
select sno,cno from score where grade is null

select sno 学号,sname 姓名,pnum 身份证号码 from student where extract(year from birth)=1998 order by sno

 3.本题目要求编写SQL语句,查询sh_goods表,先按商品分类category_id升序排列,对于相同分类的商品再按商品价格price降序排列 。
select name,category_id,price from sh_goods order by category_id asc, price desc

 4. 检索出sh_goods表中每项keyword对应的商品数量,统计所得商品数量对应的字段名称依据输出样例设置
select keyword,count(keyword) goodscount from sh_goods group by keyword order by keyword asc

select category_id,max(price) max_price from sh_goods group by category_id

 6. 查询sh_goods表中商品库存stock的最高和最低值
select max(stock) stock1,min(stock) stock2 from sh_goods

 7. 在sh_goods表中查询不同商品分类(category_id)下商品数量大于2的商品的平均价格。
select category_id,avg(price) average from sh_goods  group by category_id having count(category_id)>2

select name,price old_price,stock old_stock,price*0.75 new_price,stock+850 new_stock from sh_goods where score=5

 9. 查询sh_goods表中用户评分score在前20%的商品名称
select top 2 name from sh_goods order by score desc

select id,name,price from sh_goods where price>=2000 and price<=6000

select id,name,price from goods where price is null

 12. 获取goods表中商品名称含有“pad”的商品
select id,name,price from goods where name like'%pad%'

select id,name,price from sh_goods where category_id=3 and score=5.00

select name,price,score from sh_goods where score=4.50 or price<10

select DISTINCT DepartmentID from teacher

select * from Teacher order by TeacherID asc

select StudentName,Birth from Student where Birth in (select max(Birth) from Student)

select ClassID from Class where StudentNum>5

select max(Grade) max_grade from Grade where CourseID='Dp010001'

select StudentID,Grade from Grade where CourseID='Dp010004' order by Grade desc,StudentID asc;

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