create proc P_show ( @pageindex int , @pagesize int, @Uname nvarchar(20), @totalcount int out, @totalpage int out ) as begin declare @sql nvarchar(max)=‘select * from UserInfo where 1=1 ‘ declare @sqls nvarchar(max)=‘select @totalcount=count(*) from UserInfo where 1=1 ‘ if(@Uname!=null) begin set @sql +=‘ and Uname like ‘‘%‘+@Uname+‘%‘‘‘ set @sqls +=‘ and Uname like ‘‘%‘+@Uname+‘%‘‘‘ end set @sql+=‘select * from UserInfo order by Uid offset (@pageindex-1)*@pagesize rows fetch next @pagesize rows only‘ exec sp_executesql @sql,N‘@pageindex int,@pagesize int‘,@pageindex,@pagesize exec sp_executesql @sqls,N‘@totalcount int out‘,@totalcount out set @totalpage=CEILING(@totalcount/1.0/@pagesize) end declare @c int ,@p int exec P_show 1,3,‘‘,@c out,@p out select @c,@p
public List<UserInfo>Pageshow(out int totalcount,out int totalpage,string Uname,int pageindex=1,int pagesize=3) { #region MyRegion ////var sql = db.UserInfo.AsEnumerable(); ////if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Uname)) ////{ //// sql = sql.Where(a => a.Uname.Contains(Uname)); ////} ////totalcount = sql.Count(); ////totalpage = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(totalcount / 1.0 / pagesize)); ////return sql.OrderBy(a => a.UId).Skip((pageindex - 1) * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList(); ////var sqls = $"select count(*) from UserInfo "; ////totalcount = db.Database.SqlQuery<int>(sqls).FirstOrDefault(); ////totalpage= Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(totalcount / 1.0 / pagesize)); ////var sql = $"select * from UserInfo order by Uid offset ({pageindex}-1)*{pagesize} rows fetch next {pagesize} rows only"; ////return db.Database.SqlQuery<UserInfo>(sql).ToList(); #endregion SqlParameter[] sqlss = { new SqlParameter("@pageindex",pageindex), new SqlParameter("@pagesize",pagesize), new SqlParameter("@Uname",Uname==null?"":Uname), new SqlParameter("@totalcount",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int), new SqlParameter("@totalpage",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int), }; sqlss[3].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; sqlss[4].Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; //执行存储过程 var list= db.Database.SqlQuery<UserInfo>("exec P_show @pageindex,@pagesize,@Uname,@totalcount out, @totalpage out", sqlss).ToList(); totalcount = (int)sqlss[3].Value; totalpage = (int)sqlss[4].Value; return list; }
public ActionResult Index() { int totalcount = 0; int totalpage = 0; var list = dal.Pageshow(out totalcount, out totalpage,""); return View(); }