Doug Lea文章阅读记录-JUC系列

3.3 Queues

The heart of the framework is maintenance of queues of blocked threads, which are restricted here to FIFO queues. Thus, the framework does not support priority-based synchronization.


These days, there is little controversy that the most appropriate choices for synchronization queues are non-blocking data structures that do not themselves need to be constructed using lower-level locks. And of these, there are two main candidates: variants of Mellor-Crummey and Scott (MCS) locks [9], and variants of Craig, Landin, and Hagersten (CLH) locks [5][8][10]. Historically, CLH locks have been used only in spinlocks. However, they appeared more amenable than MCS for use in the synchronizer framework because they are more easily adapted to handle cancellation and timeouts, so were chosen as a basis. The resulting design is far enough removed from the original CLH structure to require explanation.

these days:目前

little controversy:毫无争议

most appropriate choices:最适合的选择




adapted to:适合


A CLH queue is not very queue-like, because its enqueuing and dequeuing operations are intimately tied to its uses as a lock. It is a linked queue accessed via two atomically updatable fields, head and tail, both initially pointing to a dummy node.

intimately tied to:密切相关




Doug Lea文章阅读记录-JUC系列

A new node, node, is enqueued using an atomic operation:

do { 
  pred = tail; 
} while(!tail.compareAndSet(pred, node)); 

The release status for each node is kept in its predecessor node. So, the "spin" of a spinlock looks like:

while (pred.status != RELEASED) ; // spin

A dequeue operation after this spin simply entails setting the head field to the node that just got the lock:

head = node;



Among the advantages of CLH locks are that enqueuing and dequeuing are fast, lock-free, and obstruction free (even under contention, one thread will always win an insertion race so will make progress); that detecting whether any threads are waiting is also fast (just check if head is the same as tail); and that release status is decentralized, avoiding some memory contention.





In the original versions of CLH locks, there were not even links connecting nodes. In a spinlock, the pred variable can be held as a local. However, Scott and Scherer[10] showed that by explicitly maintaining predecessor fields within nodes, CLH locks can deal with timeouts and other forms of cancellation: If a node's predecessor cancels, the node can slide up to use the previous node's status field.

The main additional modification needed to use CLH queues for blocking synchronizers is to provide an efficient way for one node to locate its successor. In spinlocks, a node need only change its status, which will be noticed on next spin by its successor, so links are unnecessary. But in a blocking synchronizer, a node needs to explicitly wake up (unpark) its successor.




An AbstractQueuedSynchronizer queue node contains a next link to its successor. But because there are no applicable techniques for lock-free atomic insertion of double-linked list nodes using compareAndSet, this link is not atomically set as part of insertion; it is simply assigned: = node; 

after the insertion. This is reflected in all usages. The next link is treated only as an optimized path. If a node's successor does not appear to exist (or appears to be cancelled) via its next field, it is always possible to start at the tail of the list and traverse backwards using the pred field to accurately check if there really is one.

applicable :适应的



A second set of modifications is to use the status field kept in each node for purposes of controlling blocking, not spinning. In the synchronizer framework, a queued thread can only return from an acquire operation if it passes the tryAcquire method defined in a concrete subclass; a single "released" bit does not suffice. But control is still needed to ensure that an active thread is only allowed to invoke tryAcquire when it is at the head of the queue; in which case it may fail to acquire, and (re)block. This does not require a per-node status flag because permission can be determined by checking that the current node's predecessor is the head. And unlike the case of spinlocks, there is not enough memory contention reading head to warrant replication. However, cancellation status must still be present in the status field.



第二大修改的点是使用节点内维护的status field来控制阻塞,而不是用这个自旋。这个status field在源码中就是Node#waitStatus

这里就涉及到具体的代码实现了,AQS的设计是把用模版模式把一些模版方法留给子类去实现,并且明确告诉那些实现者,锁状态是一个volatile修饰的int。 通过判断自己的前节点是否为头节点老决定是否进行acquire操作。所以不需要每个节点内的状态而只要判断是不是头节点就行了,这个和自旋锁已经有很大不同了,那么每个节点上存的那个Node#waitStatus存的值具体做什么用的呢:

/** waitStatus value to indicate thread has cancelled */
static final int CANCELLED =  1;
/** waitStatus value to indicate successor's thread needs unparking */
static final int SIGNAL    = -1;
/** waitStatus value to indicate thread is waiting on condition */
static final int CONDITION = -2;
 * waitStatus value to indicate the next acquireShared should
 * unconditionally propagate
static final int PROPAGATE = -3;

The queue node status field is also used to avoid needless calls to park and unpark. While these methods are relatively fast as blocking primitives go, they encounter avoidable overhead in the boundary crossing between Java and the JVM runtime and/or OS. Before invoking park, a thread sets a "signal me" bit, and then rechecks synchronization and node status once more before invoking park. A releasing thread clears status. This saves threads from needlessly attempting to block often enough to be worthwhile, especially for lock classes in which lost time waiting for the next eligible thread to acquire a lock accentuates other contention effects. This also avoids requiring a releasing thread to determine its successor unless the successor has set the signal bit, which in turn eliminates those cases where it must traverse multiple nodes to cope with an apparently null next field unless signalling occurs in conjunction with cancellation.




Non-negative values mean that a node doesn't need to signal.


Perhaps the main difference between the variant of CLH locks used in the synchronizer framework and those employed in other languages is that garbage collection is relied on for managing storage reclamation of nodes, which avoids complexity and overhead. However, reliance on GC does still entail nulling of link fields when they are sure to never to be needed. This can normally be done when dequeuing. Otherwise, unused nodes would still be reachable, causing them to be uncollectable.

Some further minor tunings, including lazy initialization of the initial dummy node required by CLH queues upon first contention, are described in the source code documentation in the J2SE1.5 release.





Omitting such details, the general form of the resulting implementation of the basic acquire operation (exclusive, noninterruptible, untimed case only) is:

// 入队前,先进行一次抢占锁操作,失败才进行入队
if (!tryAcquire(arg)) {
  // 创建新的节点
	node = create and enqueue new node;
  // 前节点,其实就是尾节点指向
	pred = node's effective predecessor;
  // 首先判断尾节点是否和头节点相同,是的话直接头节点设置
  // 不是的话再尝试抢占锁
	while (pred is not head node || !tryAcquire(arg)) {
    // 抢占锁失败,判断前面节点状态是否为signal,是的话表示前面节点还在等待唤醒,那我就肯定先等待
		if (pred's signal bit is set)
      // 直接替换前面节点的signal状态
			compareAndSet pred's signal bit to true; 
      // 节点前移
			pred = node's effective predecessor; 
      // 继续循环判断前面节点
	head = node; 

And the release operation is:

if (tryRelease(arg) && head node's signal bit is set) { 
  compareAndSet head's signal bit to false;
  // 唤醒头节点的后面一个节点
	unpark head's successor, if one exists 

The number of iterations of the main acquire loop depends, of course, on the nature of tryAcquire. Otherwise, in the absence of cancellation, each component of acquire and release is a constant-time O(1) operation, amortized across threads, disregarding any OS thread scheduling occuring within park.

Cancellation support mainly entails checking for interrupt or timeout upon each return from park inside the acquire loop. A cancelled thread due to timeout or interrupt sets its node status and unparks its successor so it may reset links. With cancellation, determining predecessors and successors and resetting status may include O(n) traversals (where n is the length of the queue). Because a thread never again blocks for a cancelled operation, links and status fields tend to restabilize quickly.


the nature of:的本质

amortized cost:摊余成本



3.4 Condition Queues

The synchronizer framework provides a ConditionObject class for use by synchronizers that maintain exclusive synchronization and conform to the Lock interface. Any number of condition objects may be attached to a lock object, providing classic monitor-style await, signal, and signalAll operations, including those with timeouts, along with some inspection and monitoring methods.

The ConditionObject class enables conditions to be efficiently integrated with other synchronization operations, again by fixing some design decisions. This class supports only Java-style monitor access rules in which condition operations are legal only when the lock owning the condition is held by the current thread (See [4] for discussion of alternatives). Thus, a ConditionObject attached to a ReentrantLock acts in the same way as do built-in monitors (via Object.wait etc), differing only in method names, extra functionality, and the fact that users can declare multiple conditions per lock.


attached to:附属于

integrate with:使与……结合


继续介绍Condition,提供一个ConditionObject给同步器用,每一个condition都必须属于一个lock,这点和Object的await, signal, signalAll操作一样是要先获得锁。每一个锁可以有关联多个condition

A ConditionObject uses the same internal queue nodes as synchronizers, but maintains them on a separate condition queue. The signal operation is implemented as a queue transfer from the condition queue to the lock queue, without necessarily waking up the signalled thread before it has re-acquired its lock.


The basic await operation is:

create and add new node to condition queue; 
release lock;
block until node is on lock queue; 
re-acquire lock;

And the signal operation is:

transfer the first node from condition queue to lock queue;

Because these operations are performed only when the lock is held, they can use sequential linked queue operations (using a nextWaiter field in nodes) to maintain the condition queue. The transfer operation simply unlinks the first node from the condition queue, and then uses CLH insertion to attach it to the lock queue.



The main complication in implementing these operations is dealing with cancellation of condition waits due to timeouts or Thread.interrupt. A cancellation and signal occuring at approximately the same time encounter a race whose outcome conforms to the specifications for built-in monitors. As revised in JSR133, these require that if an interrupt occurs before a signal, then the await method must, after reacquiring the lock, throw InterruptedException. But if it is interrupted after a
signal, then the method must return without throwing an exception, but with its thread interrupt status set.

To maintain proper ordering, a bit in the queue node status records whether the node has been (or is in the process of being)
transferred. Both the signalling code and the cancelling code try to compareAndSet this status. If a signal operation loses this race, it instead transfers the next node on the queue, if one exists. If a cancellation loses, it must abort the transfer, and then await lock re-acquisition. This latter case introduces a potentially unbounded spin. A cancelled wait cannot commence lock reacquisition until the node has been successfully inserted on the lock queue, so must spin waiting for the CLH queue insertion compareAndSet being performed by the signalling thread to succeed. The need to spin here is rare, and employs a Thread.yield to provide a scheduling hint that some other thread, ideally the one doing the signal, should instead run. While it would be possible to implement here a helping strategy for the cancellation to insert the node, the case is much too rare to justify the added overhead that this would entail. In all other cases, the basic mechanics here and elsewhere use no spins or yields, which maintains reasonable performance on uniprocessors.







