Leetcode 笔记 113 - Path Sum II

题目链接:Path Sum II | LeetCode OJ

Given a binary tree and a sum, find all root-to-leaf paths where each path's sum equals the given sum.

For example:

Given the below binary tree and sum = 22,

/ \
4 8
/ / \
11 13 4
/ \ / \
7 2 5 1



Tags: Depth-first Search


深度优先遍历题目,在Path Sum的基础上需要可行的解全部列出来。这里会用到有些动态规划的题目中也会用到的技巧,每次深度优先遍历时,都逐级传递从根结点到当前结点的路径path,如果发现当前结点是叶子结点且满足路径之和与期望相等,就把这个路径存入结果result。深度优先遍历仍然进行,不会因为发现了一条符合要求的路径而停止。

这道题的示例中我用到了Python的数组加法,数组加法不同于集合操作,相同的元素不会合并,元素的顺序也不会被打乱。例如[2,1] + [2,3] = [2,1,2,3]而不是[1,2,3]


class Solution:
# @param root, a tree node
# @param sum, an integer
# @return a list of lists of integers
def pathSum(self, root, sum):
return self._pathSum(root, sum, [], []) def _pathSum(self, root, sum, path, result):
if root is None:
return result if sum == root.val and root.left is None and root.right is None:
return result + [path + [root.val]]
return self._pathSum(root.left, sum - root.val, path + [root.val], result) + self._pathSum(root.right, sum - root.val, path + [root.val], result)

Leetcode 笔记系列的Python代码共享在https://github.com/wizcabbit/leetcode.solution


Path Sum

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