CF1513F Swapping Problem


You are given 2 arrays a a a and b b b , both of size n n n . You can swap two elements in b b b at most once (or leave it as it is), and you are required to minimize the value $$\sum_{i}|a_{i}-b_{i}|. $$

Find the minimum possible value of this sum.


The first line contains a single integer n n n ( 1n2105 1 \le n \le 2 \cdot 10^5 1≤n≤2⋅105 ).

The second line contains n n n integers a1,a2,,an a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n a1​,a2​,…,an​ ( 1ai109 1 \le a_i \le {10^9} 1≤ai​≤109 ).

The third line contains n n n integers b1,b2,,bn b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_n b1​,b2​,…,bn​ ( 1bi109 1 \le b_i \le {10^9} 1≤bi​≤109 ).


Output the minimum value of iaibi \sum_{i}|a_{i}-b_{i}| ∑i​∣ai​−bi​∣ .


给定 nnn 和两个长度为 nnn 的数组 a,ba,ba,b,最多交换一次 bbb 中的两个位置的值(可以不交换)。

最小化 i=1naibi\sum_{i=1}^{n}|a_i-b_i|∑i=1n​∣ai​−bi​∣。

n2×105n \le 2\times10^5n≤2×105;ai,bi109a_i,b_i\le 10^9ai​,bi​≤109。


输入 #1
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5
输出 #1
输入 #2
1 3
4 2
输出 #2


In the first example, we can swap the first and fifth element in array b b b , so that it becomes [5,2,3,4,1] [ 5, 2, 3, 4, 1 ] [5,2,3,4,1] .

Therefore, the minimum possible value of this sum would be 55+42+33+24+11=4 |5-5| + |4-2| + |3-3| + |2-4| + |1-1| = 4 ∣5−5∣+∣4−2∣+∣3−3∣+∣2−4∣+∣1−1∣=4 .

In the second example, we can swap the first and second elements. So, our answer would be 2 2 2 .


可以很容易的计算出 \(ans = \sum_{i=1}^n |a_i-b_i|\) 的值,但是我们需要交换一对,使得 ans 尽量小

假设交换   \(i,j\)   这两对,那么此时的答案应该为

\[ans - (|a_i-b_i| + |a_j-b_j|-|a_i-b_j|-|a_j-b_i|) \]


\[|a_i-b_i| + |a_j-b_j|>|a_i-b_j|+|a_j-b_i| \]



\[a_i<b_j<b_i<a_j \\ b_j<a_i<a_j<b_i \\ a_i<b_j<a_j<b_i \\ b_j<a_i<b_i<a_j \]

上述情况满足时上面的不等式才会成立(当然以上只有 \(a_i<b_i\) 的情况,还有四种情况,请读者自己思考)

这样就拥有了降维的理由,我们可以按照   \(b\)   排序,这样固定了右端点,根据上述推断可以造成贡献的有

\[|a_j-b_j| \\or\\|b_i-b_j|\\or\\|a_i-a_j| \]


而根据贪心,固定右端点应该按照   \(b\)   升序排列,这样可以满足

\[j>i \\ and\\ b[i]>b[j] \]

所以要计算的 \(|b_j-a_i|\) 由于 \(b_j\) 的确定,只要保留之前 \(a_i\) 的最小值就可以了

总体算法复杂度 \(O(NlogN)\) 为排序的时间


const int N=3e5+5;
    int n, m, _;
    int i, j, k;
    ll a[N];
    ll b[N];
    struct Node
        ll x, y;
        bool operator<(Node o){
            return x<o.x;
        int tag;
        Node(ll x = 0, ll y = 0, int tag = 0) : x(x), y(y), tag(tag){}

signed main()
        ll ans = 0;
        rep(i, 1, n) sll(a[i]);
        rep(i, 1, n) sll(b[i]), ans += abs(a[i] - b[i]);
        rep(i, 1, n){
            if(a[i] <= b[i]) p[i] = Node(a[i], b[i], 0);
            else p[i] = Node(b[i], a[i], 1);
        sort(p + 1, p + 1 + n);
        ll maxx = 0;
        ll ed[2] = {0, 0};
        rep(i, 1, n){
            ed[p[i].tag] = max(ed[p[i].tag], p[i].y);
            if(!ed[p[i].tag ^ 1]) continue;
            if(p[i].x <= ed[p[i].tag ^ 1]){
                if(p[i].y <= ed[p[i].tag ^ 1]){
                    maxx = max(maxx, p[i].y - p[i].x);
                maxx = max(maxx, ed[p[i].tag ^ 1] - p[i].x);
        pll(ans - maxx * 2);
    return 0;

上一篇:P2522 [HAOI2011]Problem b

下一篇:拓端tecdat|R语言ARIMA、GARCH 和 VAR模型估计、预测ts 和 xts格式时间序列