# # 无参函数 # # 不需要接收外部传入的参数 # def foo(): # print('from foo..') # foo() # # # # # 有参函数 # # 需要接收外部传入的参数 # def login(user, pwd): # # print(user, pwd) # # # # # 传参多一或少一不可 # login('tank', '123') # # login('tank', '123', 111) # 多,报错 # # login('tank') # 少,报错 # # # x = 10 # # y = 20 # # # # if x > y: # # # # print(x) # # # # else: # # print(y) # # # 比较两数大小 # def max2(x, y): # # if x > y: # # print(x) # # else: # print(y) # # max2(10, 30) # # # # # 空函数 # # 遇到一些比较难实现的功能,会导致暂时无法继续编写代码。 # # 所以一般在生产开发中,都会将所有功能实现定义成空函数。 # def func(): # pass # pass代表什么都不做
''' 函数的返回值 在调用函数时,需要接收函数体内部产生的结果,则return返回值。 ''' def max2(x, y): if x > y: return x else: return y res = max2(10, 5) print(res)
''' 函数对象 指的是函数名指向的内存地址。 ''' def func(): pass # print(func) # <function func at 0x101dd2e18> # # func() def func2(): pass # 把函数对象,传入字典中 dict1 = { '1': func, '2': func2 } choice = input('请输入功能编号:').strip() # if choice == '1': # func() # elif choice == '2': # func2() # # 若用户选择函数对象对应的key值,则调用该函数 if choice in dict1: dict1[choice]() # dict1['1']
''' 函数嵌套: 嵌套定义: 在函数内,定义函数。 嵌套调用: ''' # # 函数嵌套定义 # # def func1(): # # print('func1...') # # def func2(): # print('func2...') # # def func3(): # print('func3...') # # # .... # # return func3 # # return func2 # # 通过函数内部的函数值,调用函数 # func2 = func1() # func3 = func2() # func3() # # # # 函数嵌套调用 # def func1(): # # print('func1...') # # def func2(): # print('func2...') # # def func3(): # # print('func3...') # # # .... # # func3() # # func2() # # func1()
''' 名称空间 python解释器自带的: 内置名称空间 自定义的py文件内,顶着最左边定义的: 全局名称空间 函数内部定义的: 局部名称空间 ''' name = 'tank' def func1(): # name = 'tank' print() def func2(): print('func2...') # print(name, '全局打印') func1()
# import 模块名 import B # from #导入B模块中的a文件 #会自动执行a文件中的代码 from B import a # __name__:B.a # a
''' http协议: 请求url: url=https://www.baidu.com/ 请求方式: GET 请求头: Cookie:BAIDUID=16809FFBED4845538426C690772DB48C:FG=1; BIDUPSID=16809FFBED4845538426C690772DB48C; PSTM=1549625281; BD_UPN=12314753; BDUSS=czMlZoN3ljRzlFYTlKak5LNDI5UVlCUzliM3k3SkNXQTY0bHRsbnZNUVhKc3hjQVFBQUFBJCQAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAA0SqSiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABeZpFwXmaRcNn; ispeed_lsm=2; BDORZ=B490B5EBF6F3CD402E515D22BCDA1598; COOKIE_SESSION=7_1_8_7_2_4_0_3_8_3_0_0_63_0_303_338_1560569545_1560569510_1560569848%7C9%2352793_30_1560569848%7C3; BD_HOME=1; H_PS_PSSID=1422_21125_29135_29237_28518_29098_29369_28837_29220_20718 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.80 Mobile Safari/537.36 Host: www.baidu.com ''' # import requests # # pip3 install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple requests # # import requests # # response = requests.get(url='https://www.baidu.com/') # response.encoding = 'utf-8' # print(response) # # print(response.status_code) # # print(response.text) # # print(type(response.text)) # # with open('baidu.html','w',encoding='utf-8') as f : # f.write(response.text) import requests res = requests.get('https://video.pearvideo.com/mp4/adshort/20190615/cont-1566634-14020800_adpkg-ad_sd.mp4') print(res.content) with open('视频.mp4','wb') as f : f.write(res.content) # import requests # res = requests.get('https://video.pearvideo.com/mp4/adshort/20190613/cont-1565846-14013215_adpkg-ad_hd.mp4') # # print(res.content) # # with open('视频1.mp4', 'wb') as f: # f.write(res.content)