这两天正在把Percona5.5的Multi AHI补丁port到5.6.11,顺便过了下AHI相关的代码逻辑,因此写的比较散乱,慎入!!
btr_search_sys->hash_index = ha_create(hash_size, 0, MEM_HEAP_FOR_BTR_SEARCH, 0);
ulint ref_count | 该index上被AHI索引的block数量,需要通过btr_search_latch保护 |
buf_block_t* root_guess | 上次获取的root page |
ulint hash_analysis | 当该值超过BTR_SEARCH_HASH_ANALYSIS时,才会去更新AHI的entry. 这主要是为了避免太过频繁的更新AHI(默认超过17次查询后,才会去尝试更新AHI) 在为search info重设新的n_fields和n_bytes时,会重设该字段为0 |
ibool last_hash_succ | 如果上次的搜索成功了,并使用了AHI,则设置为TRUE |
ulint n_hash_potential | 使用AHI持续成功检索的次数. 在函数btr_search_guess_on_hash中,当成功使用了一次AHI后,如果当前n_hash_potential<BTR_SEARCH_BUILD_LIMIT+5=105,则将n_hash_potential++ 在函数btr_search_info_update_hash中,有两种情况会递增该变量: 在需要更新search info时,该变量可能会被重置 |
ulint n_fields | 推荐的匹配列的个数 |
ulint n_bytes | 推荐的第一个部分匹配列的字节数 |
ibool left_side | 布尔变量,其值取决于多个有相同前缀的最左边的记录是否应该被索引 |
ulint n_hash_helps | 用于控制是否为该block创建新的AHI项,在函数btr_search_update_block_hash_info中被递增或重置。当block上的n_fields,n_bytes以及left_side和info上的对应值相同时,才可能去递增该变量;
当n_hash_helps大于该page记录总数的1/16分之一时,才可能为该该block上的全部用户记录建立AHI,并且要满足一系列的条件: / BTR_SEARCH_PAGE_BUILD_LIMIT)
&& (info->n_hash_potential >= BTR_SEARCH_BUILD_LIMIT)) {
if ((!block->index)
|| (block->n_hash_helps
> 2 * page_get_n_recs(block->frame))
|| (block->n_fields != block->curr_n_fields)
|| (block->n_bytes != block->curr_n_bytes)
|| (block->left_side != block->curr_left_side)) {
/* Build a new hash index on the page */
return(TRUE); //返回TRUE表示需要为该page上所有用户记录建AHI
} 当重新为该block创建AHI后(btr_search_build_page_hash_index),block->n_hash_helps被重置为0 |
ulint n_fields | 该变量,及下面两个变量,在两个函数中被设置
btr_search_move_or_delete_hash_entries,用于当诸如发生索引分裂时,将老block上的curr_* 赋值给新block,并为其建立AHI btr_search_update_block_hash_info 将info的对应变量赋值给block block->n_fields = info->n_fields;
block->n_bytes = info->n_bytes;
block->left_side = info->left_side; 只有当上述这几个值和info对应的变量在一段时间内保持一致,才会去考虑为该block上的全部用户记录建立AHI |
ulint n_bytes | 同上 |
ibool left_side | 同上 |
unsigned curr_n_fields:10 | 该变量及以下两个变量,只在在该block全部用户记录建立AHI时(btr_search_build_page_hash_index)才会被设置 |
unsigned curr_n_bytes:15 | 同上 |
unsigned curr_left_side:1 | 同上 |
dict_index_t* index | 该block对应的索引指针,在为该block创建AHI时被赋值 |
ulint up_match |
If the search mode was PAGE_CUR_LE, the number of matched fields to the the first user record to the right of
the cursor record after btr_cur_search_to_nth_level;
for the mode PAGE_CUR_GE, the matched fields to the first user record AT THE
CURSOR or to the right of it;
NOTE that the up_match and low_match values may exceed the correct values for comparison to the adjacent user
record if that record is on a different leaf page! (See the note in row_ins_duplicate_error_in_clust.)
ulint up_bytes | number of matched bytes to the right at the time cursor positioned;
only used internally in searches: not defined after the search
ulint low_match | if search mode was PAGE_CUR_LE, the number of matched fields to the first user record AT THE CURSOR or to the left of it after btr_cur_search_to_nth_level;
NOT defined for PAGE_CUR_GE or any other search modes; see also the NOTE in up_match!
ulint low_bytes | number of matched bytes to the right at the time cursor positioned;
only used internally in searches: not defined after the search |
ulint n_fields | 用于在检索AHI时赋值 |
ulint n_bytes | 同上 |
ulint fold | 查询AHI时,根据tuple计算的hash key值 |
if (rw_lock_get_writer(&btr_search_latch) == RW_LOCK_NOT_LOCKED && latch_mode <= BTR_MODIFY_LEAF && info->last_hash_succ && !estimate # ifdef PAGE_CUR_LE_OR_EXTENDS && mode != PAGE_CUR_LE_OR_EXTENDS # endif /* PAGE_CUR_LE_OR_EXTENDS */ /* If !has_search_latch, we do a dirty read of btr_search_enabled below, and btr_search_guess_on_hash() will have to check it again. */ && UNIV_LIKELY(btr_search_enabled) && btr_search_guess_on_hash(index, info, tuple, mode, latch_mode, cursor, has_search_latch, mtr)) {
cursor->n_bytes = info->n_bytes;
fold = dtuple_fold(tuple, cursor->n_fields, cursor->n_bytes, index_id); cursor->fold = fold; cursor->flag = BTR_CUR_HASH; rec = (rec_t*) ha_search_and_get_data(btr_search_sys->hash_index, fold);
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(index_id != btr_page_get_index_id(block->frame)) || !btr_search_check_guess(cursor, has_search_latch, tuple, mode, mtr)) { if (UNIV_LIKELY(!has_search_latch)) { btr_leaf_page_release(block, latch_mode, mtr); } goto failure; } if (UNIV_LIKELY(info->n_hash_potential < BTR_SEARCH_BUILD_LIMIT + 5)) { info->n_hash_potential++; }
offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, cursor->index, offsets, n_unique, &heap); cmp = page_cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, rec, //return 1, 0, -1, if dtuple is greater, equal, less than rec offsets, &match, &bytes);
cursor->low_match = low_match; cursor->low_bytes = low_bytes; cursor->up_match = up_match; cursor->up_bytes = up_bytes; #ifdef BTR_CUR_ADAPT /* We do a dirty read of btr_search_enabled here. We will properly check btr_search_enabled again in btr_search_build_page_hash_index() before building a page hash index, while holding btr_search_latch. */ if (btr_search_enabled) { btr_search_info_update(index, cursor); } #endif
cmp = ut_pair_cmp(info->n_fields, info->n_bytes, cursor->low_match, cursor->low_bytes); if (info->left_side ? cmp <= 0 : cmp > 0)
info->hash_analysis = 0; //将hash_analysis值设为0,防止频繁更新 cmp = ut_pair_cmp(cursor->up_match, cursor->up_bytes, cursor->low_match, cursor->low_bytes);
info->n_hash_potential = 0; info->n_fields = 1; info->n_bytes = 0; info->left_side = TRUE;
} else if (cmp > 0) { info->n_hash_potential = 1; if (cursor->up_match >= n_unique) { info->n_fields = n_unique; info->n_bytes = 0; } else if (cursor->low_match < cursor->up_match) { info->n_fields = cursor->low_match + 1; info->n_bytes = 0; } else { info->n_fields = cursor->low_match; info->n_bytes = cursor->low_bytes + 1; } info->left_side = TRUE; } else { //cmp <0 info->n_hash_potential = 1; if (cursor->low_match >= n_unique) { info->n_fields = n_unique; info->n_bytes = 0; } else if (cursor->low_match > cursor->up_match) { info->n_fields = cursor->up_match + 1; info->n_bytes = 0; } else { info->n_fields = cursor->up_match; info->n_bytes = cursor->up_bytes + 1; } info->left_side = FALSE; }
cmp = ut_pair_cmp(info->n_fields, info->n_bytes, cursor->up_match, cursor->up_bytes); if (info->left_side ? cmp <= 0 : cmp > 0)
info->last_hash_succ = FALSE; if ((block->n_hash_helps > 0) //n_hash_helps >0,则block的n_fields等变量必然被赋值了 && (info->n_hash_potential > 0) && (block->n_fields == info->n_fields) //由于info上的n_fields等可能发生变化,如果在一段时间内保持和block的一致,那可以认为info建议的列前缀长度是有效的 && (block->n_bytes == info->n_bytes) && (block->left_side == info->left_side)) { if ((block->index) && (block->curr_n_fields == info->n_fields) && (block->curr_n_bytes == info->n_bytes) && (block->curr_left_side == info->left_side)) { info->last_hash_succ = TRUE; // 认为上次block使用AHI成功 } block->n_hash_helps++; } else { block->n_hash_helps = 1; block->n_fields = info->n_fields; block->n_bytes = info->n_bytes; block->left_side = info->left_side; } if ((block->n_hash_helps > page_get_n_recs(block->frame) / BTR_SEARCH_PAGE_BUILD_LIMIT) // 该block上的n_hash_helps值超过了该page上记录总数的16分之一时, && (info->n_hash_potential >= BTR_SEARCH_BUILD_LIMIT)) { //且该索引的n_hash_potential大于100时 if ((!block->index) //block上没有建AHI || (block->n_hash_helps //或者block上的n_hash_helps大于2倍的记录数 > 2 * page_get_n_recs(block->frame)) || (block->n_fields != block->curr_n_fields) //或者block上之前为记录创建AHI所使用的前缀列的个数(curr_)和当前的不相同 || (block->n_bytes != block->curr_n_bytes) || (block->left_side != block->curr_left_side)) { /* Build a new hash index on the page */ return(TRUE); //需要为这个page构建AHI } } return(FALSE);
if ((info->n_hash_potential > 0) && (block->curr_n_fields == info->n_fields) && (block->curr_n_bytes == info->n_bytes) && (block->curr_left_side == info->left_side)) { mem_heap_t* heap = NULL; ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE]; rec_offs_init(offsets_); rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor); if (!page_rec_is_user_rec(rec)) { return; } fold = rec_fold(rec, rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets_, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap), block->curr_n_fields, block->curr_n_bytes, index->id); if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) { mem_heap_free(heap); } ha_insert_for_fold(btr_search_sys->hash_index, fold, //更新当前检索到的AHI记录项 block, rec); }
params = (ulint*) mem_alloc(3 * sizeof(ulint)); params[0] = block->n_fields; params[1] = block->n_bytes; params[2] = block->left_side; btr_search_build_page_hash_index(cursor->index, block, params2[0], params2[1], params2[2]); mem_free(params);
if (block->index && ((block->curr_n_fields != n_fields) || (block->curr_n_bytes != n_bytes) || (block->curr_left_side != left_side))) { rw_lock_s_unlock(&btr_search_latch); btr_search_drop_page_hash_index(block);
if (dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(index) < n_fields || (dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(index) == n_fields && n_bytes > 0)) { return; }
if (block->index && ((block->curr_n_fields != n_fields) || (block->curr_n_bytes != n_bytes) || (block->curr_left_side != left_side))) { goto exit_func; }
block->n_hash_helps = 0; block->curr_n_fields = n_fields; block->curr_n_bytes = n_bytes; block->curr_left_side = left_side; block->index = index;