DuiLib 源码分析之解析xml类CMarkup & CMarkupNode cpp文件



CMarkupNode 与 CMarkUp 互为友元类,CMarkUp 实现解析,CMarkupNode 用于存储读取节点数据

 void CMarkupNode::_MapAttributes()
m_nAttributes = ;
LPCTSTR pstr = m_pOwner->m_pstrXML + m_pOwner->m_pElements[m_iPos].iStart;
LPCTSTR pstrEnd = m_pOwner->m_pstrXML + m_pOwner->m_pElements[m_iPos].iData;
pstr += _tcslen(pstr) + ;
while( pstr < pstrEnd ) {
m_aAttributes[m_nAttributes].iName = pstr - m_pOwner->m_pstrXML;//位移
pstr += _tcslen(pstr) + ;
if( *pstr++ != _T('\"') ) return; // if( *pstr != _T('\"') ) { pstr = ::CharNext(pstr); return; } m_aAttributes[m_nAttributes++].iValue = pstr - m_pOwner->m_pstrXML;//位移
if( m_nAttributes >= MAX_XML_ATTRIBUTES ) return;
pstr += _tcslen(pstr) + ;




bool CMarkup::Load(LPCTSTR pstrXML)//直接解析字符串

bool CMarkup::LoadFromMem(BYTE* pByte, DWORD dwSize, int encoding)//将二进制数据流转换为字符串再解析

bool CMarkup::LoadFromFile(LPCTSTR pstrFilename, int encoding)//解析xml文件,根据文件名解析,先判断资源是否被打包到zip压缩包中

 bool CMarkup::_Parse()//解析入口, 先拓展节点保证有足够的节点存储,然后解析
_ReserveElement(); // Reserve index 0 for errors
::ZeroMemory(m_szErrorMsg, sizeof(m_szErrorMsg));
::ZeroMemory(m_szErrorXML, sizeof(m_szErrorXML));
LPTSTR pstrXML = m_pstrXML;
return _Parse(pstrXML, );
 CMarkup::XMLELEMENT* CMarkup::_ReserveElement()//拓展节点数
if( m_nElements == ) m_nReservedElements = ;
if( m_nElements >= m_nReservedElements ) {
m_nReservedElements += (m_nReservedElements / ) + ;
m_pElements = static_cast<XMLELEMENT*>(realloc(m_pElements, m_nReservedElements * sizeof(XMLELEMENT)));//这里的realloc函数会将原来的内容复制到新申请的内存中
return &m_pElements[m_nElements++];
 bool CMarkup::_Parse(LPTSTR& pstrText, ULONG iParent)
ULONG iPrevious = ;
for( ; ; )
if( *pstrText == _T('\0') && iParent <= ) return true;//退出条件,到结尾,或者无父节点
if( *pstrText != _T('<') ) return _Failed(_T("Expected start tag"), pstrText);
if( pstrText[] == _T('/') ) return true;
*pstrText++ = _T('\0');
// Skip comment or processing directive 跳过注释(<- ->)或指令(<? ?>)
if( *pstrText == _T('!') || *pstrText == _T('?') ) {
TCHAR ch = *pstrText;
if( *pstrText == _T('!') ) ch = _T('-');
while( *pstrText != _T('\0') && !(*pstrText == ch && *(pstrText + ) == _T('>')) ) pstrText = ::CharNext(pstrText);
if( *pstrText != _T('\0') ) pstrText += ;
// Fill out element structure
XMLELEMENT* pEl = _ReserveElement();
ULONG iPos = pEl - m_pElements;
pEl->iStart = pstrText - m_pstrXML;
pEl->iParent = iParent;
pEl->iNext = pEl->iChild = ;
if( iPrevious != ) m_pElements[iPrevious].iNext = iPos;
else if( iParent > ) m_pElements[iParent].iChild = iPos;
iPrevious = iPos;
// Parse name
LPCTSTR pstrName = pstrText;
LPTSTR pstrNameEnd = pstrText;
if( *pstrText == _T('\0') ) return _Failed(_T("Error parsing element name"), pstrText);
// Parse attributes
if( !_ParseAttributes(pstrText) ) return false; //解析属性
if( pstrText[] == _T('/') && pstrText[] == _T('>') ) //结尾是/>情况
pEl->iData = pstrText - m_pstrXML; //保存节点的结尾位移
*pstrText = _T('\0');
pstrText += ;
else //结尾是>情况
if( *pstrText != _T('>') ) return _Failed(_T("Expected start-tag closing"), pstrText);
// Parse node data
pEl->iData = ++pstrText - m_pstrXML;
LPTSTR pstrDest = pstrText;
if( !_ParseData(pstrText, pstrDest, _T('<')) ) return false;//找到<符号
// Determine type of next element
if( *pstrText == _T('\0') && iParent <= ) return true; //如果是结尾则返回
if( *pstrText != _T('<') ) return _Failed(_T("Expected end-tag start"), pstrText);
if( pstrText[] == _T('<') && pstrText[] != _T('/') )
if( !_Parse(pstrText, iPos) ) return false; //递归解析子节点
if( pstrText[] == _T('<') && pstrText[] == _T('/') ) //处理</>情况
*pstrDest = _T('\0');
*pstrText = _T('\0');
pstrText += ;
SIZE_T cchName = pstrNameEnd - pstrName;
if( _tcsncmp(pstrText, pstrName, cchName) != ) return _Failed(_T("Unmatched closing tag"), pstrText);
pstrText += cchName;
if( *pstrText++ != _T('>') ) return _Failed(_T("Unmatched closing tag"), pstrText);
*pstrNameEnd = _T('\0');
 void CMarkup::_SkipWhitespace(LPCTSTR& pstr) const
while( *pstr > _T('\0') && *pstr <= _T(' ') ) pstr = ::CharNext(pstr);
} void CMarkup::_SkipWhitespace(LPTSTR& pstr) const
while( *pstr > _T('\0') && *pstr <= _T(' ') ) pstr = ::CharNext(pstr);
} void CMarkup::_SkipIdentifier(LPCTSTR& pstr) const
// 属性只能用英文,所以这样处理没有问题
while( *pstr != _T('\0') && (*pstr == _T('_') || *pstr == _T(':') || _istalnum(*pstr)) ) pstr = ::CharNext(pstr);
} void CMarkup::_SkipIdentifier(LPTSTR& pstr) const
// 属性只能用英文,所以这样处理没有问题
while( *pstr != _T('\0') && (*pstr == _T('_') || *pstr == _T(':') || _istalnum(*pstr)) ) pstr = ::CharNext(pstr);
} bool CMarkup::_ParseAttributes(LPTSTR& pstrText)
if( *pstrText == _T('>') ) return true;
*pstrText++ = _T('\0');
while( *pstrText != _T('\0') && *pstrText != _T('>') && *pstrText != _T('/') ) {
_SkipIdentifier(pstrText); //跳过属性名
LPTSTR pstrIdentifierEnd = pstrText;
_SkipWhitespace(pstrText); //跳过空白
if( *pstrText != _T('=') ) return _Failed(_T("Error while parsing attributes"), pstrText);
*pstrText++ = _T(' '); //'='也赋值为空格
*pstrIdentifierEnd = _T('\0');
if( *pstrText++ != _T('\"') ) return _Failed(_T("Expected attribute value"), pstrText);//必须为双引号
LPTSTR pstrDest = pstrText;
if( !_ParseData(pstrText, pstrDest, _T('\"')) ) return false;//解析属性数据
if( *pstrText == _T('\0') ) return _Failed(_T("Error while parsing attribute string"), pstrText);
*pstrDest = _T('\0');
if( pstrText != pstrDest ) *pstrText = _T(' ');
return true;
} bool CMarkup::_ParseData(LPTSTR& pstrText, LPTSTR& pstrDest, char cEnd)
while( *pstrText != _T('\0') && *pstrText != cEnd ) {
if( *pstrText == _T('&') ) {
while( *pstrText == _T('&') ) {
_ParseMetaChar(++pstrText, pstrDest);//解析同义字符&quot;等
if (*pstrText == cEnd)
} if( *pstrText == _T(' ') ) {
*pstrDest++ = *pstrText++;
if( !m_bPreserveWhitespace ) _SkipWhitespace(pstrText);
else {
LPTSTR pstrTemp = ::CharNext(pstrText);
while( pstrText < pstrTemp) {
*pstrDest++ = *pstrText++;
// Make sure that MapAttributes() works correctly when it parses
// over a value that has been transformed.
LPTSTR pstrFill = pstrDest + ;
while( pstrFill < pstrText ) *pstrFill++ = _T(' ');//填充空格,比如存在&quot;情况
return true;
} void CMarkup::_ParseMetaChar(LPTSTR& pstrText, LPTSTR& pstrDest)
if( pstrText[] == _T('a') && pstrText[] == _T('m') && pstrText[] == _T('p') && pstrText[] == _T(';') ) {
*pstrDest++ = _T('&');
pstrText += ;
else if( pstrText[] == _T('l') && pstrText[] == _T('t') && pstrText[] == _T(';') ) {
*pstrDest++ = _T('<');
pstrText += ;
else if( pstrText[] == _T('g') && pstrText[] == _T('t') && pstrText[] == _T(';') ) {
*pstrDest++ = _T('>');
pstrText += ;
else if( pstrText[] == _T('q') && pstrText[] == _T('u') && pstrText[] == _T('o') && pstrText[] == _T('t') && pstrText[] == _T(';') ) {
*pstrDest++ = _T('\"');
pstrText += ;
else if( pstrText[] == _T('a') && pstrText[] == _T('p') && pstrText[] == _T('o') && pstrText[] == _T('s') && pstrText[] == _T(';') ) {
*pstrDest++ = _T('\'');
pstrText += ;
else {
*pstrDest++ = _T('&');




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\0Container\0 width\0 22\0 height\0 22\0 bkimage\0 file\0' icon.png' source='0,0,16,16' dest='5,4,21,20' \0 \0>
\0Text\0 text\0 360安全卫士7.3\0 pos\0 22, 5, 200, 24\0 float\0 true\0 textcolor\0 #FF447AA1\0 font\0 0\0 \0>
 void CMarkupNode::_MapAttributes()
m_nAttributes = ;
LPCTSTR pstr = m_pOwner->m_pstrXML + m_pOwner->m_pElements[m_iPos].iStart;
LPCTSTR pstrEnd = m_pOwner->m_pstrXML + m_pOwner->m_pElements[m_iPos].iData;
pstr += _tcslen(pstr) + ;
while( pstr < pstrEnd ) {
m_aAttributes[m_nAttributes].iName = pstr - m_pOwner->m_pstrXML;//位移
pstr += _tcslen(pstr) + ;
if( *pstr++ != _T('\"') ) return; // if( *pstr != _T('\"') ) { pstr = ::CharNext(pstr); return; } m_aAttributes[m_nAttributes++].iValue = pstr - m_pOwner->m_pstrXML;//位移
if( m_nAttributes >= MAX_XML_ATTRIBUTES ) return;
pstr += _tcslen(pstr) + ;


