


java {
imports : "import java.util.*;"
code: """
// Update some custom metrics - see http://metrics.codahale.com/getting-started/
com.codahale.metrics.Timer.Context timerContext = context.getMetricRegistry().timer("myMetrics.myTimer").time(); // manipulate the contents of a record field
List tags = record.get("tags");
if (!tags.contains("hello")) {
return false;
tags.add("world"); logger.debug("tags: {} for record: {}", tags, record); // log to SLF4J
timerContext.stop(); // measure how much time the code block took
return child.process(record); // pass record to next command in chain

在eclipse下开发代码也比较简单。定义一个如下的类,在test()方法里面开发代码段,需要import的包就在上面定义,这样就可以利用eclipse的编译功能来纠错了。然后把import段拷贝到morphline的import字段,把test()里面的内容拷贝到code:”””//[code] ”””里面。

package test;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.kitesdk.morphline.api.Command;
import org.kitesdk.morphline.api.Record;
import org.kitesdk.morphline.base.Fields;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; public class TestMain
Record record;
Command child; public boolean test()
JsonNode rootNode = (JsonNode) record.getFirstValue(Fields.ATTACHMENT_BODY);
JsonNode jsonNode = rootNode.get("tags");
if (jsonNode.isArray())
Iterator<JsonNode> tags = jsonNode.elements();
while (tags.hasNext())
JsonNode next = tags.next();
String name = next.get("name").asText();
JsonNode values = next.get("value");
for (JsonNode value : values)
record.put("custom_tag", name + "=" + value.asText());
return child.process(record);
上一篇:Java [Leetcode 165]Compare Version Numbers

下一篇:Leetcode 165 Compare Version Numbers