表 a, b
CREATE table a ( id int, name varchar(20), age int ); CREATE table b ( id int, aids varchar(50), name varchar(20), age int );
id | name | age |
1 | a | 11 |
2 | b | 22 |
3 | c | 33 |
4 | a | 11 |
id | aids | name | age |
1 | 1,4 | a | 11 |
2 | b | 22 |
一、查询表a 中 name、age的字段值和表b 一样的 id,select 结果 单行展示:返回一条记录(id多个时以逗号隔开),为更新服务
-- mysql select ( select -- group_concat([DISTINCT] a.id [order by a.id asc] [separator ‘,‘]) 默认逗号分隔 group_concat(a.id) from a where a.name=b.name and a.age=b.age group by a.name, a.age ) from b where b.id=1 -- 结果: 1,4 -- oracle select ( select (listagg(a.id,‘,‘) within group (order by a.id)) from a where a.name=b2.name and a.age=b2.age ) from b b2
where b.id=1
二、根据表b 的 aids 字段值查询表a的数据
1、aids 为多个,select 结果 多行展示
mysql 借鉴链接:https://blog.csdn.net/a2899202/article/details/101438213
-- mysql SELECT id, substring_index( substring_index( aids, ‘,‘, b.help_topic_id + 1 ), ‘,‘,- 1 ) aid FROM b JOIN mysql.help_topic b ON b.help_topic_id < ( length( aids ) - length( REPLACE ( aids, ‘,‘, ‘‘ ) ) + 1 ) ORDER BY id -- oracle select * from ( SELECT DISTINCT id,to_char(REGEXP_SUBSTR(aids, ‘[^,]+‘, 1, LEVEL, ‘i‘)) AS STR FROM b CONNECT BY LEVEL <= length(replace(aids,‘,‘)) ) tmp where tmp.STR is not null
-- mysql select * from a where id in ( SELECT substring_index( substring_index( aids, ‘,‘, b.help_topic_id + 1 ), ‘,‘,- 1 ) aid FROM b JOIN mysql.help_topic b ON b.help_topic_id < ( length( aids ) - length( REPLACE ( aids, ‘,‘, ‘‘ ) ) + 1 ) where id = 1 ) -- oracle select * from a where id in ( SELECT DISTINCT to_char(REGEXP_SUBSTR(aids, ‘[^,]+‘, 1, LEVEL, ‘i‘)) AS STR FROM b WHERE ID = 1 CONNECT BY LEVEL <= length(replace(aids,‘,‘)) )
update b b1 set b1.aids= ( -- 没加这层select 执行SQL语句时会报错。原因是在更新这个表和数据时又查询了它,而查询的数据又做了更新的条件。 select rp from ( select ( select group_concat(a.id separator ‘,‘) from a where a.name=b2.name and a.age=b2.age group by a.name, a.age ) rp, b2.* from b b2 ) tmp where b1.id=tmp.id )
update b b1 set b1.aids= ( select ( select (listagg(a.id,‘,‘) within group (order by a.id)) from a where a.name=b2.name and a.age=b2.age group by a.name, a.age ) from b b2 where b1.id=b2.id )