Vision Transformer是近期深度学习领域最前沿、最火爆的技术,本次课程由百度研究院深度学习实验室研究员朱欤博士主讲,将通过图解理论基础、手推公式以及从0开始逐行手敲代码,带大家实现最前沿的视觉Transformer算法!通过Vision Transformer十讲的学习,能一步一步将论文中的模型图变成一行行的代码,从零搭建一套自己的深度学习模型,掌握和实践最新的技术,告别简单的git clone和调包。
2.1 ViT整体结构
Encoder模块的线性堆叠,Encoder模块的核心内容是Multi Head Attention。输入[N C H W],输出[N num_classes]。
2.1 ViT网络搭建
分别要构建三个类:Patch Embedding、Encoder和Classify,其中Encoder又包括两个类Multi Head Attention和MLP。
2.3 注意力机制计算公式
\operatorname{Attention}(Q, K, V)=\operatorname{softmax}\left(\frac{Q K^{T}}{\sqrt{d_{k}}}\right) V
2.4 Feature Map
Patch Embedding是用卷积运算来操作的,Self Attention是用全连接层来操作的。最后输出为[N, C * H + 1, embed_dim],+1是因为加入了Class Token。
2.5 BatchNorm和LayerNorm
class ViT
import paddle
import paddle.nn as nn
class ViT(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,
super(ViT, self).__init__()
#creat patch embedding with positional embedding
self.patch_embedding = PatchEmbedding(image_size,
#creat multi head self-attention layers encoder
self.encoder = Encoder( embed_dim,
depth )
#classifier head for num classes
self.classifier = Classify(embed_dim, dropout, num_classes)
def forward(self, x):
# input [N, C, H', W']
x = self.patch_embedding(x) #[N, C * H + 1, embed_dim]
x = self.encoder(x) #[N, C * H + 1, embed_dim]
x = self.classifier(x[:, 0, :]) #[N, num_classes]
return x
3.1 class PatchEmbedding
class PatchEmbedding(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,
image_size = 224,
patch_size = 16,
in_channels = 3,
embed_dim = 768,
dropout = 0.):
super(PatchEmbedding, self).__init__()
n_patches = (image_size // patch_size) * (image_size // patch_size) #14 * 14 = 196(个)
self.patch_embedding = nn.Conv2D(in_channels = in_channels,
out_channels = embed_dim,
kernel_size = patch_size,
stride = patch_size)
#add class token
self.cls_token = paddle.create_parameter(
shape = [1, 1, embed_dim],
dtype = 'float32',
default_initializer = paddle.nn.initializer.Constant(0)
#常量初始化参数,value=0, shape=[1, 1, 768]
#add position embedding
self.position_embeddings = paddle.create_parameter(
shape = [1, n_patches + 1, embed_dim],
dtype = 'float32',
default_initializer = paddle.nn.initializer.TruncatedNormal(std = 0.02)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.patch_embedding(x) #[N, C, H', W',] to [N, embed_dim, H, W]卷积层
x = x.flatten(2) #[N, embed_dim, H * W]
x = x.transpose([0, 2, 1]) #[N, H * W, embed_dim]
cls_token = self.cls_token.expand((x.shape[0], -1, -1)) #[N, 1, embed_dim]
x = paddle.concat((cls_token, x), axis = 1) #[N, H * W + 1, embed_dim]
x = x + self.position_embeddings #[N, H * W + 1, embed_dim]
x = self.dropout(x)
return x
3.2 class Encoder
class Encoder(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,
super(Encoder, self).__init__()
layer_list = []
for i in range(depth):
encoder_layer = EncoderLayer(embed_dim,
self.layers = nn.LayerList(layer_list)# or nn.Sequential(*layer_list)
self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(embed_dim)
def forward(self, x):
for layer in self.layers:
x = layer(x)
x = self.norm(x)
return x
class EncoderLayer(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,
super(EncoderLayer, self).__init__()
#Multi Head Attention & LayerNorm
w_attr_1, b_attr_1 = self._init_weights()
self.attn_norm = nn.LayerNorm(embed_dim,
weight_attr = w_attr_1,
bias_attr = b_attr_1,
epsilon = 1e-6)
self.attn = Attention(embed_dim,
#MLP & LayerNorm
w_attr_2, b_attr_2 = self._init_weights()
self.mlp_norm = nn.LayerNorm(embed_dim,
weight_attr = w_attr_2,
bias_attr = b_attr_2,
epsilon = 1e-6)
self.mlp = Mlp(embed_dim, mlp_ratio, dropout)
def _init_weights(self):
weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(0.0))
bias_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.Constant(1.0))
return weight_attr, bias_attr
def forward(self, x):
h = x #[N, H * W + 1, embed_dim]
x = self.attn_norm(x) #Attention LayerNorm
x = self.attn(x) #[N, H * W + 1, embed_dim]
x = h + x #Add
h = x #[N, H * W + 1, embed_dim]
x = self.mlp_norm(x) #MLP LayerNorm
x = self.mlp(x) #[N, H * W + 1, embed_dim]
x = h + x #[Add]
return x
3.2.1 class Attention
class Attention(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,
super(Attention, self).__init__()
self.num_heads = num_heads
self.attn_head_size = int(embed_dim / self.num_heads)
self.all_head_size = self.attn_head_size * self.num_heads
self.scales = self.attn_head_size ** -0.5
#calculate qkv
w_attr_1, b_attr_1 = self._init_weights()
self.qkv = nn.Linear(embed_dim,
self.all_head_size * 3, # weight for Q K V
weight_attr = w_attr_1,
bias_attr = b_attr_1 if qkv_bias else False)
#calculate proj
w_attr_2, b_attr_2 = self._init_weights()
self.proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim,
self.attn_dropout = nn.Dropout(attention_dropout)
self.proj_dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(axis=-1)
def _init_weights(self):
weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.KaimingUniform())
bias_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.KaimingUniform())
return weight_attr, bias_attr
def transpose_multihead(self, x):
#input size [N, ~, embed_dim]
new_shape = x.shape[0:2] + [self.num_heads, self.attn_head_size]
#reshape size[N, ~, head, head_size]
x = x.reshape(new_shape)
x = x.transpose([0, 2, 1, 3])
#transpose [N, head, ~, head_size]
return x
def forward(self, x):
#input x = [N, H * W + 1, embed_dim]
qkv = self.qkv(x).chunk(3, axis = -1) #[N, ~, embed_dim * 3] list
q, k, v = map(self.transpose_multihead, qkv) #[N, head, ~, head_size]
attn = paddle.matmul(q, k, transpose_y = True) #[N, head, ~, ~]
attn = self.softmax(attn * self.scales) #softmax(Q*K/(dk^0.5))
attn = self.attn_dropout(attn) #[N, head, ~, ~]
z = paddle.matmul(attn, v) #[N, head, ~, head_size]
z = z.transpose([0, 2, 1, 3]) #[N, ~, head, head_size]
new_shape = z.shape[0:2] + [self.all_head_size]
z = z.reshape(new_shape) #[N, ~, embed_dim]
z = self.proj(z) #[N, ~, embed_dim]
z = self.proj_dropout(z) #[N, ~, embed_dim]
return z
3.2.2 class Mlp
class Mlp(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self,
super(Mlp, self).__init__()
w_attr_1, b_attr_1 = self._init_weights()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(embed_dim,
int(embed_dim * mlp_ratio),
weight_attr = w_attr_1,
bias_attr = b_attr_1)
w_attr_2, b_attr_2 = self._init_weights()
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(int(embed_dim * mlp_ratio),
weight_attr = w_attr_2,
bias_attr = b_attr_2)
self.act = nn.GELU()#GELU > ELU > ReLU > sigmod
self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
def _init_weights(self):
weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(
bias_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(
initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Normal(std=1e-6)) #正态分布的权值和偏置
return weight_attr, bias_attr
def forward(self, x):
x = self.fc1(x) #[N, ~, embed_dim]
x = self.act(x)
x = self.dropout1(x)
x = self.fc2(x) #[N, ~, embed_dim]
x = self.dropout2(x)
return x
3.3 class Classify
class Classify(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, embed_dim, dropout, num_classes):
super(Classify, self).__init__()
w_attr_1, b_attr_1 = self._init_weights()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(embed_dim,
weight_attr = w_attr_1,
bias_attr = b_attr_1)
w_attr_2, b_attr_2 = self._init_weights()
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(embed_dim,
weight_attr = w_attr_2,
bias_attr = b_attr_2)
self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
def _init_weights(self):
weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(
bias_attr = paddle.ParamAttr(
return weight_attr, bias_attr
def forward(self, x):
x = self.fc1(x)
x = self.relu(x)
x = self.dropout1(x)
x = self.fc2(x)
x = self.dropout2(x)
return x
def main():
ins = paddle.randn([1, 3, 224, 224])
model = ViT()
out = model(ins)
paddle.summary(model, (1, 3, 224, 224))
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = self.fc2(x)
x = self.dropout2(x)
return x
def main():
ins = paddle.randn([1, 3, 224, 224])
model = ViT()
out = model(ins)
paddle.summary(model, (1, 3, 224, 224))
if __name__ == "__main__":
[1, 1000]
Layer (type) Input Shape Output Shape Param #
Conv2D-1 [[1, 3, 224, 224]] [1, 768, 14, 14] 590,592
Dropout-1 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
PatchEmbedding-1 [[1, 3, 224, 224]] [1, 197, 768] 152,064
LayerNorm-1 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-1 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-1 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-2 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-2 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-3 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-1 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-2 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-3 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-1 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-4 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-4 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-5 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-1 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-1 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-3 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-5 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-2 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-6 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-6 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-7 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-2 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-4 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-7 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-2 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-8 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-8 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-9 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-2 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-2 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-5 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-9 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-3 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-10 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-10 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-11 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-3 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-6 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-11 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-3 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-12 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-12 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-13 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-3 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-3 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-7 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-13 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-4 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-14 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-14 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-15 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-4 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-8 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-15 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-4 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-16 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-16 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-17 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-4 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-4 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-9 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-17 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-5 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-18 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-18 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-19 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-5 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-10 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-19 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-5 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-20 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-20 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-21 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-5 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-5 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-11 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-21 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-6 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-22 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-22 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-23 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-6 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-12 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-23 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-6 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-24 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-24 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-25 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-6 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-6 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-13 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-25 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-7 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-26 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-26 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-27 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-7 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-14 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-27 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-7 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-28 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-28 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-29 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-7 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-7 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-15 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-29 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-8 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-30 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-30 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-31 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-8 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-16 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-31 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-8 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-32 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-32 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-33 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-8 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-8 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-17 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-33 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-9 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-34 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-34 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-35 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-9 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-18 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-35 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-9 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-36 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-36 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-37 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-9 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-9 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-19 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-37 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-10 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-38 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-38 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-39 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-10 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-20 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-39 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-10 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-40 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-40 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-41 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-10 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-10 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-21 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-41 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-11 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-42 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-42 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-43 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-11 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-22 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-43 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-11 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-44 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-44 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-45 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-11 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-11 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-23 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-45 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 2304] 1,771,776
Softmax-12 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Dropout-46 [[1, 12, 197, 197]] [1, 12, 197, 197] 0
Linear-46 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 590,592
Dropout-47 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Attention-12 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-24 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Linear-47 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 3072] 2,362,368
GELU-12 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Dropout-48 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 3072] 0
Linear-48 [[1, 197, 3072]] [1, 197, 768] 2,360,064
Dropout-49 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Mlp-12 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
EncoderLayer-12 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
LayerNorm-25 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 1,536
Encoder-1 [[1, 197, 768]] [1, 197, 768] 0
Linear-49 [[1, 768]] [1, 768] 590,592
ReLU-1 [[1, 768]] [1, 768] 0
Dropout-50 [[1, 768]] [1, 768] 0
Linear-50 [[1, 768]] [1, 1000] 769,000
Dropout-51 [[1, 1000]] [1, 1000] 0
Classify-1 [[1, 768]] [1, 1000] 0
Total params: 87,158,248
Trainable params: 87,158,248
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 0.57
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 423.52
Params size (MB): 332.48
Estimated Total Size (MB): 756.57