语法:CHARINDEX ( expressionToFind ,expressionToSearch [ , start_location ] )
expression that contains the sequence to be found.‘ data-guid="31322e138e1f1d142d5ca96d75a5ff74"> 包含要查找的序列的字符表达式。
expressionToFind is limited to 8000 characters.‘ data-guid="899380d9ea95b67c4092a730c1a0cee0">expressionToFind 最多包含 8000 个字符。2)expressionToSearch
integer or bigint expression at which the search starts.‘ data-guid="d1a17b9ccae54b7655b14b3efe985bbe"> 表示搜索起始位置的 integer 或 bigint 表达式。 start_location is not specified, is a negative number, or is 0, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch.‘ data-guid="2187f677f256c74b1eb14421d824788a">如果未指定 start_location,该参数为负数或 0,则从 expressionToSearch 开头开始搜索。
start_location is not specified, is a negative number, or is 0, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch.‘ data-guid="2187f677f256c74b1eb14421d824788a"> 返回值:
start_location is not specified, is a negative number, or is 0, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch.‘ data-guid="2187f677f256c74b1eb14421d824788a"> 如果 expressionToSearch 具有 varchar(max)、nvarchar(max) 或 varbinary(max) 数据类型,则返回 bigint;否则,返回 int。
start_location is not specified, is a negative number, or is 0, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch.‘ data-guid="2187f677f256c74b1eb14421d824788a"> 示例一:
start_location is not specified, is a negative number, or is 0, the search starts at the beginning of expressionToSearch.‘
data-guid="2187f677f256c74b1eb14421d824788a"> CustomName包含客户的First Name和Last
select top 5 substring(ContactName,charindex(‘ ‘,ContactName)+1,len(ContactName)) as [Last Name] from customers
select count(*) from Northwind.dbo.Customers where CHARINDEX(‘Rd‘,Address) > 0 or CHARINDEX(‘Road‘,Address)> 1