Excel VBA(2) Workbooks and Worksheets

The Workbooks Collection

Sub ActivateWorkbook1()
	Dim sFullName As String
	Dim sFileName As String
	Dim wkb As Workbook
	sFullName = “C:\Data\SalesData1.xlsx”
	sFileName = sGetFileName(sFullName)
	If bIsWorkbookOpen(sFileName) Then
		Set wkb = Workbooks(sFileName)
		Set wkb = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=sFullName)
	End If
End Sub

The Sheets Collection


Better to avoid using index to specify a sheet, like Worksheets(2)

Copy and Move


Sub NewMonth()
	'Copy the first worksheet in the active workbook
	'to create a new monthly sheet with name of format “mmm yyyy”.
	'The first worksheet must have a name that is in a recognizable
	'date format.
	Dim wks As Worksheet
	Dim dteFirstDate As Date
	Dim iFirstMonth As Integer
	Dim iFirstYear As Integer
	Dim iCount As Integer
	'Initialize counter to number of worksheets
	iCount = Worksheets.Count
	'Copy first worksheet after last worksheet and increase counter
	Worksheets(1).Copy After:=Worksheets(iCount)
	iCount = iCount + 1
	'Assign last worksheet to wks
	Set wks = Worksheets(iCount)
	'Calculate date from first worksheet name
	dteFirstDate = DateValue(Worksheets(1).Name)
	'Extract month and year components
	iFirstMonth = Month(dteFirstDate)
	iFirstYear = Year(dteFirstDate)
	'Compute and assign new worksheet name
	wks.Name = Format(DateSerial(iFirstYear, iFirstMonth + iCount - 1, 1), “mmm yyyy”)
	'Clear data cells in wks, avoiding error if there is no data
	wks.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 1).ClearContents
End Sub


Month(date), Year(date), Format(date, style)

Grouping Worksheets

Worksheets(Array(1, 3, 5)).Select

Sub GroupSheets()
	Dim asNames(1 To 3) As String
	Dim i As Integer
	asNames(1) = "Jan 2008"
	asNames(2) = "Feb 2008"
	asNames(3) = "May 2008"


	For i = 2 To 3
		Worksheets(asNames(i)).Select Replace := False
	Next i
End Sub

Sub FormatGroup()
	Dim shts As Sheets
	Dim wks As Worksheet

	Set shts = Worksheets(Array(1, 3, 5))
	For Each wks In shts
		wks.Range("A1").Value = 100
		wks.Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
	Next wks
End Sub


The Window Object

Sub FormatSelectedGroup()
	Dim sht As Object
	Dim sRangeAddress As String
	sRangeAddress = Selection.Address
	For Each sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
	If TypeName(sht) = “Worksheet” Then
	sht.Range(sRangeAddress).Font.Bold = True
	End If
	Next sht
End Sub


上一篇:1007 Maximum Subsequence Sum (PAT(Advance))
