1. 实现目标:
在一个Camera的视角下渲染的2D 平面上进行点击,影响其所在3D世界.
这个UE4早就想到了我们的需求,于是就有了rendering target这种玩意,简而言之就是可以啥都往上贴往上渲染,我们在很多游戏里面都可以看到的地上的血迹,脚印啥的,都可能是用rendering target做的.
a.place 一个Scenecapturesomponent2d到场景里
b.新建一个rendering target asset,然后把这个rendering target赋给上面的Scenecapturecomponent
c.注意一定要右键点击b新建的rendering target然后选择创建material这样才是正确的,不然你单独新建一个material会出现UV问题
d. 然后在material里这样设置就ok了
用料SceneCaptureComponent2D 继承下来的新的comp然后在里面写Deproject的function,function如下所示,至于原理,你自己想想三大变换的原理然后逆变换就OK了
void UDepreojectableCapComp2D::CaptureComponent2D_DeProject( const FVector2D& ScreenPos, FVector& OutWorldOrigin, FVector& OutWorldDirection) { class USceneCaptureComponent2D* Target = this; if ((Target == nullptr) || (Target->TextureTarget == nullptr)) { return; } const FTransform& Transform = Target->GetComponentToWorld(); FMatrix ViewMatrix = Transform.ToInverseMatrixWithScale(); FVector ViewLocation = Transform.GetTranslation(); // swap axis st. x=z,y=x,z=y (unreal coord space) so that z is up ViewMatrix = ViewMatrix * FMatrix( FPlane(0, 0, 1, 0), FPlane(1, 0, 0, 0), FPlane(0, 1, 0, 0), FPlane(0, 0, 0, 1)); const float FOV = Target->FOVAngle * (float)PI / 360.0f; FIntPoint CaptureSize(Target->TextureTarget->GetSurfaceWidth(), Target->TextureTarget->GetSurfaceHeight()); float XAxisMultiplier; float YAxisMultiplier; if (CaptureSize.X > CaptureSize.Y) { // if the viewport is wider than it is tall XAxisMultiplier = 1.0f; YAxisMultiplier = CaptureSize.X / (float)CaptureSize.Y; } else { // if the viewport is taller than it is wide XAxisMultiplier = CaptureSize.Y / (float)CaptureSize.X; YAxisMultiplier = 1.0f; } FMatrix ProjectionMatrix = FReversedZPerspectiveMatrix( FOV, FOV, XAxisMultiplier, YAxisMultiplier, GNearClippingPlane, GNearClippingPlane ); const FMatrix InverseViewMatrix = ViewMatrix.InverseFast(); const FMatrix InvProjectionMatrix = ProjectionMatrix.Inverse(); const FIntRect ViewRect = FIntRect(0, 0, CaptureSize.X, CaptureSize.Y); FSceneView::DeprojectScreenToWorld(ScreenPos, ViewRect, InverseViewMatrix, InvProjectionMatrix, OutWorldOrigin, OutWorldDirection); }