在响应式(或自适应)设计中要用到Media Queries这个CSS属性,但在某些时候我们需要对Media Queries进行动态操作,这时候可以使用Javascript。
如以下Media Queries的代码:
@media all and (max-width: 700px) { body { background: #FF0; } }
var mq = window.matchMedia(‘@media all and (max-width: 700px)‘); if(mq.matches) { // the width of browser is more then 700px } else { // the width of browser is less then 700px }
mq.addListener(function(changed) { if(changed.matches) { // the width of browser is more then 700px } else { // the width of browser is less then 700px } });
参考: Using Media Queries in JavaScript