做某个项目,会将开发提供的一堆gerrit change同步下来后,自动编译。
但一组gerrit change可能由于dependOn的问题,合理同步顺序不一定是开发的提交顺序。比如,存在提交 1 和提交 2,提交1依赖于提交2,那么,合理的下载顺序是,先下载提交2,再下载提交1。
举例:开发有提交1,2, 3, 4
其中,1依赖于2和3,2依赖于4, 3依赖于4, 4不依赖任何提交
1. 初始集合 setA = {1,2,3,4}
2. 得出初始数组的依赖集合 setB = {2,3,4}
3. setA – setB,得出 {1},入列表[1]
4. setA & setB = {2,3,4},将其设为新的setA
5. 得到新的setB = {4}
6. setA – setB,得出 {2,3},入列表得到[2,3,1] (注,新的需要放在头上,当然,放成[3,2,1]也可以,因为认为2与3是等价的)
7. setA & setB = {4},将其设为新的setA
8. setB为空
9. setA – setB,得出 {4},入列表得到[4,2,3,1]
- 由于setB为空,跳出循环
def resortGerritNumberForDependency(self, gerritInfo_arr):
#Sort the gerrit changes here to make sure the depeneded gerritchange is got at first.
# Algorithm is as following:
# 1. Initial set of gerrit changes topSet, as setGerrit
# 2. Get its depends on gerrit changes, as setDependsGerrit, set(gerritB) = set(gerritB) and set(gerritA)
# 3. DiffGerrit = setGerrit - setDependsGerrits.
# 4. push DiffGerrit into stack
# 5. if setDependsGerrit & setGerrit is not empty, set it as topSet and go to step 1, else break
# 6. Pop gerrit stack. The sequence will be the one to get gerrit changes without dependency conflicts
newOrderGerrit = []
topSet = gerritInfo_arr
while True:
setGerrit = set(topSet)
setDependsGerrits = self.getDependsOnArray(list(setGerrit))
diffSet = setGerrit - setDependsGerrits
if not len(diffSet):
logging.error("There is recursive dependency!")
newOrderGerrit = []
#the new found one will be at the head of list which iterated at first
newOrderGerrit = list(diffSet)+(newOrderGerrit)
topSet = setDependsGerrits & setGerrit
if not len(topSet):
#break only this is empty. Because diffSet make sure in each loop, the number will be decreased,
# there will not be any endless loop under this logic.
return newOrderGerrit