mac item2自定义光标移动快捷键,移动行首行尾,按单词跳转

To jump between words and start/end of lines in iTerm2 follow these steps:

  • iTerm2 -> Preferences (? + ,)
  • Open the “Keys” tab
  • Add the following Global Shortcut Keys

Move cursor one word left

  • Keyboard Combination: ? + 
  • Action: Send Hex Code
  • Code: 0x1b 0x62

Move cursor one word right

  • Keyboard Combination: ? + 
  • Action: Send Hex Code
  • Code: 0x1b 0x66

Move cursor to beginning of line

  • Keyboard Combination: ? + 
  • Action: Send Hex Code
  • Code: 0x01

Move cursor to end of line

  • Keyboard Combination: ? + 
  • Action: Send Hex Code
  • Code: 0x05

Delete word

  • Keyboard Combination: ? + ←Delete
  • Action: Send Hex Code
  • Code: 0x1b 0x08

Delete line

  • Keyboard Combination: ? + ←Delete
  • Action: Send Hex Code
  • Code: 0x15


  • Keyboard Combination: ? + z
  • Action: Send Hex Code
  • Code: 0x1f

Don‘t forget to remove the previous bindings:

  • Open the “Profiles” tab
  • Click the sub-tab ”Keys”
  • Remove the mappings for key combinations ? +  and ? + 

参考文档: https://*.com/questions/6205157/iterm-2-how-to-set-keyboard-shortcuts-to-jump-to-beginning-end-of-line

mac item2自定义光标移动快捷键,移动行首行尾,按单词跳转

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