HashAggregate VS sort+GroupAgg



HashAggregate VS sort+GroupAgg


  • GroupAggregate: get the data sorted and apply aggregation function to groups one by one。
  • HashAggregate: store state for each key in a hash table


HashAggregate VS sort+GroupAgg


GroupAggregatede 特点是在进行聚合之前先要将数据进行排序,然后进行聚合操作,而且出来的结果是有序的。(postgresql使用enable_sort控制)


特点是不需要进行排序,在组数值比较小的情况下是比GroupAggregate要快很多,但是需求的内存会比较多。只能进行一些简单的聚合,像count(distinct ...)这类聚合是做不了的。


create table t_1  (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
create table t_10   (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
create table t_100   (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
create table t_1000   (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
create table t_10000  (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
create table t_100000 (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
create table t_1000000 (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
create table t_10000000 (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
create table t_100000000 (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);

insert into t_1 select mod(i, 1), random()     from generate_series(1,100000000) s(i);
insert into t_10 select mod(i, 10), random()     from generate_series(1,100000000) s(i);
insert into t_100 select mod(i, 100), random()     from generate_series(1,100000000) s(i);
vacuum analyze t_1;
vacuum analyze t_10;
vacuum analyze t_100;


HashAggregate VS sort+GroupAgg

可以看到在组个数在10^7以下时,hashagg都要比groupagg优。其中hashagg的耗时也是跟着组个数逐渐升高的。当值达到10^8 时,执行计划会强制走groupagg,即使关闭了enable_sort.



HashAggregate VS sort+GroupAgg
HashAggregate VS sort+GroupAgg




create table t1   (branch_id bigint, amount numeric);
insert into t1 select mod(i, 1000), random()     from generate_series(1,10000000) s(i);


select branch_id,count(distinct amount) from t1 group by branch_id;
postgres=# explain analyze select branch_id,count(distinct amount) from t1 group by branch_id;
                                                          QUERY PLAN
 GroupAggregate  (cost=1326385.18..1401396.05 rows=1000 width=16) (actual time=2524.329..8132.612 rows=1000 loops=1)
   Group Key: branch_id
   ->  Sort  (cost=1326385.18..1351385.47 rows=10000115 width=19) (actual time=2517.526..4227.713 rows=10000000 loops=1)
         Sort Key: branch_id
         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 1174466kB
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..163696.15 rows=10000115 width=19) (actual time=0.015..824.249 rows=10000000 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.105 ms
 Execution time: 8234.834 ms
(8 rows)

现在需要转化为hashagg语句,强制关闭sort,发现执行计划还是没有改变,事实是hashagg无法处理count(distinct ...)这类聚合

postgres=# explain analyze select branch_id,count(distinct amount) from t1 group by branch_id;
                                                           QUERY PLAN
 GroupAggregate  (cost=10001326385.18..10001401396.05 rows=1000 width=16) (actual time=2581.177..7953.331 rows=1000 loops=1)
   Group Key: branch_id
   ->  Sort  (cost=10001326385.18..10001351385.47 rows=10000115 width=19) (actual time=2574.178..4126.988 rows=10000000 loops=1)
         Sort Key: branch_id
         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 1174466kB
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..163696.15 rows=10000115 width=19) (actual time=0.015..813.226 rows=10000000 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.082 ms
 Execution time: 8034.338 ms


 select branch_id,count(*) from (select branch_id,amount from t1 group by branch_id,amount)_ group by branch_id;
postgres=# explain analyze select branch_id,count(*) from (select branch_id,amount from t1 group by branch_id,amount)_ group by branch_id;
                                                          QUERY PLAN
 HashAggregate  (cost=458272.50..458274.50 rows=200 width=16) (actual time=9544.638..9544.763 rows=1000 loops=1)
   Group Key: t1.branch_id
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=213696.73..311527.04 rows=9783031 width=19) (actual time=5200.136..7961.864 rows=9999971 loops=1)
         Group Key: t1.branch_id, t1.amount
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..163696.15 rows=10000115 width=19) (actual time=0.022..890.532 rows=10000000 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.197 ms
 Execution time: 9810.855 ms


update t1 set amount = branch_id;
postgres=# explain analyze select branch_id,count(distinct amount) from t1 group by branch_id;
                                                           QUERY PLAN
 GroupAggregate  (cost=10002533944.49..10002672603.94 rows=1000 width=16) (actual time=3143.167..7858.782 rows=1000 loops=1)
   Group Key: branch_id
   ->  Sort  (cost=10002533944.49..10002580160.97 rows=18486593 width=19) (actual time=3137.152..4561.355 rows=10000000 loops=1)
         Sort Key: branch_id
         Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 861967kB
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..302614.93 rows=18486593 width=19) (actual time=613.417..1537.574 rows=10000000 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.134 ms
 Execution time: 7925.181 ms
(8 rows)

postgres=# explain analyze select branch_id,count(*) from (select branch_id,amount from t1 group by branch_id,amount)_ group by branch_id;
                                                          QUERY PLAN
 HashAggregate  (cost=847179.99..847181.99 rows=200 width=16) (actual time=3987.460..3987.611 rows=1000 loops=1)
   Group Key: t1.branch_id
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=395047.90..575900.73 rows=18085284 width=19) (actual time=3821.612..3986.812 rows=1000 loops=1)
         Group Key: t1.branch_id, t1.amount
         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..302614.93 rows=18486593 width=19) (actual time=73.574..919.854 rows=10000000 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.155 ms
 Execution time: 4438.999 ms
(7 rows)



 GroupAggregate  (cost=408450.41..937838.27 rows=200 width=16) (actual time=831.472..1365.904 rows=1000 loops=1)
   Group Key: t1.branch_id
   ->  Group  (cost=408450.41..922858.98 rows=998486 width=12) (actual time=830.731..1365.377 rows=1000 loops=1)
         Group Key: t1.branch_id, t1.amount
         ->  Gather Merge  (cost=408450.41..902889.26 rows=3993944 width=12) (actual time=830.730..1364.782 rows=5000 loops=1)
               Workers Planned: 4
               Workers Launched: 4
               ->  Group  (cost=407950.35..426671.97 rows=998486 width=12) (actual time=794.142..1317.058 rows=1000 loops=5)
                     Group Key: t1.branch_id, t1.amount
                     ->  Sort  (cost=407950.35..414190.89 rows=2496215 width=12) (actual time=794.139..1002.323 rows=2000000 loops=5)
                           Sort Key: t1.branch_id, t1.amount
                           Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 197526kB
                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..142711.15 rows=2496215 width=12) (actual time=35.558..190.117 rows=2000000 loops=5)
 Planning time: 0.119 ms
 Execution time: 1379.119 ms

从现在的现象看来,hashagg和groupagg的效率还是和许多因素相关的,一般情况下hashagg的效率要更高。在改写count(distinct ...)这类语句是要看值的选择性是不是很高。


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