[Linux]CENOTS7启动时报"welcome to emergency mode!"【转载】

1 问题描述


[Linux]CENOTS7启动时报"welcome to emergency mode!"【转载】
welcome to emergency mode!after logging in ,type “journalctl -xb” to view system logs,“systemctl reboot” to reboot ,“systemctl default” to try again to boot into default mode。
give root password for maintenance
(?? Control-D???):

2 解决方法

  • step1 输入 root 用户密码,以登录操作系统的shell

  • step2 检查磁盘挂载信息,注释掉无关的磁盘挂载项。

vim /etc/fstab
[Linux]CENOTS7启动时报"welcome to emergency mode!"【转载】
  • step3 重启机器
systemctl reboot

X 参考文献

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