
 89             {
 90                 uint8_t *state = (uint8_t *) param;
 91                 uint8_t wake_assert = (*state == BT_VND_LPM_WAKE_ASSERT) ?  92                                         TRUE : FALSE;
 94                 hw_lpm_set_wake_state(wake_assert);
 95             }
 96             break;
 98         case BT_VND_OP_WBS_CFG:
 99             {
101                 uint8_t *state = (uint8_t *) param;
102                 hw_wbs_enable(*state);
103 #else
104                 ALOGE("WBS configuration not supported without I2S");
105 #endif // (SCO_USE_I2S_INTERFACE == TRUE)
106             }
107             break;
109         case BT_VND_OP_EPILOG:
110             {
112                 if (bt_vendor_cbacks)
113                 {
114                     bt_vendor_cbacks->epilog_cb(BT_VND_OP_RESULT_SUCCESS);
115                 }
116 #else
117                 hw_epilog_process();
118 #endif
119             }
120             break;
121     }
123     return retval;
124 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 /*******************************************************************************
 2 **
 3 ** Function        upio_set_bluetooth_power
 4 **
 5 ** Description     Interact with low layer driver to set Bluetooth power
 6 **                 on/off.
 7 **
 8 ** Returns         0  : SUCCESS or Not-Applicable
 9 **                 <0 : ERROR
10 **
11 *******************************************************************************/
12 int upio_set_bluetooth_power(int on)
13 {
14     int sz;
15     int fd = -1;
16     int ret = -1;
17     char buffer = 0;
19     switch(on)
20     {
21         case UPIO_BT_POWER_OFF:
22             buffer = 0;
23             break;
25         case UPIO_BT_POWER_ON:
26             buffer = 1;
27             break;
28     }
30     if (is_emulator_context())
31     {
32         /* if new value is same as current, return -1 */
33         if (bt_emul_enable == on)
34             return ret;
36         UPIODBG("set_bluetooth_power [emul] %d", on);
38         bt_emul_enable = on;
39         return 0;
40     }
42     /* check if we have rfkill interface */
43     if (is_rfkill_disabled())
44         return 0;
46     if (rfkill_id == -1)
47     {
48         if (init_rfkill())
49             return ret;
50     }
52     fd = open(rfkill_state_path, O_WRONLY);
54     if (fd < 0)
55     {
56         ALOGE("set_bluetooth_power : open(%s) for write failed: %s (%d)",
57             rfkill_state_path, strerror(errno), errno);
58         return ret;
59     }
61     sz = write(fd, &buffer, 1);
63     if (sz < 0) {
64         ALOGE("set_bluetooth_power : write(%s) failed: %s (%d)",
65             rfkill_state_path, strerror(errno),errno);
66     }
67     else
68         ret = 0;
70     if (fd >= 0)
71         close(fd);
73     return ret;
74 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

static char *rfkill_state_path = NULL;

 rfkill_state_path 是在下面初始化的。

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 static int init_rfkill()
 2 {
 3     char path[64];
 4     char buf[16];
 5     int fd, sz, id;
 7     if (is_rfkill_disabled())
 8         return -1;
10     for (id = 0; ; id++)
11     {
12         snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill%d/type", id);
13         fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
14         if (fd < 0)
15         {
16             ALOGE("init_rfkill : open(%s) failed: %s (%d)\n", 17                  path, strerror(errno), errno);
18             return -1;
19         }
21         sz = read(fd, &buf, sizeof(buf));
22         close(fd);
24         if (sz >= 9 && memcmp(buf, "bluetooth", 9) == 0)
25         {
26             rfkill_id = id;
27             break;
28         }
29     }
31     asprintf(&rfkill_state_path, "/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill%d/state", rfkill_id);
32     return 0;
33 }
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理


shell@android:/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0 $ cat state
0  // 表示蓝牙是关闭状态

shell@android:/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0 $ cat state 

1   // 开启蓝牙后可以看到



结合set_power 下面的log 和 bluetoothHCLibInterface  定义,可以看到接下来是调用的 bluetoothHCLibInterface 里的 proload->bthc_signal_event(HC_EVENT_PRELOAD)->bt_hc_worker_thread -》userial_open(USERIAL_PORT_1)->bt_vnd_if->op(BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN, &fd_array);->userial_vendor_open((tUSERIAL_CFG *) &userial_init_cfg);



部分log 如下:

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
 1 01-01 00:21:02.240 I/bt_userial_vendor( 1821): userial vendor open: opening /dev/ttyMFD0
 2 01-01 00:21:02.240 I/GKI_LINUX( 1821): gki_task_entry: gki_task_entry task_id=0 [BTU] starting
 3 01-01 00:21:02.240 I/bt-btu ( 1821): btu_task pending for preload complete event
 4 01-01 00:21:02.260 I/bt_userial_vendor( 1821): device fd = 71 open
 5 01-01 00:21:02.260 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Hardware.c--hw_config_start
 6 01-01 00:21:02.290 D/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Chipset BCM2076B1
 7 01-01 00:21:02.290 D/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Target name = [BCM2076B1]
 8 01-01 00:21:02.290 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): FW patchfile: /etc/firmware/bt/bcm2076b1.hcd
 9 01-01 00:21:02.300 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): bt vendor lib: set UART baud 3000000
10 01-01 00:21:02.590 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): bt vendor lib: set UART baud 115200
11 01-01 00:21:02.590 D/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Settlement delay -- 100 ms
12 01-01 00:21:02.690 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): bt vendor lib: set UART baud 3000000
13 01-01 00:21:02.690 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Setting local bd addr to 22:22:C7:74:9F:05
14 01-01 00:21:02.720 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): vendor lib fwcfg completed



下面为minicom 里开启蓝牙的logcat 的log

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理
   1 [  619.545795] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
   2 [  629.551341] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
   3 [  639.556687] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
   5 shell@byt_t_crv2:/ $ 
   6 shell@byt_t_crv2:/ $ 
   7 shell@byt_t_crv2:/ $ 
   8 shell@byt_t_crv2:/ $ 
   9 shell@byt_t_crv2:/ $ 
  10 shell@byt_t_crv2:/ $ 
  11 shell@byt_t_crv2:/ $ 
  12 shell@byt_t_crv2:/ $ logc[  649.561872] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
  13 at -vtime
  14 --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
  15 01-01 00:20:19.810 I/CRASHLOG(  165): [IPTRAK] check_iptrak_file: Initial value of need_update 0.
  16 01-01 00:20:19.810 I/CRASHLOG(  165): [IPTRAK] check_iptrak_file: Force update value 0.
  17 01-01 00:20:19.810 I/CRASHLOG(  165): [IPTRAK] check_iptrak_file: need_update value 0.
  18 [  654.053041] kionix_accel 3-000e: kionix_accel_enable: waiting for resume
  19 [  654.054183] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 653345302368 (2001-01-01 00:20:52.374454198 UTC)
  20 01-01 00:20:52.370 I/WindowManager(  621): Screen turning on...
  21 --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
  22 01-01 00:20:52.370 I/PowerManagerServic[  654.085087] i915 0000:00:02.0: setting latency timer to 64
  23 e(  621): Waking up from sleep...
  24 01-01 00:20:52.380 I/InputDis[  654.097219] [drm:clock_off_bend_spread] *ERROR* INFO: PUNIT clocks already OFF
  25 patcher(  621): [  654.106967] [drm:clock_off_bend_spread] *ERROR* INFO: PUNIT clocks already OFF
  26 Dropped event because input dispatch is disabled[  654.119349] [drm:intel_modeset_pipe_config] *ERROR* plane bpp: 18, pipe bpp: 18, dithering: 0
  27 .
  28 01-01 00:20:52.380 E/Sensors (  621): writeToFile: line: 209: Cannot open the driver interface for activate: /sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-000e/enable
  29 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  621): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$18@225247d8)
  30 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON flg=0x50000010 } ordered=true userid=-1
  31 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON replacePending=false
  32 01-01 00:20:52.380 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON flg=0x50000010 } on foreground queue
  33 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}: prev had 0
  34 01-01 00:20:52.380 I/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing broadcast android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON seq=-1
  35 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [foreground]: current=false
  36 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
  37 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  38 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing ordered broadcast [foreground] BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  39 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Submitting BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG [foreground] for BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON} at 663366
  40 01-01 00:20:52.380 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{223b23c0 u0 ReceiverList{22376b68 621 system/1000/u0 local:21f9aab8}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  41 01-01 00:20:52.380 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{223b23c0 u0 ReceiverList{22376b68 621 system/1000/u0 local:21f9aab8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  42 01-01 00:20:52.410 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@21f9aab8
  43 01-01 00:20:52.410 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  44 01-01 00:20:52.410 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{222cdf18 u0 ReceiverList{22250af8 621 system/1000/u0 local:22064c68}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  45 01-01 00:20:52.410 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{222cdf18 u0 ReceiverList{22250af8 621 system/1000/u0 local:22064c68}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  46 01-01 00:20:52.410 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
  47 01-01 00:20:52.410 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
  48 01-01 00:20:52.410 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@22064c68
  49 01-01 00:20:52.410 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  50 01-01 00:20:52.410 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{222c5838 u0 ReceiverList{2224b440 621 system/1000/u0 local:2203e808}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  51 01-01 00:20:52.410 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{222c5838 u0 ReceiverList{2224b440 621 system/1000/u0 local:2203e808}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  52 01-01 00:20:52.410 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
  53 01-01 00:20:52.410 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
  54 01-01 00:20:52.410 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@2203e808
  55 01-01 00:20:52.410 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  56 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/AudioHardwareALSA(  158): setParameters
  57 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/RouteManager(  158): doSetParameters: key value pair screen_state=on, {+++ RECONSIDER ROUTING +++} due to External parameter change
  58 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/RouteManager(  158): reconsiderRouting
  59 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): in
  60 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): out
  61 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:       Platform Changes:
  62 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Screen State = On [has changed]
  63 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
  64 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/RouteManager(  158): reconsiderRouting: DONE
  65 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() POLLIN event on Fd (1)
  66 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
  67 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{222bc8b0 u0 ReceiverList{22246620 621 system/1000/u0 local:224d3230}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  68 01-01 00:20:52.420 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{222bc8b0 u0 ReceiverList{22246620 621 system/1000/u0 local:224d3230}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  69 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
  70 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
  71 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@224d3230
  72 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  73 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{22298f10 u0 ReceiverList{221e9848 621 system/1000/u0 local:2236f1b8}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  74 01-01 00:20:52.420 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22298f10 u0 ReceiverList{221e9848 621 system/1000/u0 local:2236f1b8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  75 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
  76 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
  77 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@2236f1b8
  78 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  79 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{2225d228 u0 ReceiverList{221de790 621 system/1000/u0 local:22200ba0}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  80 01-01 00:20:52.420 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2225d228 u0 ReceiverList{221de790 621 system/1000/u0 local:22200ba0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  81 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
  82 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
  83 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@22200ba0
  84 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  85 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{221fc378 u0 ReceiverList{220fb6f8 621 system/1000/u0 local:22240368}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  86 01-01 00:20:52.420 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{221fc378 u0 ReceiverList{220fb6f8 621 system/1000/u0 local:22240368}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  87 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
  88 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
  89 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@22240368
  90 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  91 01-01 00:20:52.420 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{2219dd90 u-1 ReceiverList{22015a60 621 system/1000/u-1 local:22508ef0}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  92 01-01 00:20:52.420 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2219dd90 u-1 ReceiverList{22015a60 621 system/1000/u-1 local:22508ef0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  93 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
  94 01-01 00:20:52.420 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
  95 01-01 00:20:52.430 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@22508ef0
  96 01-01 00:20:52.430 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
  97 01-01 00:20:52.430 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{222af680 u0 ReceiverList{22506f08 814 remote:22571b78}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  98 01-01 00:20:52.430 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{222af680 u0 ReceiverList{22506f08 814 remote:22571b78}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
  99 01-01 00:20:52.430 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 100 01-01 00:20:52.430 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 101 01-01 00:20:52.450 D/InputMethodManagerService(  621): --- calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10011 system uid = 1000 calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
 102 01-01 00:20:52.450 D/InputMethodManagerService(  621): --- calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10011 system uid = 1000 calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
 103 01-01 00:20:52.450 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@22571b78
 104 01-01 00:20:52.450 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 105 01-01 00:20:52.450 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{221b3108 u0 ReceiverList{22291410 814 remote:22291d30}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 106 01-01 00:20:52.450 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{221b3108 u0 ReceiverList{22291410 814 remote:22291d30}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 107 01-01 00:20:52.450 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 108 01-01 00:20:52.450 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 109 01-01 00:20:52.480 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  621): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
 110 01-01 00:20:52.480 I/WindowManager(  621): Lock screen displayed!
 111 01-01 00:20:52.490 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@22291d30
 112 01-01 00:20:52.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 113 01-01 00:20:52.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{221529d8 u0 ReceiverList{21f8a0a8 621 system/1000/u0 local:21f8b640}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 114 01-01 00:20:52.490 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{221529d8 u0 ReceiverList{21f8a0a8 621 system/1000/u0 local:21f8b640}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 115 01-01 00:20:52.490 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@21f8b640
 116 01-01 00:20:52.490 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 117 01-01 00:20:52.490 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 118 01-01 00:20:52.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 119 01-01 00:20:52.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{22166488 u0 ReceiverList{21eab360 814 remote:2228fb10}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 120 01-01 00:20:52.490 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22166488 u0 ReceiverList{21eab360 814 remote:2228fb10}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 121 01-01 00:20:52.490 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 122 01-01 00:20:52.490 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 123 01-01 00:20:52.500 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2228fb10
 124 01-01 00:20:52.500 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 125 01-01 00:20:52.500 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{2210a818 u0 ReceiverList{21eca760 1094 remote:225316e0}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 126 01-01 00:20:52.500 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2210a818 u0 ReceiverList{21eca760 1094 remote:225316e0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 127 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 128 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 129 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/WAKELOCK_ACQUIRE(  621): TIMESTAMP=653490570578, TAG=RILJ, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=1094, UID=1001, FLAGS=
 130 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@225316e0
 131 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 132 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{221bc0f0 u0 ReceiverList{225c8bc0 1094 remote:22541ab0}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 133 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{221bc0f0 u0 ReceiverList{225c8bc0 1094 remote:22541ab0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 134 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 135 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 136 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@22541ab0
 137 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 138 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{22156978 u0 ReceiverList{22570438 1094 remote:2241f940}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 139 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/WAKELOCK_ACQUIRE(  621): TIMESTAMP=653492153566, TAG=RILJ, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=1094, UID=1001, FLAGS=
 140 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22156978 u0 ReceiverList{22570438 1094 remote:2241f940}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 141 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 142 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 143 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2241f940
 144 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 145 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{22156cd0 u0 ReceiverList{22516998 1328 remote:2243ee90}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 146 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1328 adj 0: service
 147 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22156cd0 u0 ReceiverList{22516998 1328 remote:2243ee90}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 148 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 149 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/WAKELOCK_ACQUIRE(  621): TIMESTAMP=653494176493, TAG=GeofencerStateMachine, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=1328, UID=10008, FLAGS=
 150 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 151 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2243ee90
 152 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 153 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE(  621): TIMESTAMP=653494874241, TAG=GeofencerStateMachine, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=1328, UID=10008, FLAGS=
 154 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{22284670 u0 ReceiverList{2229c680 1158 remote:22616210}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 155 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1158 adj 0: broadcast
 156 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Setting process group of to -1
 157 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22284670 u0 ReceiverList{2229c680 1158 remote:22616210}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 158 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1328 adj 1: service
 159 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 160 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 161 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@22616210
 162 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 163 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{22241808 u0 ReceiverList{225fcc38 2322 remote:22572a58}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 164 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 2322 adj 0: broadcast
 165 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Setting process group of to -1
 166 01-01 00:20:52.510 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22241808 u0 ReceiverList{225fcc38 2322 remote:22572a58}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 167 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1158 adj 8: started-services
 168 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Setting process group of to 0
 169 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 170 01-01 00:20:52.510 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 171 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@22572a58
 172 01-01 00:20:52.510 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 173 01-01 00:20:52.520 D/YouTube MDX( 2403): Recieved intent android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
 174 01-01 00:20:52.520 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{21edf1d0 u0 ReceiverList{224c77b8 2403 remote:224f4750}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 175 01-01 00:20:52.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 2403 adj 0: broadcast
 176 01-01 00:20:52.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Setting process group of to -1
 177 01-01 00:20:52.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Proc state change of to 8
 178 01-01 00:20:52.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 2322 adj 5: started-services
 179 01-01 00:20:52.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Setting process group of to 0
 180 01-01 00:20:52.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1454 adj 8: started-services
 181 01-01 00:20:52.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 2631 adj 13: cch-empty
 182 01-01 00:20:52.520 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 183 01-01 00:20:52.520 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 7ms
 184 01-01 00:20:52.520 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{21edf1d0 u0 ReceiverList{224c77b8 2403 remote:224f4750}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 185 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1454 adj 5: started-services
 186 01-01 00:20:52.530 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 187 01-01 00:20:52.530 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 188 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@224f4750
 189 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 190 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{22092bb8 u0 ReceiverList{22574748 1328 remote:225854e8}}: BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 191 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1328 adj 0: service
 192 01-01 00:20:52.530 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22092bb8 u0 ReceiverList{22574748 1328 remote:225854e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 193 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 2403 adj 13: cch-empty
 194 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Setting process group of to 0
 195 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Proc state change of to 13
 196 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 2631 adj 15: cch-empty
 197 01-01 00:20:52.530 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 198 01-01 00:20:52.530 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 199 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@225854e8
 200 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 201 01-01 00:20:52.530 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Finishing broadcast [foreground] android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON seq=-1 app=ProcessRecord{221fd330 621:system/1000}
 202 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Cancelling BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG
 203 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Finished with ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{222e2420 u-1 android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON}
 204 01-01 00:20:52.530 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1328 adj 1: service
 205 01-01 00:20:52.530 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 206 01-01 00:20:52.530 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 207 01-01 00:20:52.530 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 208 01-01 00:20:52.530 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 209 01-01 00:20:52.540 D/        (  814): Surface destroy: ANDROID_NATIVE_WINDOW_MAGIC
 210 01-01 00:20:52.540 D/        (  814): Pixel Format : GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888
 211 01-01 00:20:52.560 D/PhoneStatusBar(  814): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* RECENT clock* search >
 212 01-01 00:20:52.590 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=-2
 213 01-01 00:20:52.590 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: replacePending=false
 214 01-01 00:20:52.670 V/PanelView(  814): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=153.07573 v=1242.42)
 215 01-01 00:20:52.910 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() POLLIN event on Fd (1)
 216 01-01 00:20:52.910 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
 217 01-01 00:20:52.930 D/PowerManagerService-JNI(  621): Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 572ms
 218 01-01 00:20:52.930 D/SurfaceFlinger(  148): Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0xb77edde0
 219 01-01 00:20:52.930 W/ivpg-hwc(  148): BufferQueue 0xb7928a34/HWC.D3/OV0 : Drop sync for initial frame (idx:0)
 220 01-01 00:20:52.930 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() POLLIN event on Fd (1)
 221 01-01 00:20:52.930 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
 222 01-01 00:20:53.010 I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE(  621): TIMESTAMP=653992355539, TAG=RILJ, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=1094, UID=1001, FLAGS=
 223 01-01 00:20:55.340 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM: getOutput
 224 01-01 00:20:55.340 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM: getOutput
 225 01-01 00:20:55.340 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM:[  657.052140] snd_intel_sst: runtime_resume called
 226  getOutput
 227 01-01 00:20:55.340 W/AudioTrack(  621): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
 228 01-01 00:20:55.340 D/AudioPolicyManagerALSA(  158): startOutput() output 2, stream type 1, session 25
 229 01-01 00:20:55.340 V/PanelView(  814): animationTick called with dtms=0; nothing to do (h=1215.0 v=-2700.0)[  657.085623] snd_intel_sst: FW Version 02.08.0a.05
 231 01-01 00:20:55.[  657.092552] snd_intel_sst: Build date Feb 18 2014 Time 10:11:36
 232 340 D/AudioHardw[  657.101842] snd_intel_sst: runtime_idle called
 233 areALSA(  158): setStreamParameters: key value pair routing=4;stream_flags=2
 234 01-01 00:20:55.340 D/RouteManager(  158): setOutputFlags: output flags = 0x2 (Prev Flags=0x2)
 235 01-01 00:20:55.340 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: 0x4
 236 01-01 00:20:55.340 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: 0x4
 237 01-01 00:20:55.340 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: set device = Headset to output stream
 238 01-01 00:20:55.340 D/RouteManager(  158): setStreamParameters: identical Platform State, do not reconsider routing
 239 01-01 00:20:55.340 I/WAKELOCK_ACQUIRE(  621): TIMESTAMP=656328654325, TAG=AudioMix, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=158, UID=1013, FLAGS=
 240 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/AudioResamplerIA(  158): Create AudioResamplerIA Resampler: Input rate 44100, output rate 48000
 241 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/PROPERTY(  158): get media.dump_output.befconv: 0
 242 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/PROPERTY(  158): get media.dump_output.aftconv: 0
 243 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): startStream: {+++ RECONSIDER ROUTING +++} due to output stream start event
 244 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): reconsiderRouting
 245 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): in
 246 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): out
 247 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:       Platform State:
 248 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Modem Alive = 0 
 249 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Modem Call Active = 0 
 250 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Is Shared I2S glitch free=1 
 251 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Android Telephony Mode = Normal 
 252 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -RTE MGR HW Mode = Normal 
 253 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -BT Enabled = 0 
 254 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -BT NREC = 0 
 255 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -BT Band = NB 
 256 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform output device = Headset 
 257 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform input device = <none> 
 258 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform input source = None 
 259 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Band type = NB 
 260 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Has Direct Stream = no 
 261 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform TTY direction = <none> 
 262 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform HAC Mode = Off 
 263 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Screen State = On 
 264 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Context Awareness = false 
 265 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Always Listening = false 
 266 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform FM State = Off 
 267 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Bypass Non Linear PP State = Off 
 268 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Bypass Linear PP State = Off 
 269 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform MicMute = Off 
 270 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:      Route state:
 271 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Previously Enabled Route in Input = <none>
 272 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Previously Enabled Route in Output = <none>
 273 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Selected Route in Input = <none>
 274 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Selected Route in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
 275 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Route that need reconfiguration in Input = <none>
 276 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Route that need reconfiguration in Output = <none>
 277 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): executeMuteStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Mute ---------------
 278 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Flow
 279 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
 280 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
 281 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
 282 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
 283 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): executeDisableStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Disable ---------------
 284 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Path
 285 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
 286 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
 287 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
 288 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
 289 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): executeConfigureStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Configure ---------------
 290 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Configure
 291 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: OpenedPlaybackRoutes, current state: Media|HwCodecMedia
 292 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
 293 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
 294 01-01 00:20:55.360 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:         Applying configuration "Activated" from domain "Routing.Configure.LPE_Mixer.HS"
 295 01-01 00:20:55.370 D/PhoneStatusBar(  814): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT CLOCK* search >
 296 01-01 00:20:55.370 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=-2
 297 01-01 00:20:55.370 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: replacePending=false
 298 01-01 00:20:55.390 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=-2
 299 01-01 00:20:55.390 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: replacePending=false
 300 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
 301 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
 302 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): executeEnableStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Enable ---------------
 303 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Path|Configure
 304 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): doEnableRoutes: Routes to be enabled(routed) in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
 305 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
 306 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
 307 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
 308 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
 309 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager(  158): doEnableRoutes: Routes to be enabled(routed) in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
 310 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager/StreamRoute(  158): openPcmDevice called for card (baytrailaudio,0)
 311 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager/StreamRoute(  158): openPcmDevice         config=rate(48000), format(0), channels(2))
 312 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager/StreamRoute(  158): openPcmDevice         period_size=1152, period_count=4
 313 01-01 00:20:55.410 D/RouteManager/StreamRoute(  158): openPcmDevice         startTh=4607, stop Th=4608 silence Th=0
 314 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/ALSAStreamOps(  158): attachRouteL output stream
 315 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/AudioConversion(  158): configure: no convertion required
 316 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/RouteManager(  158): executeUnmuteStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Unmute ---------------
 317 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Flow|Path|Configure
 318 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
 319 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
 320 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
 321 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
 322 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
 323 01-01 00:20:55.430 D/RouteManager(  158): reconsiderRouting: DONE
 324 01-01 00:20:55.820 D/        (  814): Surface destroy: ANDROID_NATIVE_WINDOW_MAGIC
 325 01-01 00:20:55.830 D/        (  814): Pixel Format : GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888
 326 01-01 00:20:57.420 D/dalvikvm(  621): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1874K, 26% free 16116K/21756K, paused 32ms, total 32ms
 327 01-01 00:20:57.430 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM: getOutput
 328 01-01 00:20:57.430 I/WAKELOCK_ACQUIRE(  621): TIMESTAMP=658419621201, TAG=AudioMix, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=158, UID=1013, FLAGS=
 329 01-01 00:20:57.440 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM: getOutput
 330 01-01 00:20:57.440 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM: getOutput
 331 01-01 00:20:57.440 W/AudioTrack(  814): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
 332 01-01 00:20:57.440 D/AudioPolicyManagerALSA(  158): startOutput() output 2, stream type 1, session 26
 333 01-01 00:20:57.440 D/AudioHardwareALSA(  158): setStreamParameters: key value pair routing=4;stream_flags=2
 334 01-01 00:20:57.440 D/RouteManager(  158): setOutputFlags: output flags = 0x2 (Prev Flags=0x2)
 335 01-01 00:20:57.440 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: 0x4
 336 01-01 00:20:57.440 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: 0x4
 337 01-01 00:20:57.440 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: set device = Headset to output stream
 338 01-01 00:20:57.440 D/RouteManager(  158): setStreamParameters: identical Platform State, do not reconsider routing
 339 01-01 00:20:57.460 D/AudioResamplerIA(  158): Create AudioResamplerIA Resampler: Input rate 44100, output rate 48000
 340 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/dalvikvm(  621): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 147K, 26% free 16131K/21756K, paused 29ms, total 29ms
 341 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): : shown=false mLockScreenShown=true mWentToSleep=false mSleeping=true mDismissKeyguardOnNextActivity=false
 342 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): : mLockScreenShown=false mWentToSleep=false mSleeping=false mDismissKeyguardOnNextActivity=false
 343 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Resuming ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 344 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Prepare open transition: no previous
 345 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Resume running: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 346 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Moving to RESUMED: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} (in existing)
 347 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top activity: ProcessRecord{2213c448}
 348 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 349 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 350 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 351 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Configuration unchanged in ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 352 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} configChanges=0x0
 353 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make visible? ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} finishing=false state=RESUMED
 354 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Skipping: already visible at ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 355 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Fullscreen: at ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 356 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} configChanges=0x0
 357 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} finishing=false state=STOPPED behindFullscreen=true
 358 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3}
 359 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 360 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2}
 361 01-01 00:20:57.4[  659.566848] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
 362 70 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 363 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2}
 364 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 365 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2}
 366 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 367 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2}
 368 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 369 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2}
 370 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): resumeTopActivityLocked: Resumed ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 371 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): : mLockScreenShown=false mWentToSleep=false mSleeping=false mDismissKeyguardOnNextActivity=false
 372 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): scheduleIdleTimeoutLocked: 
 373 01-01 00:20:57.470 D/ActivityManager(  621): updateUsageStats: comp=ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}res=true
 374 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} configChanges=0x0
 375 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make visible? ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} finishing=false state=RESUMED
 376 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 377 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Configuration unchanged in ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 378 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Skipping: already visible at ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 379 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Fullscreen: at ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 380 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} configChanges=0x0
 381 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} finishing=false state=STOPPED behindFullscreen=true
 382 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3}
 383 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 384 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2}
 385 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 386 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2}
 387 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 388 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2}
 389 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 390 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2}
 391 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 392 01-01 00:20:57.470 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2}
 393 01-01 00:20:57.480 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 394 01-01 00:20:57.480 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 10
 395 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@225149e0: Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
 396 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
 397 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
 398 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { flg=0x24000010 (has extras) } on background queue
 399 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
 400 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=true
 401 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
 402 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=true
 403 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 } ordered=false userid=0
 404 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT replacePending=true
 405 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24000010 } on background queue
 406 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 407 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=true
 408 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 4 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
 409 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{224e20a0 u-1}
 410 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{223f6a80 u0 ReceiverList{2260fae0 3004 remote:22392888}}: BroadcastRecord{224e20a0 u-1}
 411 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{223f6a80 u0 ReceiverList{2260fae0 3004 remote:22392888}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{224e20a0 u-1}
 412 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{224e20a0 u-1}
 413 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{224e1c98 u-1}
 414 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{223f6a80 u0 ReceiverList{2260fae0 3004 remote:22392888}}: BroadcastRecord{224e1c98 u-1}
 415 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{223f6a80 u0 ReceiverList{2260fae0 3004 remote:22392888}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{224e1c98 u-1}
 416 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{224e1c98 u-1}
 417 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22405f90 u-1}
 418 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{223f6a80 u0 ReceiverList{2260fae0 3004 remote:22392888}}: BroadcastRecord{22405f90 u-1}
 419 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{223f6a80 u0 ReceiverList{2260fae0 3004 remote:22392888}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22405f90 u-1}
 420 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22405f90 u-1}
 421 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 422 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22370088 u-1 ReceiverList{222cbe08 621 system/1000/u-1 local:21f2ec60}}: BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 423 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22370088 u-1 ReceiverList{222cbe08 621 system/1000/u-1 local:21f2ec60}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 424 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{222bc8b0 u0 ReceiverList{22246620 621 system/1000/u0 local:224d3230}}: BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 425 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{222bc8b0 u0 ReceiverList{22246620 621 system/1000/u0 local:224d3230}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 426 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{2225d228 u0 ReceiverList{221de790 621 system/1000/u0 local:22200ba0}}: BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 427 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2225d228 u0 ReceiverList{221de790 621 system/1000/u0 local:22200ba0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 428 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22284670 u0 ReceiverList{2229c680 1158 remote:22616210}}: BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 429 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22284670 u0 ReceiverList{2229c680 1158 remote:22616210}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 430 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{2213f140 u0 ReceiverList{223d24f0 2403 remote:22420ac0}}: BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 431 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2213f140 u0 ReceiverList{223d24f0 2403 remote:22420ac0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 432 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22020360 u0 ReceiverList{2237cd20 1168 remote:2241ca50}}: BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 433 01-01 00:20:57.480 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22020360 u0 ReceiverList{2237cd20 1168 remote:2241ca50}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 434 01-01 00:20:57.480 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22024d30 u0 ReceiverList{2243b470 2559 remote:22564d58}}: BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 435 01-01 00:20:57.490 D/YouTube ( 2403): Received: android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT
 436 01-01 00:20:57.490 D/        (  814): Surface destroy: ANDROID_NATIVE_WINDOW_MAGIC
 437 01-01 00:20:57.490 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22024d30 u0 ReceiverList{2243b470 2559 remote:22564d58}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 438 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{221bb780 u0 ReceiverList{22574c08 814 remote:225ca430}}: BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 439 01-01 00:20:57.490 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{221bb780 u0 ReceiverList{22574c08 814 remote:225ca430}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 440 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{223f4d88 u0 android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT}
 441 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@225ec410: null
 442 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@224ffe28: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }
 443 01-01 00:20:57.490 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } on background queue
 444 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
 445 01-01 00:20:57.490 I/ActivityManager(  621): Resumed activity; dropping state of: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 446 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
 447 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
 448 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{223e4da0 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 449 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{222c5578 u0 ReceiverList{2221faf8 3004 remote:2228c0d0}}: BroadcastRecord{223e4da0 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 450 01-01 00:20:57.490 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{222c5578 u0 ReceiverList{2221faf8 3004 remote:2228c0d0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{223e4da0 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 451 01-01 00:20:57.490 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{223e4da0 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 452 01-01 00:20:57.500 I/InputDispatcher(  621): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (708, 927).
 453 01-01 00:20:57.510 I/InputDispatcher(  621): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (705, 926).
 454 01-01 00:20:57.520 D/CRASHLOG(  165): receive_inotify_events: Cant handle the event "drop134.tmp", no valid entry found, drop it...
 455 01-01 00:20:57.520 D/CRASHLOG(  165): receive_inotify_events: Cant handle the event "drop134.tmp", no valid entry found, drop it...
 456 01-01 00:20:57.520 D/CRASHLOG(  165): receive_inotify_events: Cant handle the event "system_app_strictmode@978308457530.txt.gz", no valid entry found, drop it...
 457 01-01 00:20:57.520 I/InputDispatcher(  621): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (702, 925).
 458 01-01 00:20:57.520 D/PhoneStatusBar(  814): disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent* clock* search >
 459 01-01 00:20:57.520 W/ResourceType( 3004): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
 460 01-01 00:20:57.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
 461 01-01 00:20:57.520 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED replacePending=false
 462 01-01 00:20:57.530 W/ResourceType( 3004): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
 463 01-01 00:20:57.530 W/ResourceType( 3004): Failure getting entry for 0x7f020000 (t=1 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
 464 01-01 00:20:57.570 D/InputMethodManagerService(  621): --- calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 1000 system uid = 1000 calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
 465 01-01 00:20:57.570 V/InputMethodManagerService(  621): windowGainedFocus: android.os.BinderProxy@224f7ad0 controlFlags=#101 softInputMode=#110 windowFlags=#1810100
 466 01-01 00:20:57.570 W/InputMethodManagerService(  621): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@2230a3d8 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@221a7d90, token = android.os.BinderProxy@22264918
 467 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Activity idle: Token{21fb6568 ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}}
 468 01-01 00:20:57.580 D/ActivityManager(  621): activityIdleInternalLocked: android.os.Binder.execTransact:404 
 469 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} configChanges=0x0
 470 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make visible? ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} finishing=false state=RESUMED
 471 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 472 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Configuration unchanged in ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 473 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Skipping: already visible at ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 474 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Fullscreen: at ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 475 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} configChanges=0x0
 476 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} finishing=false state=STOPPED behindFullscreen=true
 477 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3}
 478 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 479 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2}
 480 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 481 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2}
 482 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 483 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2}
 484 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 485 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2}
 486 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 487 01-01 00:20:57.580 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2}
 488 01-01 00:20:57.580 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 489 01-01 00:20:57.580 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 490 01-01 00:20:57.960 V/ActivityManager(  621): Unregister receiver: android.content.IIntentReceiver$Stub$Proxy@223fb808
 491 01-01 00:20:57.960 V/ActivityManager(  621): Unregister receiver: android.content.IIntentReceiver$Stub$Proxy@225b07c0
 492 01-01 00:20:57.960 V/ActivityManager(  621): Unregister receiver: android.content.IIntentReceiver$Stub$Proxy@22607868
 493 01-01 00:20:59.900 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM: getOutput
 494 01-01 00:20:59.900 V/ActivityManager(  621): Starting activity when config will change = false
 495 01-01 00:20:59.900 I/ActivityManager(  621): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN (has extras)} from pid 3004
 496 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM: getOutput
 497 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/AudioPolicyManagerBase(  158): APM: getOutput
 498 01-01 00:20:59.910 W/AudioTrack(  621): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client
 499 01-01 00:20:59.910 D/AudioPolicyManagerALSA(  158): startOutput() output 2, stream type 1, session 27
 500 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): Will send result to Token{21fb6568 ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}} ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 501 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): startActivity() => mUserLeaving=true
 502 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): Starting new activity ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} in existing task TaskRecord{2207cee8 #4 U=0 sz=1} from source ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 503 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN (has extras) }; flags=0x0
 504 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621): Adding activity ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} to stack to task TaskRecord{2207cee8 #4 U=0 sz=1}
 505 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621): java.lang.RuntimeException: here
 506 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at
 507 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at
 508 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at
 509 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at
 510 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at
 511 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at
 512 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at
 513 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at
 514 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
 515 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/ActivityManager(  621):     at Method)
 516 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): Prepare open transition: starting ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 517 01-01 00:20:59.910 D/ActivityManager(  621): : mLockScreenShown=false mWentToSleep=false mSleeping=false mDismissKeyguardOnNextActivity=false
 518 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): Resuming ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 519 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): Moving to PAUSING: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 520 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing pending pause: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 521 01-01 00:20:59.910 D/ActivityManager(  621): updateUsageStats: comp=ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}res=false
 522 01-01 00:20:59.910 I/WAKELOCK_ACQUIRE(  621): TIMESTAMP=660893063839, TAG=ActivityManager-Launch, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=621, UID=1000, FLAGS=
 523 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): Waiting for pause to complete...
 524 01-01 00:20:59.910 D/ActivityManager(  621): resumeTopActivityLocked: Pausing null
 525 01-01 00:20:59.910 V/ActivityManager(  621): resumeTopActivityLocked: Skip resume: need to start pausing
 526 01-01 00:20:59.910 D/ActivityManager(  621): setFocusedStack: Setting focused stack to r=ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} task=TaskRecord{2207cee8 #4 U=0 sz=2} 
 527 01-01 00:20:59.910 D/ActivityManager(  621): allPausedActivitiesComplete: r=ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} state=PAUSING
 528 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/AudioHardwareALSA(  158): setStreamParameters: key value pair routing=4;stream_flags=2
 529 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/RouteManager(  158): setOutputFlags: output flags = 0x2 (Prev Flags=0x2)
 530 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: 0x4
 531 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: 0x4
 532 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/RouteManager(  158): setDevices: set device = Headset to output stream
 533 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/RouteManager(  158): setStreamParameters: identical Platform State, do not reconsider routing
 534 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Unregister receiver: android.content.IIntentReceiver$Stub$Proxy@225c8298
 535 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Unregister receiver: android.content.IIntentReceiver$Stub$Proxy@225ebbe0
 536 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Unregister receiver: android.content.IIntentReceiver$Stub$Proxy@225b07b0
 537 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Activity paused: token=Token{21fb6568 ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}}, timeout=false
 538 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Moving to PAUSED: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} (pause complete)
 539 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Complete pause: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 540 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing pending stop: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 541 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): To many pending stops, forcing idle
 542 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/ActivityManager(  621): : mLockScreenShown=false mWentToSleep=false mSleeping=false mDismissKeyguardOnNextActivity=false
 543 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Resuming ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 544 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Resuming top, waiting visible to hide: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 545 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Prepare open transition: prev=ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 546 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/ActivityManager(  621): resumeTopActivityLocked: Restarting ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 547 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 548 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Configuration unchanged in ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 549 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/ActivityManager(  621): handleMessage: IDLE_NOW_MSG: r=null
 550 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} configChanges=0x0
 551 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make visible? ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} finishing=false state=INITIALIZING
 552 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Start and freeze screen for ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 553 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Fullscreen: at ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 554 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} finishing=false state=PAUSED behindFullscreen=true
 555 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Making invisible: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 556 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} configChanges=0x0
 557 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} finishing=false state=STOPPED behindFullscreen=true
 558 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3}
 559 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 560 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2}
 561 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 562 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2}
 563 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 564 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2}
 565 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 566 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2}
 567 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 568 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2}
 569 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Launching: ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 570 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top activity: ProcessRecord{2213c448}
 571 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 572 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 573 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Launching: ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} icicle=null with results=null newIntents=null andResume=true
 574 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Moving to RESUMED: ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} (starting new instance)
 575 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/ActivityManager(  621): scheduleIdleTimeoutLocked: 
 576 01-01 00:20:59.920 D/ActivityManager(  621): updateUsageStats: comp=ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}res=true
 577 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} configChanges=0x0
 578 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make visible? ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} finishing=false state=RESUMED
 579 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 580 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Configuration unchanged in ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 581 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Skipping: already visible at ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 582 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Fullscreen: at ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 583 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} finishing=false state=PAUSED behindFullscreen=true
 584 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 585 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} configChanges=0x0
 586 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} finishing=false state=STOPPED behindFullscreen=true
 587 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3}
 588 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 589 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2}
 590 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 591 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2}
 592 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 593 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2}
 594 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 595 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2}
 596 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 597 01-01 00:20:59.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2}
 598 01-01 00:20:59.930 D/AudioResamplerIA(  158): Create AudioResamplerIA Resampler: Input rate 44100, output rate 48000
 599 01-01 00:20:59.930 I/ActivityManager(  621): Launch completed; removing icicle of null
 600 01-01 00:20:59.930 V/ActivityManager(  621): Activity idle: null
 601 01-01 00:20:59.930 V/ActivityManager(  621): Stopping ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}: nowVisible=false waitingVisible=true finishing=false
 602 01-01 00:20:59.930 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 603 01-01 00:20:59.930 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 604 01-01 00:20:59.930 D/ActivityManager(  621): handleMessage: IDLE_NOW_MSG: r=null
 605 01-01 00:20:59.930 V/ActivityManager(  621): Activity idle: null
 606 01-01 00:20:59.930 V/ActivityManager(  621): Stopping ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}: nowVisible=false waitingVisible=true finishing=false
 607 01-01 00:20:59.930 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 608 01-01 00:20:59.930 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 609 01-01 00:20:59.950 D/SubSettings( 3004): Launching fragment
 610 01-01 00:20:59.960 I/InputDispatcher(  621): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (186, 250).
 611 01-01 00:20:59.960 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@2238f420: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }
 612 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 613 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 10
 614 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/LocalBluetoothManager( 3004): setting foreground activity to non-null context
 615 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 616 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 10
 617 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 618 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 10
 619 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 620 01-01 00:20:59.970 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 10
 621 01-01 00:20:59.970 I/InputDispatcher(  621): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (186, 251).
 622 01-01 00:20:59.970 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } on background queue
 623 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
 624 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
 625 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
 626 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{2218c208 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 627 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22134800 u0 ReceiverList{225f52d0 3004 remote:224f8130}}: BroadcastRecord{2218c208 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 628 01-01 00:20:59.970 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22134800 u0 ReceiverList{225f52d0 3004 remote:224f8130}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{2218c208 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 629 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{2218c208 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 630 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@22514710: null
 631 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@22567118: null
 632 01-01 00:20:59.970 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@22459e68: null
 633 01-01 00:20:59.970 I/ActivityManager(  621): Resumed activity; dropping state of: ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 c[  663.932700] DW HSU: Cant find LPIO1 DMA controller by PCI, try ACPI
 634 t4}
 635 01-01 00:20:59.990 I/InputDispatcher(  621): Dropping event because there is no touchable window at (185, 250).
 636 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) } ordered=true userid=-1
 637 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK replacePending=false
 638 01-01 00:20:59.990 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.TIME_TICK flg=0x50000014 (has extras) } on foreground queue
 639 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}: prev had 0
 640 01-01 00:20:59.990 I/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK seq=-1
 641 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [foreground]: current=false
 642 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
 643 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 644 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing ordered broadcast [foreground] BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 645 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Submitting BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG [foreground] for BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK} at 670972
 646 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{224d0be0 u0 ReceiverList{223a63b0 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fcacc0}}: BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 647 01-01 00:20:59.990 I/WAKELOCK_ACQUIRE(  621): TIMESTAMP=660972114272, TAG=AlarmManager, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=621, UID=1000, FLAGS=
 648 01-01 00:20:59.990 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{224d0be0 u0 ReceiverList{223a63b0 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fcacc0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 649 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver:$ReceiverDispatcher$InnerReceiver@21fcacc0
 650 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 651 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{222ae660 u0 ReceiverList{21e70380 814 remote:22236f00}}: BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 652 01-01 00:20:59.990 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{222ae660 u0 ReceiverList{21e70380 814 remote:22236f00}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 653 01-01 00:20:59.990 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 654 01-01 00:20:59.990 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 655 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@22236f00
 656 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 657 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{220f9b28 u0 ReceiverList{225934d8 814 remote:223a6a30}}: BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 658 01-01 00:20:59.990 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{220f9b28 u0 ReceiverList{225934d8 814 remote:223a6a30}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 659 01-01 00:20:59.990 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 660 01-01 00:20:59.990 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 661 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@223a6a30
 662 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 663 01-01 00:20:59.990 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{220ef458 u0 ReceiverList{22556338 814 remote:225833e8}}: BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 664 01-01 00:20:59.990 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{220ef458 u0 ReceiverList{22556338 814 remote:225833e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 665 01-01 00:20:59.990 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 666 01-01 00:20:59.990 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 667 01-01 00:21:00.010 D/        ( 3004): Pixel Format : GGL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888
 668 01-01 00:21:00.010 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 669 01-01 00:21:00.010 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 10
 670 01-01 00:21:00.010 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 671 01-01 00:21:00.010 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 10
 672 01-01 00:21:00.010 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@225833e8
 673 01-01 00:21:00.010 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 674 01-01 00:21:00.010 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering ordered [foreground] to registered BroadcastFilter{220ec9a8 u0 ReceiverList{22593458 814 remote:223a68f0}}: BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 675 01-01 00:21:00.010 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{220ec9a8 u0 ReceiverList{22593458 814 remote:223a68f0}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 676 01-01 00:21:00.010 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 677 01-01 00:21:00.010 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 678 01-01 00:21:00.020 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@223a68f0
 679 01-01 00:21:00.020 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [foreground]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 680 01-01 00:21:00.020 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Finishing broadcast [foreground] android.intent.action.TIME_TICK seq=-1 app=null
 681 01-01 00:21:00.020 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Cancelling BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG
 682 01-01 00:21:00.020 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Finished with ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{22162608 u-1 android.intent.action.TIME_TICK}
 683 01-01 00:21:00.020 I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE(  621): TIMESTAMP=661004655476, TAG=AlarmManager, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=621, UID=1000, FLAGS=
 684 01-01 00:21:00.020 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 685 01-01 00:21:00.020 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 686 01-01 00:21:00.020 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 687 01-01 00:21:00.020 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 688 01-01 00:21:00.040 D/InputMethodManagerService(  621): --- calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 1000 system uid = 1000 calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
 689 01-01 00:21:00.040 V/InputMethodManagerService(  621): windowGainedFocus: android.os.BinderProxy@224f7ad0 controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#1810100
 690 01-01 00:21:00.050 I/ActivityManager(  621): Displayed +129ms
 691 01-01 00:21:00.050 V/InputMethodManagerService(  621): Unspecified window will hide input
 692 01-01 00:21:00.050 D/ActivityManager(  621): notifyActivityDrawn: token=Token{22409268 ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}}
 693 01-01 00:21:00.060 D/        ( 3004): Surface destroy: ANDROID_NATIVE_WINDOW_MAGIC
 694 01-01 00:21:00.070 V/ActivityManager(  621): windowsGone(): ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 695 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Activity idle: Token{22409268 ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}}
 696 01-01 00:21:00.090 D/ActivityManager(  621): activityIdleInternalLocked: android.os.Binder.execTransact:404 
 697 01-01 00:21:00.090 I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE(  621): TIMESTAMP=661071640970, TAG=ActivityManager-Launch, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=621, UID=1000, FLAGS=
 698 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} configChanges=0x0
 699 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make visible? ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} finishing=false state=RESUMED
 700 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 701 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Configuration no differences in ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 702 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Skipping: already visible at ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 703 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Fullscreen: at ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 704 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} finishing=false state=PAUSED behindFullscreen=true
 705 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 706 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} configChanges=0x0
 707 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} finishing=false state=STOPPED behindFullscreen=true
 708 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3}
 709 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 710 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2}
 711 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 712 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2}
 713 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 714 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2}
 715 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 716 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2}
 717 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 718 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2}
 719 01-01 00:21:00.090 V/ActivityManager(  621): Stopping ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}: nowVisible=false waitingVisible=true finishing=false
 720 01-01 00:21:00.090 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 721 01-01 00:21:00.090 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 722 01-01 00:21:00.370 D/ActivityManager(  621): : mLockScreenShown=false mWentToSleep=false mSleeping=false mDismissKeyguardOnNextActivity=false
 723 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): windowsVisible(): ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 724 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Was waiting for visible: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 725 01-01 00:21:00.380 D/ActivityManager(  621): handleMessage: IDLE_NOW_MSG: r=null
 726 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Activity idle: null
 727 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} configChanges=0x0
 728 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make visible? ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4} finishing=false state=RESUMED
 729 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 730 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Configuration unchanged in ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 731 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Skipping: already visible at ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 732 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Fullscreen: at ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}
 733 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} finishing=false state=PAUSED behindFullscreen=true
 734 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 735 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): ensureActivitiesVisible behind ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} configChanges=0x0
 736 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3} finishing=false state=STOPPED behindFullscreen=true
 737 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f2d678 u0 t3}
 738 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 739 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{2259b048 u0 t2}
 740 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 741 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{22194ce8 u0 t2}
 742 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 743 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f764a8 u0 t2}
 744 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 745 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{21f1ab48 u0 t2}
 746 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Make invisible? ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 t2} finishing=false state=DESTROYED behindFullscreen=true
 747 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Already invisible: ActivityRecord{223bb5c8 u0 co[  665.623309] snd_intel_sst: runtime_idle called
 748[  665.631436] snd_intel_sst: runtime_idle called
 749 tupWizardActivity t2}
 750 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Stopping ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}: nowVisible=true waitingVisible=false finishing=false
 751 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Ready to stop: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 752 01-01 00:21:00.380 D/ActivityManager(  621): Stopping: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 753 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Moving to STOPPING: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} (stop requested)
 754 01-01 00:21:00.380 V/ActivityManager(  621): Stopping visible=false for ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}
 755 01-01 00:21:00.380 D/ActivityManager(  621): notifyActivityDrawn: token=Token{22409268 ActivityRecord{21f983a8 u0 t4}}
 756 01-01 00:21:00.380 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 757 01-01 00:21:00.380 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 758 01-01 00:21:00.400 V/ActivityManager(  621): Activity stopped: token=Token{21fb6568 ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}}
 759 01-01 00:21:00.400 I/ActivityManager(  621): Saving icicle of ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4}: Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=9184]
 760 01-01 00:21:00.400 V/ActivityManager(  621): Moving to STOPPED: ActivityRecord{21fac6a0 u0 t4} (stop complete)
 761 01-01 00:21:00.400 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 762 01-01 00:21:00.400 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 763 01-01 00:21:00.450 I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE(  621): TIMESTAMP=661430553484, TAG=AudioMix, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=158, UID=1013, FLAGS=
 764 01-01 00:21:01.680 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): kgd-zhen------Enable()------
 765 01-01 00:21:01.680 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): enable():  mBluetooth =android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@22426168 mBinding = false
 766 01-01 00:21:01.740 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Message: 1
 767 01-01 00:21:01.740 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): MESSAGE_ENABLE: mBluetooth = android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@22426168
 768 01-01 00:21:01.740 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): kgd-zhen---handleEnable---quietMode= false  mBinding = false
 769 01-01 00:21:01.740 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Enable called with quiet mode status =  false
 770 01-01 00:21:01.740 D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): CURRENT_STATE=OFF, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_ON
 771 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): REPORT_INFO: CWS_BT_ON
 772 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Setting state to 11
 773 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 11
 774 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Broadcasting updateAdapterState() to 1 receivers.
 775 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): onBluetoothStateChange prev=10 new=11
 776 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): processStart()
 777 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
 778 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): processStart(): Make Bond State Machine
 779 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothBondStateMachine( 1821): make
 780 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
 781 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): setAdapterService(): set to: null
 782 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/BluetoothBondStateMachine( 1821): StableState(): Entering Off State
 783 01-01 00:21:01.750 W/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Starting service
 784 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/AudioHardwareALSA(  158): setParameters
 785 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/RouteManager(  158): doSetParameters: key value pair bluetooth_enabled=true, {+++ RECONSIDER ROUTING +++} due to External parameter change
 786 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/RouteManager(  158): reconsiderRouting
 787 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): in
 788 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): out
 789 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:       Platform Changes:
 790 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -BT Enabled = 1 [has changed]
 791 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
 792 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/RouteManager(  158): reconsiderRouting: DONE
 793 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Message: 60
 794 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 10, newState=11
 795 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 10 -> 11
 796 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
 797 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothHeadset( 1094): Proxy object connected
 798 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothHeadset( 1094): Proxy object connected
 799 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothHeadset( 1094): Proxy object connected
 800 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothHeadset(  621): Proxy object connected
 801 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/BluetoothAdapter(  814): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
 802 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=intel.intent.action.phonedoctor.REPORT_INFO flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
 803 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: intel.intent.action.phonedoctor.REPORT_INFO replacePending=false
 804 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null
 805 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null args=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=236]
 806 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { (has extras) } type=null callingUid=1002
 807 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { (has extras) }; flags=0x0
 808 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1002 pid=1821): ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0}
 809 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@256d8dbb
 810 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1002 app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 811 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1002, ProcessRecord.uid = 1002
 812 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 813 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/ActivityManager(  621): Adding at 30 of LRU list: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 814 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1821 adj 0: service
 815 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 816 01-01 00:21:01.750 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 817 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING bind of ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 818 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@256d8dbb args=Intent { (has extras) }
 819 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 820 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1
 821 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED replacePending=false
 822 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
 823 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 824 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
 825 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
 826 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}: prev had 0
 827 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing broadcast android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED seq=-1
 828 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=true
 829 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0}: nesting=3, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 830 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): PUBLISHING ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0} Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadset }: android.os.BinderProxy@225f6970
 831 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{225f3d40 u0}
 832 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
 833 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{22356b78 u0}
 834 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{21e6ed40 u0}
 835 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{21f159c8 u0}
 836 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 837 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 838 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 839 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{223ba200 u0 ReceiverList{2237eb78 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fa6c28}}: BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 840 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{223ba200 u0 ReceiverList{2237eb78 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fa6c28}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 841 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{2224f068 u0 ReceiverList{2243b4d0 814 remote:22585578}}: BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 842 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2224f068 u0 ReceiverList{2243b4d0 814 remote:22585578}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 843 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22214c90 u0 ReceiverList{22291490 814 remote:22291f90}}: BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 844 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22214c90 u0 ReceiverList{22291490 814 remote:22291f90}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 845 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22168c28 u0 ReceiverList{222999c0 814 remote:21e6f070}}: BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 846 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22168c28 u0 ReceiverList{222999c0 814 remote:21e6f070}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 847 01-01 00:21:01.750 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 848 01-01 00:21:01.750 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 849 01-01 00:21:01.760 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 850 01-01 00:21:01.760 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 851 01-01 00:21:01.760 D/BluetoothAdapter(  814): 569472416: getState(). Returning 11
 852 01-01 00:21:01.760 W/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Starting service
 853 01-01 00:21:01.760 D/BluetoothAdapter(  621): 570003024: getState(). Returning 11
 854 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null
 855 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{2210ffb0 u0 ReceiverList{2260f8e0 3004 remote:223923c8}}: BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 856 01-01 00:21:01.760 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2210ffb0 u0 ReceiverList{2260f8e0 3004 remote:223923c8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 857 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22052160 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 858 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing ordered broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 859 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Submitting BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG [background] for BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} at 722748
 860 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/ActivityManager(  621): isSingleton(, ApplicationInfo{221b5a40},, 0x0) = false
 861 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
 862 01-01 00:21:01.760 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 863 01-01 00:21:01.760 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 864 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to component ComponentInfo{}: BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
 865 01-01 00:21:01.760 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
 866 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/HeadsetService( 1821): Received start request. Starting profile...
 867 01-01 00:21:01.770 I/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni( 1821): classInitNative: succeeds
 868 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/HeadsetStateMachine( 1821): make
 869 01-01 00:21:01.770 W/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Starting service
 870 01-01 00:21:01.770 W/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Starting service
 871 01-01 00:21:01.770 W/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Starting service
 872 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
 873 01-01 00:21:01.770 W/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Starting service
 874 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null args=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=236]
 875 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { (has extras) } type=null callingUid=1002
 876 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { (has extras) }; flags=0x0
 877 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1002 pid=1821): ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0}
 878 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@108987f6
 879 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1002 app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 880 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1002, ProcessRecord.uid = 1002
 881 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 882 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top other: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 883 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 884 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 885 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING bind of ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 886 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@108987f6 args=Intent { (has extras) }
 887 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 888 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null
 889 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null args=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=236]
 890 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  62[  667.629535] snd_intel_sst: runtime_suspend called
 891 1): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { (has extras) } type=null callingUid=1002
 892 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { (has extras) }; flags=0x0
 893 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1002 pid=1821): ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0}
 894 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@4021d2e7
 895 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1002 app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}

 896 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1002, ProcessRecord.uid = 1002
 897 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 898 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top other: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 899 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 900 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 901 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING bind of ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 902 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@4021d2e7 args=Intent { (has extras) }
 903 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 904 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null
 905 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null args=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=236]
 906 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { (has extras) } type=null callingUid=1002
 907 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { (has extras) }; flags=0x0
 908 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1002 pid=1821): ServiceRecord{222bdca0 u0}
 909 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{222bdca0 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@d68f19b5
 910 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1002 app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 911 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1002, ProcessRecord.uid = 1002
 912 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{222bdca0 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 913 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top other: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 914 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 915 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 916 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{222bdca0 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@d68f19b5 args=Intent { (has extras) }
 917 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{222bdca0 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 918 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null
 919 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null args=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=236]
 920 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { (has extras) } type=null callingUid=1002
 921 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { (has extras) }; flags=0x0
 922 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1002 pid=1821): ServiceRecord{22214248 u0}
 923 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{22214248 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@4e885d10
 924 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1002 app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 925 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1002, ProcessRecord.uid = 1002
 926 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{22214248 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 927 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top other: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 928 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 929 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
 930 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING bind of ServiceRecord{22214248 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 931 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{22214248 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@4e885d10 args=Intent { (has extras) }
 932 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{22214248 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 933 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null
 934 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null args=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=236]
 935 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { (has extras) } type=null callingUid=1002
 936 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { (has extras) }; flags=0x0
 937 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1002 pid=1821): ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0}
 938 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@d22b7db5
 939 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1002 app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 940 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1002, ProcessRecord.uid = 1002
 941 01-01 00:21:01.770 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 942 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top other: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 943 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 944 01-01 00:21:01.770 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 945 01-01 00:21:01.780 I/bluedroid( 1821): get_profile_interface handsfree
 946 01-01 00:21:01.780 W/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Starting service
 947 01-01 00:21:01.780 I/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_hf_get_interface
 948 01-01 00:21:01.780 I/bt-btif ( 1821): init
 949 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_enable_service: current services:0x40
 950 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 951 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 11
 952 01-01 00:21:01.780 I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): Entering PendingCommandState State: isTurningOn()=true, isTurningOff()=false
 953 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): getAdapterService(): returning
 954 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
 955 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/BluetoothA2dp(  621): Proxy object connected
 956 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
 957 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/BluetoothAdapter(  621): 570003024: getState(). Returning 11
 958 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@d22b7db5 args=Intent { (has extras) }
 959 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 960 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): bindService: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadsetPhone } type=null conn=android.os.BinderProxy@222b6e40 flags=0x0
 961 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadsetPhone } type=null callingUid=1002
 962 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, persistent: ProcessRecord{22040af0}
 963 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bind ServiceRecord{22155b38 u0} with AppBindRecord{222b6bb0}: received=false apps=1 doRebind=false
 964 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING bind of ServiceRecord{22155b38 u0} in app ProcessRecord{22040af0}
 965 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null
 966 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { (has extras) } type=null args=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=236]
 967 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { (has extras) } type=null callingUid=1002
 968 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { (has extras) }; flags=0x0
 969 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1002 pid=1821): ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0}
 970 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@3f4adbe3
 971 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1002 app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 972 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1002, ProcessRecord.uid = 1002
 973 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 974 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top other: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 975 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
 976 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
 977 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING bind of ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 978 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@3f4adbe3 args=Intent { (has extras) }
 979 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 980 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): PUBLISHING ServiceRecord{22155b38 u0} Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadsetPhone }: android.os.BinderProxy@22617720
 981 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not publishing to: ConnectionRecord{21f26140 u0}
 982 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bound intent: android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@a34ae52b
 983 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Published intent: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadsetPhone }
 984 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{2238dcd8 u0}
 985 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{22155b38 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{22040af0}
 986 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
 987 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): No more executingServices of
 988 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@22588f88: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }
 989 01-01 00:21:01.780 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } on background queue
 990 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
 991 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
 992 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
 993 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{220ec0a8 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 994 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{21fdbb50 u0 ReceiverList{225c8520 1821 remote:22616c60}}: BroadcastRecord{220ec0a8 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 995 01-01 00:21:01.780 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{21fdbb50 u0 ReceiverList{225c8520 1821 remote:22616c60}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{220ec0a8 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 996 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{220ec0a8 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED}
 997 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast(background) called when not idle (state=1)
 998 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
 999 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1000 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0}: nesting=3, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1001 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): PUBLISHING ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0} Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothA2dp }: android.os.BinderProxy@22619930
1002 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{21fca0f0 u0}
1003 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2241fd40
1004 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1005 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
1006 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/ActivityManager(  621): isSingleton(, ApplicationInfo{221b5a40},, 0x0) = false
1007 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1008 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1009 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
1010 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to component ComponentInfo{}: BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1011 01-01 00:21:01.780 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1012 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1013 01-01 00:21:01.780 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
1014 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/A2dpService( 1821): Received start request. Starting profile...
1015 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni( 1821): classInitNative: succeeds
1016 01-01[  669.574795] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
1017  00:21:01.790 D/A2dpStateMachine( 1821): make
1018 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1019 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bluedroid( 1821): get_profile_interface a2dp
1020 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_av_get_interface
1021 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): init
1022 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): ## A2DP START MEDIA TASK ##
1023 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/GKI_LINUX( 1821): gki_task_entry: gki_task_entry task_id=2 [A2DP-MEDIA] starting
1024 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/bt-btif ( 1821): UIPC_Init
1025 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): ### uipc_main_init ###
1026 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/bt-btif ( 1821): UIPC_Open : ch_id 0, p_cback 78d89880
1027 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): SETUP CHANNEL SERVER 0
1028 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): create_server_socket /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl
1029 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): created socket fd 62
1030 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): ADD SERVER FD TO ACTIVE SET 62
1031 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): UIPC SEND WAKE UP
1032 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): ## A2DP MEDIA TASK STARTED ##
1033 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_enable_service: current services:0x40040
1034 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_av_state_idle_handler event:BTIF_SM_ENTER_EVT flags 0
1035 01-01 00:21:01.790 I/bt-btif ( 1821): ## ON A2DP IDLE ##
1036 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/bt-btif ( 1821): bta_av_co_init
1037 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/bt-btif ( 1821): bta_av_co_cp_set_flag
1038 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/bt-btif ( 1821): bta_av_co_audio_codec_reset
1039 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1040 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 11
1041 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1042 01-01 00:21:01.790 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 11
1043 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_media_task_aa_stop_tx is timer: 0
1044 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/bt-btif ( 1821): UIPC_Close : ch_id 1
1045 01-01 00:21:01.800 I/bt-btif ( 1821): CHANNEL 1 ALREADY CLOSED
1046 01-01 00:21:01.800 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni( 1821): classInitNative: succeeds
1047 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/Avrcp   ( 1821): make
1048 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/A2dpStateMachine( 1821): Enter Disconnected: -2
1049 01-01 00:21:01.800 I/bluedroid( 1821): get_profile_interface avrcp
1050 01-01 00:21:01.800 I/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_rc_get_interface
1051 01-01 00:21:01.800 I/bt-btif ( 1821): ## init ##
1052 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): getAdapterService(): returning
1053 01-01 00:21:01.800 I/BluetoothHidServiceJni( 1821): classInitNative: succeeds
1054 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1055 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1056 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1057 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1058 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1059 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1060 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1061 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1062 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2241fd40
1063 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
1064 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): isSingleton(, ApplicationInfo{2208bde0},, 0x0) = false
1065 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} for app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1066 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top other: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1067 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1068 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
1069 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to component ComponentInfo{}: BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1070 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1071 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1072 01-01 00:21:01.800 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1073 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0}: nesting=3, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1074 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): PUBLISHING ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0} Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothInputDevice }: android.os.BinderProxy@224545a0
1075 01-01 00:21:01.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{224f3418 u0}
1076 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothInputDevice( 3004): Proxy object connected
1077 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/HidProfile( 3004): Bluetooth service connected
1078 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1079 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/HidService( 1821): Received start request. Starting profile...
1080 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/bluedroid( 1821): get_profile_interface hidhost
1081 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_hh_get_interface
1082 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/bt-btif ( 1821): init
1083 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_enable_service: current services:0x140040
1084 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): getAdapterService(): returning
1085 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 11
1086 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/BluetoothHealthServiceJni( 1821): classInitNative: succeeds
1087 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1088 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/HealthService( 1821): Received start request. Starting profile...
1089 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/bluedroid( 1821): get_profile_interface health
1090 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_hl_get_interface
1091 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/bt-btif ( 1821): init
1092 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): Process name (droid.bluetooth)
1093 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_hl_soc_thread_init
1094 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): create_thread: entered
1095 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): create_thread: thread created successfully
1096 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): entered btif_hl_select_thread
1097 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): getAdapterService(): returning
1098 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_hl_select_wakeup_init
1099 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_hl_select_wakeup_init signal_fds[0]=69 signal_fds[1]=70
1100 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): max_s=69 
1101 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): set curr_set = org_set 
1102 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/BluetoothPanServiceJni( 1821): classInitNative(L112): succeeds
1103 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1104 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothPan(  621): BluetoothPAN Proxy object connected
1105 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothPan( 3004): BluetoothPAN Proxy object connected
1106 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/PanProfile( 3004): Bluetooth service connected
1107 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/PanService( 1821): Received start request. Starting profile...
1108 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothPanServiceJni( 1821): initializeNative(L117): pan
1109 01-01 00:21:01.810 I/bluedroid( 1821): get_profile_interface pan
1110 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/bt-btif ( 1821): stack_initialized = 0, btpan_cb.enabled:0
1111 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothTethering(  621): got CMD_CHANNEL_HALF_CONNECTED
1112 01-01 00:21:01.810 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): getAdapterService(): returning
1113 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1114 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{222e7788 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1115 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1116 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{222bdca0 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1117 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{222bdca0 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1118 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1119 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{22214248 u0}: nesting=3, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1120 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): PUBLISHING ServiceRecord{22214248 u0} Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPan }: android.os.BinderProxy@22616960
1121 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{21e741b0 u0}
1122 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{21fab768 u0}
1123 01-01 00:21:01.810 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{22214248 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1124 01-01 00:21:01.820 I/BtGatt.JNI( 1821): classInitNative(L685): classInitNative: Success!
1125 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1126 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1127 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Message: 1
1128 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
1129 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): onProfileServiceStateChange:, state = 12, doUpdate = true
1130 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Profile still not
1131 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BtGatt.DebugUtils( 1821): handleDebugAction() action=null
1132 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BtGatt.GattService( 1821): Received start request. Starting profile...
1133 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BtGatt.GattService( 1821): start()
1134 01-01 00:21:01.820 I/bluedroid( 1821): get_profile_interface gatt
1135 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): getAdapterService(): returning
1136 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1137 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothMap( 3004): Proxy object connected
1138 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothMapService( 1821): Received start request. Starting profile...
1139 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothMapService( 1821): start()
1140 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/MapProfile( 3004): Bluetooth service connected
1141 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothMap( 3004): getConnectedDevices()
1142 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1143 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1144 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 11
1145 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothMap( 3004): Bluetooth is Not enabled
1146 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1147 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): getAdapterService(): returning
1148 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Message: 1
1149 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
1150 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): onProfileServiceStateChange:, state = 12, doUpdate = true
1151 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Profile still not
1152 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Message: 1
1153 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
1154 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): onProfileServiceStateChange:, state = 12, doUpdate = true
1155 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Profile still not
1156 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Message: 1
1157 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
1158 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): onProfileServiceStateChange:, state = 12, doUpdate = true
1159 01-01 00:21:01.820 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Profile still not
1160 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{22214248 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1161 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1162 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1163 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1164 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1165 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0}: nesting=3, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1166 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): PUBLISHING ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0} Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothMap }: android.os.BinderProxy@222643a8
1167 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{224007e0 u0}
1168 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1169 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@2243d7b8: null
1170 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{223dd530 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1171 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1172 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): No more executingServices of
1173 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@22566948

1174 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
1175 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Cancelling BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG
1176 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Finished with ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{22044738 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1177 01-01 00:21:01.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1821 adj 1: service
1178 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Message: 1
1179 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
1180 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): onProfileServiceStateChange:, state = 12, doUpdate = true
1181 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Profile still not
1182 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Message: 1
1183 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
1184 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): onProfileServiceStateChange:, state = 12, doUpdate = true
1185 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Profile still not
1186 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Message: 1
1187 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): MESSAGE_PROFILE_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
1188 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): onProfileServiceStateChange:, state = 12, doUpdate = true
1189 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): All profile services started.
1190 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/HeadsetPhoneState( 1821): sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=0 mSignal=0 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=3
1191 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = STARTED, isTurningOn=true, isTurningOff=false
1192 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/bluedroid( 1821): enable
1193 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/bluedroid( 1821): bluetooth.c---enable()
1194 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt-btif ( 1821): BTIF ENABLE BLUETOOTH
1195 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/BTIF_CORE( 1821): Btif_core.c btif_enable_bluetooth 
1196 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt-btif ( 1821): bte_main_enable
1197 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/        ( 1821): Bte_main.c bte_main_enable
1198 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt-btif ( 1821): bte_hci_enable
1199 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/        ( 1821): Bte_main.c bte_hci_enable
1200 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/bt_hci_bdroid( 1821): init
1201 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt_hw   ( 1821): !!! init_vnd_if !!!
1202 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/bt_vendor( 1821): init
1203 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/bt_vnd_conf( 1821): Attempt to load conf from /system/etc/bluetooth/bt_byt_t_crv2.conf
1204 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/bt_vnd_conf( 1821): I2S define
1205 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1206 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 1
1207 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 1
1208 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 1
1209 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 40 flag = 1
1210 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 1f flag = 1
1211 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 1
1212 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 1 flag = 1
1213 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): f flag = 1
1214 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): f flag = 1
1215 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1216 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1217 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1218 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1219 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1220 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1221 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1222 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1223 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1224 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1225 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1226 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1227 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1228 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1229 01-01 00:21:01.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0 flag = 0
1230 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/bt_hci_bdroid( 1821): bt_hc_worker_thread started
1231 01-01 00:21:01.830 I/bt-btif ( 1821): libbt-hci init returns 0
1232 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt_hci_bdroid( 1821): Bt_hci_bdroid---set_power: 0 
1233 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt_vendor( 1821): op BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL 0
1234 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt_upio ( 1821): Upio.c---upio_set_bluetooth_power : on(0) 
1235 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt_upio ( 1821): init_rfkill--rfkill_state_path=/sys/class/rfkill/rfkill2/state
1236 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/bt_upio ( 1821): Upio.c ---write : sz(1) 
1237 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1238 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1239 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1240 01-01 00:21:01.830 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
1241 01-01 00:21:02.040 D/bt_hci_bdroid( 1821): Bt_hci_bdroid---set_power: 1 
1242 01-01 00:21:02.040 D/bt_vendor( 1821): op BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL 1
1243 01-01 00:21:02.040 D/bt_upio ( 1821): Upio.c---upio_set_bluetooth_power : on(1) 
1244 01-01 00:21:02.040 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() POLLIN event on Fd (1)
1245 01-01 00:21:02.040 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
1246 01-01 00:21:02.040 D/bt_upio ( 1821): Upio.c ---write : sz(1) 
1247 01-01 00:21:02.240 I/bt_userial_vendor( 1821): userial vendor open: opening /dev/ttyMFD0
1248 01-01 00:21:02.240 I/GKI_LINUX( 1821): gki_task_entry: gki_task_entry task_id=0 [BTU] starting
1249 01-01 00:21:02.240 I/bt-btu  ( 1821): btu_task pending for preload complete event
1250 01-01 00:21:02.260 I/bt_userial_vendor( 1821): device fd = 71 open
1251 01-01 00:21:02.260 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Hardware.c--hw_config_start
1252 01-01 00:21:02.290 D/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Chipset BCM2076B1
1253 01-01 00:21:02.290 D/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Target name = [BCM2076B1]
1254 01-01 00:21:02.290 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): FW patchfile: /etc/firmware/bt/bcm2076b1.hcd
1255 01-01 00:21:02.300 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): bt vendor lib: set UART baud 3000000
1256 01-01 00:21:02.590 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): bt vendor lib: set UART baud 115200
1257 01-01 00:21:02.590 D/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Settlement delay -- 100 ms
1258 01-01 00:21:02.690 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): bt vendor lib: set UART baud 3000000
1259 01-01 00:21:02.690 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): Setting local bd addr to 22:22:C7:74:9F:05
1260 01-01 00:21:02.720 I/bt_hwcfg( 1821): vendor lib fwcfg completed
1261 01-01 00:21:02.720 I/bt-btif ( 1821): HC preload_cb 0 [0:SUCCESS 1:FAIL]
1262 01-01 00:21:02.720 I/bt-btu  ( 1821): btu_task received preload complete event
1263 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HCI
1264 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_L2CAP
1265 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_RFCOMM
1266 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVDT
1267 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVRC
1268 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_A2D
1269 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BNEP
1270 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTM
1271 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GAP
1272 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_PAN
1273 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SDP
1274 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_GATT
1275 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SMP
1276 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTAPP
1277 01-01 00:21:02.730 I/        ( 1821): BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTIF
1278 01-01 00:21:02.790 E/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_config_get(L189): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
1279 01-01 00:21:02.790 E/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_config_get(L189): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
1280 01-01 00:21:02.790 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:2 len:6
1281 01-01 00:21:02.790 I/BTIF_HH ( 1821): bte_hh_evt--event=0
1282 01-01 00:21:02.790 W/bt-smp  ( 1821): Key(LSB ~ MSB) = 6f 44 63 ed 1f 22 84 65 81 6d 01 e4 83 03 40 eb 
1283 01-01 00:21:02.790 W/bt-smp  ( 1821): Plain text(LSB ~ MSB) = 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
1284 01-01 00:21:02.790 W/bt-smp  ( 1821): Encrypted text(LSB ~ MSB) = 7c 84 b5 e0 31 8b 78 03 dd 98 5b c7 38 b0 fe c5 
1285 01-01 00:21:02.790 W/bt-smp  ( 1821): Key(LSB ~ MSB) = 6f 44 63 ed 1f 22 84 65 81 6d 01 e4 83 03 40 eb 
1286 01-01 00:21:02.790 W/bt-smp  ( 1821): Plain text(LSB ~ MSB) = 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
1287 01-01 00:21:02.790 W/bt-smp  ( 1821): Encrypted text(LSB ~ MSB) = 80 cd 40 23 9c 34 22 ff a2 10 9c 07 1c eb 68 3d 
1288 01-01 00:21:02.790 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Address is:22:22:C7:74:9F:05
1289 01-01 00:21:02.790 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:1 len:7
1290 01-01 00:21:02.790 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1
1291 01-01 00:21:02.790 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED replacePending=false
1292 01-01 00:21:02.790 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
1293 01-01 00:21:02.790 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{22076698 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1294 01-01 00:21:02.790 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
1295 01-01 00:21:02.800 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Name is: baylake
1296 01-01 00:21:02.800 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:7 len:4
1297 01-01 00:21:02.800 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Bluetooth Adapter name changed to baylake
1298 01-01 00:21:02.800 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Stored Bluetooth name: baylake
1299 01-01 00:21:02.800 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Scan Mode:20
1300 01-01 00:21:02.800 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:9 len:4
1301 01-01 00:21:02.800 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Discoverable Timeout:120
1302 01-01 00:21:02.800 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:8 len:0
1303 01-01 00:21:02.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
1304 01-01 00:21:02.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
1305 01-01 00:21:02.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22076698 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1306 01-01 00:21:02.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{223ba200 u0 ReceiverList{2237eb78 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fa6c28}}: BroadcastRecord{22076698 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1307 01-01 00:21:02.800 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{223ba200 u0 ReceiverList{2237eb78 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fa6c28}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22076698 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1308 01-01 00:21:02.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22108778 u0 ReceiverList{22354888 3004 remote:22454990}}: BroadcastRecord{22076698 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1309 01-01 00:21:02.800 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22108778 u0 ReceiverList{22354888 3004 remote:22454990}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22076698 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1310 01-01 00:21:02.800 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22076698 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1311 01-01 00:21:02.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.SCAN_MODE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
1312 01-01 00:21:02.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.SCAN_MODE_CHANGED replacePending=false
1313 01-01 00:21:02.810 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:3 len:48
1314 01-01 00:21:02.810 E/bt-btif ( 1821): BTA_AgEnable: FAILED, AG already enabled.
1315 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_config_get(L189): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
1316 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_config_get(L189): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
1317 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1318 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1319 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1320 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1321 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1322 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1323 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1324 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1325 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1326 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1327 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1328 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1329 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1330 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1331 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1332 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1333 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1334 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1335 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1336 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1337 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1338 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1339 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1340 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1341 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1342 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1343 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1344 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1345 01-01 00:21:02.820 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:2 len:6
1346 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1347 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1348 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1349 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1350 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1351 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1352 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1353 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1354 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1355 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1356 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1357 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1358 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1359 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1360 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1361 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1362 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1363 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1364 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1365 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1366 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1367 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1368 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1369 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1370 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1371 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1372 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1373 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1374 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1375 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1376 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-att  ( 1821): application already registered.
1377 01-01 00:21:02.820 E/bt-btif ( 1821): Register with GATT stack failed.
1378 01-01 00:21:02.820 I/BTIF_HH ( 1821): bte_hh_evt--event=0
1379 01-01 00:21:02.820 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Address is:22:22:C7:74:9F:05
1380 01-01 00:21:02.820 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:1 len:7
1381 01-01 00:21:02.820 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Name is: baylake
1382 01-01 00:21:02.820 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:7 len:4
1383 01-01 00:21:02.820 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Bluetooth Adapter name changed to baylake
1384 01-01 00:21:02.820 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Stored Bluetooth name: baylake
1385 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1
1386 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED replacePending=false
1387 01-01 00:21:02.820 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
1388 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{220383e8 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1389 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
1390 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
1391 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
1392 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{220383e8 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1393 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{223ba200 u0 ReceiverList{2237eb78 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fa6c28}}: BroadcastRecord{220383e8 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1394 01-01 00:21:02.820 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{223ba200 u0 ReceiverList{2237eb78 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fa6c28}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{220383e8 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1395 01-01 00:21:02.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22108778 u0 ReceiverList{22354888 3004 remote:22454990}}: BroadcastRecord{220383e8 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1396 01-01 00:21:02.820 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22108778 u0 ReceiverList{22354888 3004 remote:22454990}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{220383e8 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1397 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Scan Mode:20
1398 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:9 len:4
1399 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Discoverable Timeout:120
1400 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:8 len:0
1401 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:3 len:48
1402 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/bt_vendor( 1821): PCM2 Settings for AP6476(BCM2076)
1403 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/bte_conf( 1821): Attempt to load did conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_did.conf
1404 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/bte_conf( 1821): [1] primary_record=1 vendor_id=0x0002 vendor_id_source=0x0001 product_id=0x0001 version=0x0001
1405 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/bte_conf( 1821): Attempt to load did conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_did.conf
1406 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/bte_conf( 1821): Attempt to load did conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_did.conf
1407 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = ENABLE_READY, isTurningOn=true, isTurningOff=false
1408 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): ScanMode =  20
1409 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): State =  11
1410 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): opcode 0xfcae, status 0, len 32
1411 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 1
1412 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1413 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1414 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1415 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1416 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0xffffffd0
1417 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 7
1418 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1419 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 1
1420 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x f
1421 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 3
1422 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1423 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1424 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1425 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1426 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1427 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1428 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1429 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1430 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 1
1431 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 2
1432 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 3
1433 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 4
1434 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1435 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1436 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Setting state to 12
1437 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 11-> 12
1438 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/BTIF_HH ( 1821): Btif_hh.c---btif_hh_upstreams_evt: event=0
1439 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/BTIF_HH ( 1821): Btif_hh.c---BTA_HH_ENABLE_EVT: status=0
1440 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt-btif ( 1821): btif_config_get(L189): assert failed: section && *section && key && *key && name && *name && bytes && type
1441 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1442 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Broadcasting updateAdapterState() to 1 receivers.
1443 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): PCM2 Settings dump
1444 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1445 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1446 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1447 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1448 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1449 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x40
1450 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x1f
1451 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1452 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 1
1453 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x f
1454 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x f
1455 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1456 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1457 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1458 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1459 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1460 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1461 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1462 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1463 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 1
1464 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 2
1465 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 3
1466 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 4
1467 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1468 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1469 01-01 00:21:02.830 E/bt_hwcfg( 1821): 0x 0
1470 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/BTIF_HH ( 1821): Btif_hh.c---btif_hh_upstreams_evt: event=0
1471 01-01 00:21:02.830 I/BTIF_HH ( 1821): Btif_hh.c---BTA_HH_ENABLE_EVT: status=6
1472 01-01 00:21:02.830 W/bt-btif ( 1821): BTA_HH_ENABLE_EVT: Error, HH enabling failed, status = 6
1473 01-01 00:21:02.830 D/BluetoothPanServiceJni( 1821): control_state_callback(L68): state:0, local_role:0, ifname:bt-pan
1474 01-01 00:21:02.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{220383e8 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED}
1475 01-01 00:21:02.830 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.SCAN_MODE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
1476 01-01 00:21:02.830 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.SCAN_MODE_CHANGED replacePending=false
1477 01-01 00:21:02.840 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:7 len:4
1478 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): onBluetoothStateChange prev=11 new=12
1479 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Message: 60
1480 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 11, newState=12
1481 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(true) to 10 receivers.
1482 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothHeadset( 1094): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
1483 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothA2dp(  621): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
1484 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothHeadset(  621): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
1485 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): enableRadio() called...
1486 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothPan(  621): onBluetoothStateChange(on) call bindService
1487 01-01 00:21:02.840 I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): Entering On State
1488 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1489 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Quiet mode Enabled = false
1490 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Initiate auto connection on BT on...
1491 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Get Bonded Devices being called
1492 01-01 00:21:02.840 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Scan Mode:21
1493 01-01 00:21:02.840 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): adapterPropertyChangedCallback with type:9 len:4
1494 01-01 00:21:02.840 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.SCAN_MODE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
1495 01-01 00:21:02.840 W/ContextImpl(  621): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan$1.onBluetoothStateChange:192 
1496 01-01 00:21:02.840 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.SCAN_MODE_CHANGED replacePending=false
1497 01-01 00:21:02.840 V/ActivityManager(  621): bindService: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPan } type=null$ServiceDispatcher$InnerConnection@21fba6b8 flags=0x0
1498 01-01 00:21:02.840 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPan } type=null callingUid=1000
1499 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothHeadset( 1094): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
1500 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Discoverable Timeout:120
1501 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothPan( 3004): onBluetoothStateChange(on) call bindService
1502 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Get Bonded Devices being called
1503 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): CURRENT_STATE=ON, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_ON_RADIO
1504 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): Entering PendingCommandState State: isTurningOn()=false, isTurningOff()=false
1505 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = BEGIN_ENABLE_RADIO, isTurningOnRadio=true, isTurningOffRadio=false
1506 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/bluedroid( 1821): enable
1507 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = ENABLED_RADIO, isTurningOnRadio=true, isTurningOffRadio=false
1508 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): Bluetooth adapter radio state changed: 14
1509 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1821): Broadcasting updateAdapterState() to 1 receivers.
1510 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): onBluetoothStateChange prev=12 new=14
1511 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1821): Entering On State
1512 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothInputDevice( 3004): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
1513 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothPbap( 3004): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
1514 01-01 00:21:02.850 E/BluetoothPbap( 3004): Could not bind to Bluetooth Pbap Service with Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPbap }
1515 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothMap( 3004): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
1516 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothHeadset( 1094): onBluetoothStateChange: up=true
1517 01-01 00:21:02.850 W/CsmClient(  621): Calling start while there is no modem.
1518 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Unable to start CsmClientBt.
1519 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): No modem.
1520 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621):     at
1521 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621):     at
1522 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621):     at
1523 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621):     at$3000(
1524 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621):     at$BluetoothHandler.handleMessage(
1525 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
1526 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
1527 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621):     at
1528 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 11 -> 12
1529 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Message: 60
1530 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 12, newState=14
1531 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Radio State Change Intent: 12 -> 14
1532 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/ActivityManager(  621): Not moving, already top other: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1533 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bind ServiceRecord{22214248 u0} with AppBindRecord{222167e0}: received=true apps=2 doRebind=false
1534 01-01 00:21:02.850 W/ContextImpl( 3004): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.doBind:149 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan$1.onBluetoothStateChange:192 android.bluetooth.IBluetoothStateChangeCallback$Stub.onTransact:55 
1535 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): bindService: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPan } type=null conn=android.os.BinderProxy@22542ec0 flags=0x0
1536 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPan } type=null callingUid=1000
1537 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/ActivityManager(  621): Adding to second-top of LRU activity list: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1538 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/ActivityManager(  621): Adding to second-top of LRU activity list: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1539 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bind ServiceRecord{22214248 u0} with AppBindRecord{22535fa8}: received=true apps=2 doRebind=false
1540 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): bindService: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGatt } type=null$ServiceDispatcher$InnerConnection@21ebfa60 flags=0x1
1541 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGatt } type=null callingUid=1000
1542 01-01 00:21:02.850 D/ActivityManager(  621): Adding to second-top of LRU activity list: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1543 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bind ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0} with AppBindRecord{223c9e60}: received=false apps=1 doRebind=false
1544 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING bind of ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1545 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1
1546 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED replacePending=false
1547 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
1548 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1549 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
1550 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
1551 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
1552 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}: prev had 0
1553 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing broadcast android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED seq=-1
1554 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=true
1555 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
1556 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1557 01-01 00:21:02.850 W/ContextImpl(  621): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$3000:58$BluetoothHandler.handleMessage:1176 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102 
1558 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{223ba200 u0 ReceiverList{2237eb78 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fa6c28}}: BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1559 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{223ba200 u0 ReceiverList{2237eb78 621 system/1000/u0 local:21fa6c28}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1560 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{2224f068 u0 ReceiverList{2243b4d0 814 remote:22585578}}: BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1561 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2224f068 u0 ReceiverList{2243b4d0 814 remote:22585578}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1562 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22214c90 u0 ReceiverList{22291490 814 remote:22291f90}}: BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1563 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22214c90 u0 ReceiverList{22291490 814 remote:22291f90}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1564 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22168c28 u0 ReceiverList{222999c0 814 remote:21e6f070}}: BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1565 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22168c28 u0 ReceiverList{222999c0 814 remote:21e6f070}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1566 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1567 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1568 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{2210ffb0 u0 ReceiverList{2260f8e0 3004 remote:223923c8}}: BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1569 01-01 00:21:02.850 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{2210ffb0 u0 ReceiverList{2260f8e0 3004 remote:223923c8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1570 01-01 00:21:02.850 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{21f307c8 u0 ReceiverList{22220f78 1821 remote:22606c38}}: BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1571 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapter(  814): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1572 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): BluetoothServiceConnection:
1573 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1574 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothMapService( 1821): onReceive
1575 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Message: 40
1576 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothMapService( 1821): STATE_ON
1577 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 2
1578 01-01 00:21:02.860 I/bt_h4   ( 1821): vendor lib postload completed
1579 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1580 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1581 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothMapService( 1821): Map Service startRfcommSocketListener
1582 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapter(  814): 569472416: getState(). Returning 12
1583 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothMapService( 1821): Map Service initSocket
1584 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager( 3004): Adding local A2DP profile
1585 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1586 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
1587 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1588 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Get Bonded Devices being called
1589 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Message: 30
1590 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1591 01-01 00:21:02.860 W/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
1592 01-01 00:21:02.860 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{21f307c8 u0 ReceiverList{22220f78 1821 remote:22606c38}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1593 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{2253a5e0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1594 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing ordered broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1595 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Submitting BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG [background] for BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} at 723840
1596 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): isSingleton(, ApplicationInfo{221b5a40},, 0x0) = false
1597 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1598 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1821 adj 0: service
1599 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1600 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1601 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to component ComponentInfo{}: BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1602 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1603 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): PUBLISHING ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0} Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothGatt }: android.os.BinderProxy@225f2788
1604 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): Publishing to: ConnectionRecord{22301318 u0 CR}
1605 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{222b2178 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1606 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1607 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): No more executingServices of
1608 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1821 adj 1: service
1609 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.RADIO_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
1610 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.RADIO_STATE_CHANGED replacePending=false
1611 01-01 00:21:02.860 W/ContextImpl( 3004): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.doBind:165 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>:158 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1426 
1612 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): bindService: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothA2dp } type=null conn=android.os.BinderProxy@2257b828 flags=0x0
1613 01-01 00:21:02.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothA2dp } type=null callingUid=1000
1614 01-01 00:21:02.860 D/ActivityManager(  621): Adding to second-top of LRU activity list: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1615 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager( 3004): Adding local HEADSET profile
1616 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1617 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): Message: 30
1618 01-01 00:21:02.870 I/BluetoothServiceJni( 1821): SOCK FLAG = 1 ***********************
1619 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): bindListen(), SocketState: INIT, mPfd: {ParcelFileDescriptor: FileDescriptor[79]}
1620 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): bindListen(), new LocalSocket 
1621 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): bindListen(), new LocalSocket.getInputStream() 
1622 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): bindListen(), readInt mSocketIS:$SocketInputStream@21ec80a0
1623 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): ret: 4
1624 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): channel: 4
1625 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothMapService( 1821): Accepting socket connection...
1626 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1627 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1628 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): Get Bonded Devices being called
1629 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothEventManager( 3004): readPairedDevices: there is no bonded device
1630 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1631 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1632 01-01 00:21:02.870 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bind ServiceRecord{2218cb90 u0} with AppBindRecord{2257b678}: received=true apps=2 doRebind=false
1633 01-01 00:21:02.870 W/ContextImpl( 3004): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:517 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.doBind:283 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.<init>:276 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1423 
1634 01-01 00:21:02.870 V/ActivityManager(  621): bindService: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadset } type=null conn=android.os.BinderProxy@225824e8 flags=0x0
1635 01-01 00:21:02.870 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadset } type=null callingUid=1000
1636 01-01 00:21:02.870 D/ActivityManager(  621): Adding to second-top of LRU activity list: ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1637 01-01 00:21:02.870 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bind ServiceRecord{2212c680 u0} with AppBindRecord{225821e8}: received=true apps=3 doRebind=false
1638 01-01 00:21:02.870 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@220f2f60: null
1639 01-01 00:21:02.870 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@2238f120: null
1640 01-01 00:21:02.880 D/BluetoothDiscoverableEnabler( 3004): handleModeChanged(): mode = 21
1641 01-01 00:21:02.880 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1642 01-01 00:21:02.880 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1643 01-01 00:21:02.880 D/BluetoothDiscoverableEnabler( 3004): handleModeChanged(): mode = 21
1644 01-01 00:21:02.880 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1645 01-01 00:21:02.880 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1646 01-01 00:21:02.880 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1647 01-01 00:21:02.880 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1648 01-01 00:21:02.890 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Callback:discoveryStateChangeCallback with state:1
1649 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/BluetoothA2dp( 3004): Proxy object connected
1650 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/A2dpProfile( 3004): Bluetooth service connected
1651 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1652 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1653 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/BluetoothHeadset( 3004): Proxy object connected
1654 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/HeadsetProfile( 3004): Bluetooth service connected
1655 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1656 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1657 01-01 00:21:02.890 I/WAKELOCK_ACQUIRE(  621): TIMESTAMP=663870231437, TAG=StartingDockService, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=3004, UID=1000, FLAGS=
1658 01-01 00:21:02.890 W/ContextImpl( 3004): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 
1659 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } type=null
1660 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=0
1661 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED replacePending=false
1662 01-01 00:21:02.890 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED flg=0x10 } on background queue
1663 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{21eff888 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}
1664 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
1665 01-01 00:21:02.890 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED flg=0x10 } on background queue
1666 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{21ef5d90 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}: prev had 1
1667 01-01 00:21:02.890 I/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing broadcast android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED seq=-1
1668 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
1669 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=true
1670 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } type=null args=Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=208]
1671 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } type=null callingUid=1000
1672 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }; flags=0x4000010
1673 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1000 pid=3004): ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0}
1674 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@d1185ffe
1675 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1000 app=ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1676 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1000, ProcessRecord.uid = 1000
1677 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1678 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1679 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1680 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@d1185ffe args=Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) }
1681 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1682 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 2 ordered broadcasts
1683 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21eff888 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}
1684 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2241fd40
1685 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{21eff888 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}
1686 01-01 00:21:02.890 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{21eff888 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}
1687 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21eff888 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}
1688 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast(background) called when not idle (state=1)
1689 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 0 broadcasts, 2 ordered broadcasts
1690 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/ActivityManager(  621): isSingleton(, ApplicationInfo{221b5a40},, 0x0) = false
1691 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1692 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1693 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1694 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to component ComponentInfo{}: BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1695 01-01 00:21:02.890 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1696 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1697 01-01 00:21:02.890 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
1698 01-01 00:21:02.900 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1699 01-01 00:21:02.900 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1700 01-01 00:21:02.900 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1701 01-01 00:21:02.900 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1702 01-01 00:21:02.920 D/DockEventReceiver( 3004): finishStartingService: stopping service
1703 01-01 00:21:02.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1704 01-01 00:21:02.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@2228d2d0: null
1705 01-01 00:21:02.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): stopServiceToken: ComponentInfo{} ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0} startId=1
1706 01-01 00:21:02.920 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getServiceByName(ComponentInfo{}), callingUser = 0
1707 01-01 00:21:02.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing down ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@d1185ffe
1708 01-01 00:21:02.920 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING destroy of ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1709 01-01 00:21:02.920 I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE(  621): TIMESTAMP=663909797830, TAG=StartingDockService, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=3004, UID=1000, FLAGS=
1710 01-01 00:21:02.930 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1711 01-01 00:21:02.930 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1712 01-01 00:21:02.930 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1713 01-01 00:21:02.930 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1714 01-01 00:21:02.930 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1715 01-01 00:21:02.930 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1716 01-01 00:21:02.930 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=true, app=ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1717 01-01 00:21:02.930 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1718 01-01 00:21:02.930 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1719 01-01 00:21:02.930 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1720 01-01 00:21:02.930 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1721 01-01 00:21:02.930 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): getIntentSenderLocked(): uid=1000
1722 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/BluetoothOppReceiver( 1821): Received BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION, BLUETOOTH_STATE_ON
1723 01-01 00:21:02.950 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1724 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2241fd40
1725 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 0 broadcasts, 2 ordered broadcasts
1726 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): isSingleton(, ApplicationInfo{21f1a1e8},, 0x0) = false
1727 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} for app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1728 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1821 adj 0: service
1729 01-01 00:21:02.950 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1730 01-01 00:21:02.950 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1731 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to component ComponentInfo{}: BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1732 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED} DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1733 01-01 00:21:02.950 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1734 01-01 00:21:02.950 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1735 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { } type=null
1736 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): startService: Intent { } type=null args=null
1737 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): retrieveServiceLocked: Intent { } type=null callingUid=1002
1738 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): Checking URI perm to data=null clip=null from Intent { }; flags=0x0
1739 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): Not potential delay (callerFg=true uid=1002 pid=1821): ServiceRecord{221b2b28 u0}
1740 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): Bringing up ServiceRecord{221b2b28 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@768ff40b
1741 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): bringUpServiceLocked: appInfo.uid=1002 app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1742 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManagerServiceMU(  621): realStartServiceLocked, ServiceRecord.uid = 1002, ProcessRecord.uid = 1002
1743 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING create of ServiceRecord{221b2b28 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1744 01-01 00:21:02.950 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1745 01-01 00:21:02.950 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
1746 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): Sending arguments to: ServiceRecord{221b2b28 u0} android.content.Intent$FilterComparison@768ff40b args=Intent { }
1747 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): >>> EXECUTING start of ServiceRecord{221b2b28 u0} in app ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1748 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=true, app=ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1749 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1750 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): No more executingServices of
1751 01-01 00:21:02.950 V/ActivityManager(  621): doneExecuting remove destroying ServiceRecord{221bad00 u0}
1752 01-01 00:21:02.960 V/BluetoothOppManager( 1821): restoreApplicationData! falsefalsenullnull
1753 01-01 00:21:02.960 V/BtOppService( 1821): onCreate
1754 01-01 00:21:02.960 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1755 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): send message
1756 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BtOppService( 1821): Starting RfcommListener
1757 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/ActivityManager(  621): Register receiver android.content.IntentFilter@220f2e88: null
1758 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@22566948
1759 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 0 broadcasts, 2 ordered broadcasts
1760 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Cancelling BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG
1761 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Finished with ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fe72b0 u-1 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED}
1762 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing ordered broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21ef5d90 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}
1763 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Submitting BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG [background] for BroadcastRecord{21ef5d90 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED} at 723956
1764 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/ActivityManager(  621): isSingleton(, ApplicationInfo{221b5a40},, 0x0) = false
1765 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21ef5d90 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED} for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1766 01-01 00:21:02.970 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1767 01-01 00:21:02.970 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
1768 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to component ComponentInfo{}: BroadcastRecord{21ef5d90 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}
1769 01-01 00:21:02.970 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21ef5d90 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED} DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
1770 01-01 00:21:02.970 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1771 01-01 00:21:02.970 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1772 01-01 00:21:02.980 D/BluetoothOppPreference( 1821): Dumping Names:  
1773 01-01 00:21:02.980 D/BluetoothOppPreference( 1821): {}
1774 01-01 00:21:02.980 D/BluetoothOppPreference( 1821): Dumping Channels:  
1775 01-01 00:21:02.980 D/BluetoothOppPreference( 1821): {}
1776 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BtOppService( 1821): pendingUpdate is true keepUpdateThread is false sListenStarted is true
1777 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BtOppService( 1821): onStartCommand
1778 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): new notify threadi!
1779 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): send delay message
1780 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BtOppService( 1821): start RfcommListener
1781 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BtOppService( 1821): RfcommListener started
1782 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver( 3004): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED
1783 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{221b2b28 u0}: nesting=2, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1784 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/ActivityManager(  621): <<< DONE EXECUTING ServiceRecord{221b2b28 u0}: nesting=1, inDestroying=false, app=ProcessRecord{2217f950}
1785 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/ActivityManager(  621): Nesting at 0 of
1786 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/ActivityManager(  621): No more executingServices of
1787 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/ActivityManager(  621): Set 1821 adj 1: service
1788 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2241fd40
1789 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
1790 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Cancelling BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG
1791 01-01 00:21:02.980 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Finished with ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{21ef5d90 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED}
1792 01-01 00:21:02.980 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1793 01-01 00:21:02.980 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
1794 01-01 00:21:02.980 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
1795 01-01 00:21:02.980 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
1796 01-01 00:21:02.990 V/BtOppRfcommListener( 1821): Starting RFCOMM listener....
1797 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1798 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothManagerService(  621): checkIfCallerIsForegroundUser: valid=true callingUser=0 foregroundUser=0
1799 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1800 01-01 00:21:02.990 W/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): getBluetoothService() called with no BluetoothManagerCallback
1801 01-01 00:21:02.990 I/BluetoothServiceJni( 1821): SOCK FLAG = 0 ***********************
1802 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): bindListen(), SocketState: INIT, mPfd: {ParcelFileDescriptor: FileDescriptor[84]}
1803 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): bindListen(), new LocalSocket 
1804 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): bindListen(), new LocalSocket.getInputStream() 
1805 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): bindListen(), readInt mSocketIS:$SocketInputStream@21ee7250
1806 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): ret: 4
1807 01-01 00:21:02.990 D/BluetoothSocket( 1821): channel: 12
1808 01-01 00:21:02.990 V/BtOppRfcommListener( 1821): Started RFCOMM listener....
1809 01-01 00:21:02.990 I/BtOppRfcommListener( 1821): Accept thread started.
1810 01-01 00:21:02.990 V/BtOppRfcommListener( 1821): Accepting connection...
1811 01-01 00:21:03.030 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): populating new database
1812 01-01 00:21:03.050 V/BtOppService( 1821): Deleted complete outbound shares, number =  0
1813 01-01 00:21:03.050 V/BtOppService( 1821): ContentObserver received notification
1814 01-01 00:21:03.050 V/BtOppService( 1821): ContentObserver received notification
1815 01-01 00:21:03.050 V/BtOppService( 1821): Deleted complete inbound failed shares, number = 0
1816 01-01 00:21:03.050 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection[0] is _id; selection is direction=1 AND status=200 AND visibility=1; selectionArgs is null; sort is _id.
1817 01-01 00:21:03.050 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21ee8a78 on behalf of 
1818 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is null; selectionArgs is null; sort is _id.
1819 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is (status == 192) AND (visibility IS NULL OR visibility == 0) AND (confirm == 1 OR confirm == 2 OR confirm == 5); selectionArgs is null; sort is _id.
1820 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21ee9178 on behalf of 
1821 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21ee9b10 on behalf of 
1822 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BtOppService( 1821): pendingUpdate is true keepUpdateThread is false sListenStarted is true
1823 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is null; selectionArgs is null; sort is _id.
1824 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): mUpdateCompleteNotification = true
1825 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21eee578 on behalf of 
1826 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): update too frequent, put in queue
1827 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BtOppService( 1821): pendingUpdate is false keepUpdateThread is false sListenStarted is true
1828 01-01 00:21:03.110 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is status >= 200 AND (visibility IS NULL OR visibility == 0) AND (confirm != 5) AND (direction == 0); selectionArgs is null; sort is timestamp DESC.
1829 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21eef128 on behalf of 
1830 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): outbound: succ-0  fail-0
1831 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): outbound notification was removed.
1832 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is status >= 200 AND (visibility IS NULL OR visibility == 0) AND (confirm != 5) AND (direction == 1); selectionArgs is null; sort is timestamp DESC.
1833 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21eefc20 on behalf of 
1834 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): inbound: succ-0  fail-0
1835 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): inbound notification was removed.
1836 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is confirm == 0 AND (visibility IS NULL OR visibility == 0); selectionArgs is null; sort is _id.
1837 01-01 00:21:03.120 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21ef0510 on behalf of 
1838 01-01 00:21:03.450 D/BluetoothAdapter( 1821): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1839 01-01 00:21:03.450 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1840 01-01 00:21:03.450 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1841 01-01 00:21:03.450 D/BluetoothAdapter(  621): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1842 01-01 00:21:03.450 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
1843 01-01 00:21:03.450 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED replacePending=false
1844 01-01 00:21:03.450 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
1845 01-01 00:21:03.450 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{21f435d8 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
1846 01-01 00:21:03.450 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
1847 01-01 00:21:03.450 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
1848 01-01 00:21:03.450 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
1849 01-01 00:21:03.450 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21f435d8 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
1850 01-01 00:21:03.450 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{21f435d8 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
1851 01-01 00:21:03.460 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): kgd-zhen---getDefaultAdapter---
1852 01-01 00:21:03.460 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1853 01-01 00:21:03.460 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1854 01-01 00:21:03.460 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1855 01-01 00:21:03.460 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1856 01-01 00:21:03.460 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1857 01-01 00:21:03.460 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{21f435d8 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
1858 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21f435d8 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
1859 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
1860 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND replacePending=false
1861 01-01 00:21:03.460 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND flg=0x10 (has extras) } on background queue
1862 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{22193270 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
1863 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
1864 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
1865 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
1866 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22193270 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
1867 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{22193270 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
1868 01-01 00:21:03.460 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22193270 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
1869 01-01 00:21:03.460 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22193270 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
1870 01-01 00:21:03.470 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1871 01-01 00:21:03.470 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1872 01-01 00:21:03.470 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1873 01-01 00:21:03.480 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1874 01-01 00:21:03.480 D/BluetoothEventManager( 3004): DeviceFoundHandler created new CachedBluetoothDevice: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1875 01-01 00:21:03.480 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1876 01-01 00:21:03.480 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
1877 01-01 00:21:03.480 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
1878 01-01 00:21:03.480 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1879 01-01 00:21:03.480 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1880 01-01 00:21:03.480 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1881 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1882 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1883 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1884 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1885 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1886 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1887 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1888 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1889 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1890 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1891 01-01 00:21:03.490 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1892 01-01 00:21:03.500 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1893 01-01 00:21:03.500 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1894 01-01 00:21:03.530 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1895 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/PROPERTY(  158): get media.dump_output.befconv: 0
1896 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/PROPERTY(  158): get media.dump_output.aftconv: 0
1897 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): stopStream: {+++ RECONSIDER ROUTING +++} due to output stream stop event
1898 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): reconsiderRouting
1899 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): in
1900 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): out
1901 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:       Platform State:
1902 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Modem Alive = 0 
1903 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Modem Call Active = 0 
1904 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Is Shared I2S glitch free=1 
1905 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Android Telephony Mode = Normal 
1906 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -RTE MGR HW Mode = Normal 
1907 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -BT Enabled = 1 
1908 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -BT NREC = 0 
1909 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -BT Band = NB 
1910 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform output device = Headset 
1911 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform input device = <none> 
1912 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform input source = None 
1913 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Band type = NB 
1914 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Has Direct Stream = no 
1915 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform TTY direction = <none> 
1916 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform HAC Mode = Off 
1917 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Screen State = On 
1918 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Context Awareness = false 
1919 01-01 00:21:03.920 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Always Listening = false 
1920 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform FM State = Off 
1921 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Bypass Non Linear PP State = Off 
1922 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Platform Bypass Linear PP State = Off 
1923 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doRecons[  679.580666] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
1924 iderRouting:          -Platform MicMute = Off 
1925 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:      Route state:
1926 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Previously Enabled Route in Input = <none>
1927 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Previously Enabled Route in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
1928 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Selected Route in Input = <none>
1929 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Selected Route in Output = <none>
1930 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Route that need reconfiguration in Input = <none>
1931 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): doReconsiderRouting:          -Route that need reconfiguration in Output = <none>
1932 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): executeMuteStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Mute ---------------
1933 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Flow
1934 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): muteRoutes: Expected Routes to be muted in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
1935 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: ClosingPlaybackRoutes, current state: Media|HwCodecMedia
1936 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: OpenedPlaybackRoutes, current state: <none>
1937 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
1938 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
1939 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
1940 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
1941 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): executeDisableStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Disable ---------------
1942 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Path
1943 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager(  158): prepareDisableRoutes: Routes to be disabled(unrouted) in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
1944 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/ALSAStreamOps(  158): detachRouteL output stream
1945 01-01 00:21:03.930 D/RouteManager/StreamRoute(  158): closePcmDevice called for card (baytrailaudio,0)
1946 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
1947 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
1948 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
1949 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
1950 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): executeConfigureStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Configure ---------------
1951 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Configure
1952 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: ClosingPlaybackRoutes, current state: <none>
1953 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
1954 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
1955 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:         Applying configuration "Deactivated" from domain "Routing.Configure.LPE_Mixer.HS"
1956 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
1957 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
1958 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): executeEnableStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Enable ---------------
1959 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Path|Configure
1960 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
1961 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
1962 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
1963 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
1964 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): executeUnmuteStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Unmute ---------------
1965 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Flow|Path|Configure
1966 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
1967 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     Applying configurations {
1968 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework:     } Applying configurations
1969 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
1970 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/EVENT_THREAD(  158): void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
1971 01-01 00:21:03.940 D/RouteManager(  158): reconsiderRouting: DONE
1972 01-01 00:21:03.950 I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE(  621): TIMESTAMP=664930498166, TAG=AudioMix, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK             , COUNT=0, PID=158, UID=1013, FLAGS=
1973 01-01 00:21:03.980 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): new notify threadi!
1974 01-01 00:21:03.980 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): send delay message
1975 01-01 00:21:03.980 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is (status == 192) AND (visibility IS NULL OR visibility == 0) AND (confirm == 1 OR confirm == 2 OR confirm == 5); selectionArgs is null; sort is _id.
1976 01-01 00:21:03.980 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21ef55d8 on behalf of 
1977 01-01 00:21:03.990 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): mUpdateCompleteNotification = true
1978 01-01 00:21:03.990 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is status >= 200 AND (visibility IS NULL OR visibility == 0) AND (confirm != 5) AND (direction == 0); selectionArgs is null; sort is timestamp DESC.
1979 01-01 00:21:03.990 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21ef60d8 on behalf of 
1980 01-01 00:21:03.990 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): outbound: succ-0  fail-0
1981 01-01 00:21:03.990 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): outbound notification was removed.
1982 01-01 00:21:03.990 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is status >= 200 AND (visibility IS NULL OR visibility == 0) AND (confirm != 5) AND (direction == 1); selectionArgs is null; sort is timestamp DESC.
1983 01-01 00:21:03.990 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21ef6ba0 on behalf of 
1984 01-01 00:21:04.000 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): inbound: succ-0  fail-0
1985 01-01 00:21:04.000 V/BluetoothOppNotification( 1821): inbound notification was removed.
1986 01-01 00:21:04.000 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): starting query, database is not null; projection is null; selection is confirm == 0 AND (visibility IS NULL OR visibility == 0); selectionArgs is null; sort is _id.
1987 01-01 00:21:04.000 V/BluetoothOppProvider( 1821): created cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@21ef7460 on behalf of 
1988 01-01 00:21:06.800 D/CRASHLOG(  165): receive_inotify_events: Cant handle the event "drop136.tmp", no valid entry found, drop it...
1989 01-01 00:21:06.800 D/CRASHLOG(  165): receive_inotify_events: Cant handle the event "drop136.tmp", no valid entry found, drop it...
1990 01-01 00:21:06.800 D/CRASHLOG(  165): receive_inotify_events: Cant handle the event "system_app_strictmode@978308466810.txt.gz", no valid entry found, drop it...
1991 01-01 00:21:06.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
1992 01-01 00:21:06.800 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED replacePending=false
1993 01-01 00:21:07.820 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
1994 01-01 00:21:07.820 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
1995 01-01 00:21:07.820 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
1996 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
1997 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED replacePending=false
1998 01-01 00:21:07.820 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
1999 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{22123b40 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED}
2000 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
2001 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
2002 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
2003 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22123b40 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED}
2004 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{22123b40 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED}
2005 01-01 00:21:07.820 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22123b40 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED}
2006 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22123b40 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED}
2007 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
2008 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED replacePending=false
2009 01-01 00:21:07.820 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } on background queue
2010 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{220d6f88 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
2011 01-01 00:21:07.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
2012 01-01 00:21:07.830 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2013 01-01 00:21:07.830 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2014 01-01 00:21:07.830 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2015 01-01 00:21:07.830 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2016 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
2017 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
2018 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{220d6f88 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
2019 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{220d6f88 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
2020 01-01 00:21:07.830 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{220d6f88 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
2021 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{220d6f88 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED}
2022 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0
2023 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND replacePending=false
2024 01-01 00:21:07.830 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND flg=0x10 (has extras) } on background queue
2025 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{22061f48 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
2026 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
2027 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
2028 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 0 ordered broadcasts
2029 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22061f48 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
2030 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{22061f48 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
2031 01-01 00:21:07.830 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{22061f48 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
2032 01-01 00:21:07.830 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{22061f48 u0 android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND}
2033 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2034 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2035 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2036 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2037 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2038 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2039 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2040 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothEventManager( 3004): DeviceFoundHandler created new CachedBluetoothDevice: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2041 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2042 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
2043 01-01 00:21:07.840 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
2044 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2045 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2046 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2047 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2048 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2049 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
2050 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2051 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
2052 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2053 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 3004): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2054 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2055 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2056 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2057 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2058 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2059 01-01 00:21:07.850 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2060 01-01 00:21:07.860 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
2061 01-01 00:21:07.860 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2062 01-01 00:21:07.870 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2063 01-01 00:21:07.880 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
2064 01-01 00:21:11.830 D/btif_config_util( 1821): btif_config_save_file(L153): in file name:/data/misc/bluedroid/
2065 01-01 00:21:20.820 I/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1821): Callback:discoveryStateChangeCallback with state:0
2066 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED flg=0x10 } ordered=false userid=0
2067 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueing broadcast: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED replacePending=false
2068 01-01 00:21:20.820 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED flg=0x10 } on background queue
2069 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing parallel broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fef200 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}
2070 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=false
2071 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Received BROADCAST_INTENT_MSG
2072 01-01 00:21:20.820 I/ActivityManager(  621): Broadcast intent Intent { act=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED flg=0x10 } on background queue
2073 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fdcf20 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}: prev had 0
2074 01-01 00:21:20.820 I/ActivityManager(  621): Enqueueing broadcast android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED seq=-1
2075 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Schedule broadcasts [background]: current=true
2076 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 1 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
2077 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21fef200 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}
2078 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering non-ordered on [background] to registered BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}}: BroadcastRecord{21fef200 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}
2079 01-01 00:21:20.820 I/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to BroadcastFilter{22211078 u0 ReceiverList{224db058 3004 remote:226060e8}} (seq=-1): BroadcastRecord{21fef200 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}
2080 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Done with parallel broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21fef200 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}
2081 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Processing ordered broadcast [background] BroadcastRecord{21fdcf20 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}
2082 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Submitting BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG [background] for BroadcastRecord{21fdcf20 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED} at 741805
2083 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/ActivityManager(  621): isSingleton(, ApplicationInfo{221b5a40},, 0x0) = false
2084 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fdcf20 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED} for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
2085 01-01 00:21:20.820 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
2086 01-01 00:21:20.820 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
2087 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Delivering to component ComponentInfo{}: BroadcastRecord{21fdcf20 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}
2088 01-01 00:21:20.820 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Process cur broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fdcf20 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED} DELIVERED for app ProcessRecord{2213c448}
2089 01-01 00:21:20.840 V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver( 3004): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED
2090 01-01 00:21:20.840 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
2091 01-01 00:21:20.840 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
2092 01-01 00:21:20.840 D/BluetoothAdapterService(568864392)( 1821): getState(): mAdapterProperties:
2093 01-01 00:21:20.840 D/BluetoothAdapter( 3004): 569015184: getState(). Returning 12
2094 01-01 00:21:20.860 V/ActivityManager(  621): Finish receiver: android.os.BinderProxy@2241fd40
2095 01-01 00:21:20.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): processNextBroadcast [background]: 0 broadcasts, 1 ordered broadcasts
2096 01-01 00:21:20.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Cancelling BROADCAST_TIMEOUT_MSG
2097 01-01 00:21:20.860 V/BroadcastQueue(  621): Finished with ordered broadcast BroadcastRecord{21fdcf20 u0 android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED}
2098 01-01 00:21:20.860 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
2099 01-01 00:21:20.860 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 1ms
2100 01-01 00:21:20.860 D/ActivityManager(  621): oom: memFactor=0 last=0 allowLow=false numProcs=34 last=34
2101 01-01 00:21:20.860 D/ActivityManager(  621): Did OOM ADJ in 0ms
2102 01-01 00:21:20.870 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 64:27:37:C9:0A:9C
2103 01-01 00:21:20.880 D/BluetoothDevice( 1821): mAddress: 00:1D:86:30:04:4F
2104 [  689.586949] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
2105 [  699.592340] iTCO_wdt: iTCO_wdt_keepalive
Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理





Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理,布布扣,

Android4.4 之Bluetooth整理

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