尊重原创 http://write.blog.csdn.net/postedit/26002961
(1) ImageLoader.java
/** 通过调用ImageLoader的get方法就可以获取到图片,然后通过一个Listener回调,将图片设置到ImgeView中(这个方法务必在主线程中调用) */ public class ImageLoader { /** 前面已经接触过,请求队列(其实不是真实的队列,里面包含了本地队列和网络队列) */ private final RequestQueue mRequestQueue; /** 图片缓冲,这个缓存不是前面提到的磁盘缓存,这个是内存缓存,我们可以通过LruCache实现这个接口 */ private final ImageCache mCache; /** * 用于存放具有相同cacheKey的请求 */ private final HashMap<String, BatchedImageRequest> mInFlightRequests = new HashMap<String, BatchedImageRequest>(); /** 用于存放具有相同Key,并且返回了数据的请求*/ private final HashMap<String, BatchedImageRequest> mBatchedResponses = new HashMap<String, BatchedImageRequest>(); /** Handler to the main thread. */ private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); /** Runnable for in-flight response delivery. */ private Runnable mRunnable; /** * Simple cache adapter interface. If provided to the ImageLoader, it * will be used as an L1 cache before dispatch to Volley. Implementations * must not block. Implementation with an LruCache is recommended. */ public interface ImageCache { public Bitmap getBitmap(String url); public void putBitmap(String url, Bitmap bitmap); } /** * 构造函数需要传入一个RequestQueue对象和一个内存缓存对象 * @param queue The RequestQueue to use for making image requests. * @param imageCache The cache to use as an L1 cache. */ public ImageLoader(RequestQueue queue, ImageCache imageCache) { mRequestQueue = queue; mCache = imageCache; } /** * 用于图片获取成功或者失败的回调 * @param imageView 需要设置图片的ImageView. * @param defaultImageResId 默认显示图片. * @param errorImageResId 出错时显示的图片. */ public static ImageListener getImageListener(final ImageView view, final int defaultImageResId, final int errorImageResId) { return new ImageListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { //出错并且设置了出错图片,那么显示出错图片 if (errorImageResId != 0) { view.setImageResource(errorImageResId); } } @Override public void onResponse(ImageContainer response, boolean isImmediate) { if (response.getBitmap() != null) { //成功获取到了数据,则显示 view.setImageBitmap(response.getBitmap()); } else if (defaultImageResId != 0) { //数据为空,那么显示默认图片 view.setImageResource(defaultImageResId); } } }; } /** * 判断图片是否已经缓存,不同尺寸的图片的cacheKey是不一样的 * @param requestUrl 图片的url * @param maxWidth 请求图片的宽度. * @param maxHeight 请求图片的高度. * @return 返回true则缓存. */ public boolean isCached(String requestUrl, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { throwIfNotOnMainThread(); String cacheKey = getCacheKey(requestUrl, maxWidth, maxHeight); return mCache.getBitmap(cacheKey) != null; } /** * 这个方法时个核心方法,我们主要通过它来获取图片 * * @param requestUrl The URL of the image to be loaded. * @param defaultImage Optional default image to return until the actual image is loaded. */ public ImageContainer get(String requestUrl, final ImageListener listener) { return get(requestUrl, listener, 0, 0); } /** * 这个方法比上面方法多了两个参数,如果传入则图片大小会做相应处理,如果不传默认为0,图片大小不做处理 * @param requestUrl The url of the remote image * @param imageListener The listener to call when the remote image is loaded * @param maxWidth The maximum width of the returned image. * @param maxHeight The maximum height of the returned image. * @return A container object that contains all of the properties of the request, as well as * the currently available image (default if remote is not loaded). */ public ImageContainer get(String requestUrl, ImageListener imageListener, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { // only fulfill requests that were initiated from the main thread. throwIfNotOnMainThread(); //获取key,其实就是url,width,height按照某种格式拼接 final String cacheKey = getCacheKey(requestUrl, maxWidth, maxHeight); // 首先从缓存里面取图片 Bitmap cachedBitmap = mCache.getBitmap(cacheKey); if (cachedBitmap != null) { // 如果缓存命中,则直接放回 ImageContainer container = new ImageContainer(cachedBitmap, requestUrl, null, null); imageListener.onResponse(container, true); return container; } // 没有命中,则创建一个ImageContainer,注意此时图片数据传入的null, ImageContainer imageContainer = new ImageContainer(null, requestUrl, cacheKey, imageListener); // 这就是为什么在onResponse中我们需要判断图片数据是否为空,此时就是为空的 imageListener.onResponse(imageContainer, true); // 判断同一个key的请求是否已经存在 BatchedImageRequest request = mInFlightRequests.get(cacheKey); if (request != null) { // 如果存在,则直接加入request中,没有必要对一个key发送多个请求 request.addContainer(imageContainer); return imageContainer; } // 发送一个请求,并加入RequestQueue Request<?> newRequest = new ImageRequest(requestUrl, new Listener<Bitmap>() { @Override public void onResponse(Bitmap response) { //成功获取到图片 onGetImageSuccess(cacheKey, response); } }, maxWidth, maxHeight, Config.RGB_565, new ErrorListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { onGetImageError(cacheKey, error); } }); mRequestQueue.add(newRequest); VolleyLog.e("-------------->"+newRequest.getSequence()); //加入到HashMap中,表明这个key已经存在一个请求 mInFlightRequests.put(cacheKey, new BatchedImageRequest(newRequest, imageContainer)); return imageContainer; } /** * Handler for when an image was successfully loaded. * @param cacheKey The cache key that is associated with the image request. * @param response The bitmap that was returned from the network. */ private void onGetImageSuccess(String cacheKey, Bitmap response) { // 获取图片成功,放入缓存 mCache.putBitmap(cacheKey, response); // 将cacheKey对应的请求从mInFlightRequests中移除 BatchedImageRequest request = mInFlightRequests.remove(cacheKey); if (request != null) { // Update the response bitmap. request.mResponseBitmap = response; // Send the batched response batchResponse(cacheKey, request); } } /** * Handler for when an image failed to load. * @param cacheKey The cache key that is associated with the image request. */ private void onGetImageError(String cacheKey, VolleyError error) { // Notify the requesters that something failed via a null result. // Remove this request from the list of in-flight requests. BatchedImageRequest request = mInFlightRequests.remove(cacheKey); if (request != null) { // Set the error for this request request.setError(error); // Send the batched response batchResponse(cacheKey, request); } } /** * Container object for all of the data surrounding an image request. */ public class ImageContainer { /** * 保存从网络获取的图片 */ private Bitmap mBitmap; private final ImageListener mListener; /** The cache key that was associated with the request */ private final String mCacheKey; /** The request URL that was specified */ private final String mRequestUrl; /** * Constructs a BitmapContainer object. * @param bitmap The final bitmap (if it exists). * @param requestUrl The requested URL for this container. * @param cacheKey The cache key that identifies the requested URL for this container. */ public ImageContainer(Bitmap bitmap, String requestUrl, String cacheKey, ImageListener listener) { mBitmap = bitmap; mRequestUrl = requestUrl; mCacheKey = cacheKey; mListener = listener; } /** * 取消一个图片请求 */ public void cancelRequest() { if (mListener == null) { return; } //判断此key对应的请求有没有 BatchedImageRequest request = mInFlightRequests.get(mCacheKey); if (request != null) { /**如果存在,request中mContainers中的这个Container,如果mContainers的size为0,那么 removeContainerAndCancelIfNecessary返回true */ boolean canceled = request.removeContainerAndCancelIfNecessary(this); if (canceled) { //如果返回true,那么说明没有任何一个ImageView对这个请求感兴趣,需要移除它 mInFlightRequests.remove(mCacheKey); } } else { // 判断是否这个request已经成功返回了 request = mBatchedResponses.get(mCacheKey); if (request != null) { request.removeContainerAndCancelIfNecessary(this); if (request.mContainers.size() == 0) { //如果已经成功返回,并且没有ImageView对他感兴趣,那么删除它 mBatchedResponses.remove(mCacheKey); } } } } /** * Returns the bitmap associated with the request URL if it has been loaded, null otherwise. */ public Bitmap getBitmap() { return mBitmap; } /** * Returns the requested URL for this container. */ public String getRequestUrl() { return mRequestUrl; } } /** * 对Request的一个包装,将所有有共同key的请求放入一个LinkedList中 */ private class BatchedImageRequest { /** The request being tracked */ private final Request<?> mRequest; /** The result of the request being tracked by this item */ private Bitmap mResponseBitmap; /** Error if one occurred for this response */ private VolleyError mError; /** 存放具有共同key的ImageContainer*/ private final LinkedList<ImageContainer> mContainers = new LinkedList<ImageContainer>(); /** * Constructs a new BatchedImageRequest object * @param request The request being tracked * @param container The ImageContainer of the person who initiated the request. */ public BatchedImageRequest(Request<?> request, ImageContainer container) { mRequest = request; mContainers.add(container); } /** * Set the error for this response */ public void setError(VolleyError error) { mError = error; } /** * Get the error for this response */ public VolleyError getError() { return mError; } /** * Adds another ImageContainer to the list of those interested in the results of * the request. */ public void addContainer(ImageContainer container) { mContainers.add(container); } /** * 移除一个ImageContainer,如果此时size==0,那么需要从mInFlightRequests中移除该BatchedImageRequest * @param container The container to remove from the list * @return True if the request was canceled, false otherwise. */ public boolean removeContainerAndCancelIfNecessary(ImageContainer container) { mContainers.remove(container); if (mContainers.size() == 0) { mRequest.cancel(); return true; } return false; } } /** * 当请求返回后,将BatchedImageRequest放入到mBatchedResponses,然后将结果发送给所有具有相同key的ImageContainer,ImageContainer通过里面的Listener发送到ImageView,从而显示出来 * @param cacheKey The cacheKey of the response being delivered. * @param request The BatchedImageRequest to be delivered. * @param error The volley error associated with the request (if applicable). */ private void batchResponse(String cacheKey, BatchedImageRequest request) { mBatchedResponses.put(cacheKey, request); // If we don‘t already have a batch delivery runnable in flight, make a new one. // Note that this will be used to deliver responses to all callers in mBatchedResponses. if (mRunnable == null) { mRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (BatchedImageRequest bir : mBatchedResponses.values()) { for (ImageContainer container : bir.mContainers) { // If one of the callers in the batched request canceled the request // after the response was received but before it was delivered, // skip them. if (container.mListener == null) { continue; } if (bir.getError() == null) { container.mBitmap = bir.mResponseBitmap; container.mListener.onResponse(container, false); } else { container.mListener.onErrorResponse(bir.getError()); } } } mBatchedResponses.clear(); mRunnable = null; } }; // Post the runnable. mHandler.postDelayed(mRunnable, mBatchResponseDelayMs); } } /** * 获取一个请求的key,拼接规则就是使用#讲几个连接起来 * @param url The URL of the request. * @param maxWidth The max-width of the output. * @param maxHeight The max-height of the output. */ private static String getCacheKey(String url, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { return new StringBuilder(url.length() + 12).append("#W").append(maxWidth) .append("#H").append(maxHeight).append(url).toString(); } }
(2) NetworkImageView.java
public class NetworkImageView extends ImageView { /** 需要加载图片的url */ private String mUrl; /** * 默认显示图片的id */ private int mDefaultImageId; /** * 错误图片的id */ private int mErrorImageId; /** ImageLoader对象,其实就是用该对象去获取图片,所以了解了ImageLoader后,这个类很好理解 */ private ImageLoader mImageLoader; /**把这个对象当成url和Listener的封装即可 */ private ImageContainer mImageContainer; public NetworkImageView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public NetworkImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public NetworkImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); } /** * 设置Url * * @param url The URL that should be loaded into this ImageView. * @param imageLoader ImageLoader that will be used to make the request. */ public void setImageUrl(String url, ImageLoader imageLoader) { mUrl = url; mImageLoader = imageLoader; // 这个方法我们后面分析 loadImageIfNecessary(false); } /** * Sets the default image resource ID to be used for this view until the attempt to load it * completes. */ public void setDefaultImageResId(int defaultImage) { mDefaultImageId = defaultImage; } /** * Sets the error image resource ID to be used for this view in the event that the image * requested fails to load. */ public void setErrorImageResId(int errorImage) { mErrorImageId = errorImage; } /** * 这个方法在onLayout方法中传入true,其他地方传入false * @param isInLayoutPass True if this was invoked from a layout pass, false otherwise. */ void loadImageIfNecessary(final boolean isInLayoutPass) { int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); boolean wrapWidth = false, wrapHeight = false; if (getLayoutParams() != null) { wrapWidth = getLayoutParams().width == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; wrapHeight = getLayoutParams().height == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; } // if the view‘s bounds aren‘t known yet, and this is not a wrap-content/wrap-content // view, hold off on loading the image. boolean isFullyWrapContent = wrapWidth && wrapHeight; if (width == 0 && height == 0 && !isFullyWrapContent) { return; } // if the URL to be loaded in this view is empty, cancel any old requests and clear the // currently loaded image. if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mUrl)) { if (mImageContainer != null) { mImageContainer.cancelRequest(); mImageContainer = null; } setDefaultImageOrNull(); return; } // if there was an old request in this view, check if it needs to be canceled. if (mImageContainer != null && mImageContainer.getRequestUrl() != null) { if (mImageContainer.getRequestUrl().equals(mUrl)) { //如果请求url相同,则直接return return; } else { // 请求url不同,则cancel,并显示默认图片或者不显示图片 mImageContainer.cancelRequest(); setDefaultImageOrNull(); } } // Calculate the max image width / height to use while ignoring WRAP_CONTENT dimens. int maxWidth = wrapWidth ? 0 : width; int maxHeight = wrapHeight ? 0 : height; //调用了get方法 ImageContainer newContainer = mImageLoader.get(mUrl, new ImageListener() { @Override public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) { if (mErrorImageId != 0) { setImageResource(mErrorImageId); } } @Override public void onResponse(final ImageContainer response, boolean isImmediate) { // If this was an immediate response that was delivered inside of a layout // pass do not set the image immediately as it will trigger a requestLayout // inside of a layout. Instead, defer setting the image by posting back to // the main thread. if (isImmediate && isInLayoutPass) { post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onResponse(response, false); } }); return; } if (response.getBitmap() != null) { setImageBitmap(response.getBitmap()); } else if (mDefaultImageId != 0) { setImageResource(mDefaultImageId); } } }, maxWidth, maxHeight); // update the ImageContainer to be the new bitmap container. mImageContainer = newContainer; } private void setDefaultImageOrNull() { if(mDefaultImageId != 0) { setImageResource(mDefaultImageId); } else { setImageBitmap(null); } } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); loadImageIfNecessary(true); } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { if (mImageContainer != null) { // If the view was bound to an image request, cancel it and clear // out the image from the view. mImageContainer.cancelRequest(); setImageBitmap(null); // also clear out the container so we can reload the image if necessary. mImageContainer = null; } super.onDetachedFromWindow(); } @Override protected void drawableStateChanged() { super.drawableStateChanged(); invalidate(); } }