[swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback



  • 函数声明


    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback




    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback


    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback




    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback

    下图为函数调用时栈帧的情况,绿色是Caller的职责,红色是Callee的职责(保存old ebp,申请空间,恢复esp/ebp等)。

    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback

  • 尾递归


    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback

    tail position vs. non tail position:为了能够使用尾递归优化汇编代码,需要确定哪些位置是tail position(一旦该位置表达式求值完成,整个表达式就完成了求值)。

    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback

    在递归判断tail position的时候,需要注意如果整个表达式是另一个表达式的子表达式,而且这个子表达式的位置不是tail position的时候,这个子表达式的位置则不是tail position。

    如:let ans = if ... else ... in k(ans + x),这个整个if表达式的位置就不能算是tail position。

    如:let ans = (let x = 10 in x) in ans

    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback


     1. 使用push ebp存储old ebp。

     2. 使用mov ebp, esp更新ebp。

     3. 为local vars提前分配存储空间。


     1. 将参数的值[esp-4]移动到eax中。

     2. 使用eax覆盖原来的参数[ebp+8]。

     3. 将esp指向old ebp。

     4. pop ebp,恢复ebp并将esp+4(指向返回地址)。

     5. 使用jmp跳转到f函数体(使用call会将返回地址再次压栈)。

    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback

    tail call optimization & proper tail calls

    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback

    两个参数的情况:如下图,z存储在[ebp+12],w存储在[ebp+8],如果尾递归调用f(z, y),需要将这两个位置的值进行更新。

    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback


    使用c-stack convention:调用者负责将参数格式,参数,返回指针压入栈中。

    使用functional language convention:调用者压入返回指针;被调用者负责管理参数。

    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback

  • α-renaming



    let x = 10, y = (let x = 5 in x) + x in y


    let x = 10 in let x = 5 in y = x + x in y


    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback


  • 具体语法

    <program> :=
    | <decls> <expr>
    | <expr> <decls> :=
    | <decl>
    | <decl> <decls> <decl> :=
    | def <identifier>(<ids>): <expr>
    | def <identifier>(): <expr> <ids> :=
    | <identifier>
    | <identifier> , <ids> <expr> :=
    | let <bindings> in <expr>
    | if <expr>: <expr> else: <expr>
    | <binop-expr> <binop-expr> :=
    | <identifier>
    | <number>
    | true
    | false
    | add1(<expr>)
    | sub1(<expr>)
    | isnum(<expr>)
    | isbool(<expr>)
    | print(<expr>)
    | <identifier>(<exprs>)
    | <identifier>()
    | <expr> + <expr>
    | <expr> - <expr>
    | <expr> * <expr>
    | <expr> < <expr>
    | <expr> > <expr>
    | <expr> == <expr>
    | ( <expr> ) <exprs> :=
    | <expr>
    | <expr> , <exprs> <bindings> :=
    | <identifier> = <expr>
    | <identifier> = <expr>, <bindings>
  • 抽象语法

    type prim1 =
    | Add1
    | Sub1
    | Print
    | IsNum
    | IsBool type prim2 =
    | Plus
    | Minus
    | Times
    | Less
    | Greater
    | Equal type expr =
    | ELet of (string * expr) list * expr
    | EPrim1 of prim1 * expr
    | EPrim2 of prim2 * expr * expr
    | EApp of string * expr list
    | EIf of expr * expr * expr
    | ENumber of int
    | EBool of bool
    | EId of string type decl =
    | DFun of string * string list * expr type program =
    | Program of decl list * expr type immexpr =
    | ImmNumber of int
    | ImmBool of bool
    | ImmId of string and cexpr =
    | CPrim1 of prim1 * immexpr
    | CPrim2 of prim2 * immexpr * immexpr
    | CApp of string * immexpr list
    | CIf of immexpr * aexpr * aexpr
    | CImmExpr of immexpr and aexpr =
    | ALet of string * cexpr * aexpr
    | ACExpr of cexpr and adecl =
    | ADFun of string * string list * aexpr and aprogram =
    | AProgram of adecl list * aexpr
  • 代码例子

    程序 输出
    def sum(n):
     if n < 1: 0
     else: n + sum(n - 1)
    def min(x, y):
     if x < y: x
     else: min(y, x)
    min(3, 1)
    def f(x, x):
    Compile error:
     Arity mismatch on call to f (expected 2 arguments, got 1)
     Function f has duplicate parameter x
     Unbound identifier y
    def f(x): x
    def f(y): y
    Compile error:
     Duplicate function f
    let x=1, y=2, x=a in x Compile error:
     Duplicate binding x
     Unbound identifier a


  • 错误处理:在生成的汇编代码末尾添加了错误类型的label,并将相应的参数压入栈中,main函数中的error函数会接受这些参数。

    push EAX ;; Arg 2: push the badly behaved value
    push 1 ;; Arg 1: a constant describing which error-code occurred
    call error ;; our error handler
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h> const int ERR_NOT_NUMBER = 1;
    const int ERR_NOT_BOOLEAN = 2;
    const int ERR_OVERFLOW = 3; extern int our_code_starts_here() asm("our_code_starts_here");
    extern int print(int val) asm("print");
    extern void error(int errCode, int val) asm("error"); int print(int val) {
    if(val & 0x00000001 ^ 0x00000001) {
    printf("%d\n", val >> 1);
    } else if(val == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
    } else if(val == 0x7FFFFFFF) {
    } else {
    printf("Unknown value: %#010x\n", val);
    return val;
    } void error(int errCode, int val) {
    if (errCode == ERR_NOT_NUMBER) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Expected number, but got %010x\n", val);
    } else if (errCode == ERR_NOT_BOOLEAN) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Expected boolean, but got %010x\n", val);
    } else if (errCode == ERR_OVERFLOW) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: arithemetic overflow");
    } int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int result = our_code_starts_here();
    return 0;


  • 静态错误检查:well_formed函数在编译时捕捉了下面的所有错误。

    • A function application with the wrong number of arguments should signal an error containing the string "arity"
    • A function application of a non-existent function should signal an error containing the string "not defined"
    • An identifier without a corresponding binding location should report an error containing the string "unbound"
    • A let binding with duplicate names should report an error containg the string "duplicate binding"
    • A function declaration with duplicate names in the argument list should report an error containg the string "duplicate parameter"
    • If there are multiple function definitions with the same name, report an error containing the string "duplicate function"
    • If a numeric constant is too large (as discussed in class), report an error containing the string "too large
    let rec well_formed_e (e : expr) (ds : decl list) (env : bool envt) : string list =
    (* FILL: you need to implement this *)
    match e with
    | EApp(fname, args) ->
    let found = find_decl ds fname in
    let error = match found with
    | None -> [sprintf "Function %s is not defined" fname]
    | Some(DFun(_, params, _)) ->
    let expected = List.length params in
    let actual = List.length args in
    if expected = actual then []
    else [sprintf "Arity mismatch on call to %s (expected %d arguments, got %d)" fname expected actual] in
    error @ (List.flatten (List.map (fun arg -> well_formed_e arg ds env) args))
    | EPrim2(_, left, right) -> (well_formed_e left ds env) @ (well_formed_e right ds env)
    | EPrim1(_, e) -> well_formed_e e ds env
    | EIf(cond, thn, els) -> (well_formed_e cond ds env) @ (well_formed_e thn ds env) @ (well_formed_e els ds env)
    | ELet([], body) -> well_formed_e body ds env
    | ELet((name, value)::rest, body) ->
    let found = find rest name in
    let error = match found with
    | None -> []
    | Some(_) -> [sprintf "Duplicate binding %s" name] in
    error @ (well_formed_e value ds env) @ (well_formed_e (ELet(rest, body)) ds ((name, true)::env))
    | ENumber(n) ->
    if n >= -1073741824 && n <= 1073741823 then []
    else [sprintf "Number precision too large %d" n]
    | EBool(b) -> []
    | EId(x) ->
    let found = find env x in
    let error = match found with
    | None -> [sprintf "Unbound identifier %s" x]
    | Some(_) -> [] in
    error let well_formed_d (d : decl) (ds : decl list) : string list =
    (* FILL: you need to implement this *)
    match d with
    | DFun(fname, args, body) ->
    let env = List.map (fun arg -> (arg, true)) args in
    let found = find_dup args in
    let error = match found with
    | None -> []
    | Some(x) -> [sprintf "Function %s has duplicate parameter %s" fname x] in
    error @ (well_formed_e body ds env) let well_formed_p (p : program) : string list =
    match p with
    | Program(ds, maine) ->
    (* FILL: you may need to add more errors beyond those found from
    the declarations and the main expression *)
    let found = find_dup (List.map (fun (DFun(fname, _, _)) -> fname) ds) in
    let error = match found with
    | None -> []
    | Some(fname) -> [sprintf "Duplicate function %s" fname] in
    (well_formed_e maine ds []) @
    (List.flatten (List.map (fun d -> well_formed_d d ds) ds)) @ error
  • 转化为anf语法:

    • CApp:一个思路是将函数调用时的参数依次和一个ImmExpr绑定,并保存到一个列表中(可以保持逆序),然后再存入CApp中(具体参考anf_list的实现)

    anf e1 (ImmHole(fun imm1 -> anf e2 (ImmHole(fun imm2 -> k [imm1; imm2]))))

    This is a slightly modified implementation of ANF. You should read and
    understand it (because it's good for you, and because there may be written
    questions that reference it). Your interaction with it in this assignment
    will be limited, though. The key idea is that there are two kinds of holes in expressions:
    immexpr-shaped and cexpr-shaped. For example, a let statement has a
    cexpr-shaped hole in the second position, while a prim1 has an immexpr-shaped
    hole for its argument. We can fill an immexpr-shaped hole with a cexpr-shaped expression by
    introducing a new let binding, and using the temporary id as the immexpr. And
    we can fill a cexpr-shaped hole with an immexpr by using CImmExpr. By using the right-shaped holes in the right places, we can avoid creating
    intermediate let-bindings except where it's actually necessary. For this assignment, you need to fill in the EApp case.
    type hole =
    | CHole of (cexpr -> aexpr)
    | ImmHole of (immexpr -> aexpr) let fill_imm (h : hole) (v : immexpr) : aexpr =
    match h with
    | CHole(k) -> (k (CImmExpr(v)))
    | ImmHole(k) -> (k v) let fill_c (h : hole) (c : cexpr) : aexpr =
    match h with
    | CHole(k) -> (k c)
    | ImmHole(k) ->
    let tmp = gen_temp "" in
    ALet(tmp, c, k (ImmId(tmp))) let return_hole = CHole(fun ce -> ACExpr(ce)) let rec anf_list (es : expr list) (k : immexpr list -> aexpr) : aexpr =
    (* FILL: you probably want to implement this as a helper for the ECall case *)
    let rec helper es immlist =
    match es with
    | [] -> k immlist
    | (e::rest) -> anf e (ImmHole(fun imm -> helper rest (imm::immlist))) in
    helper es [] and anf (e : expr) (h : hole) : aexpr =
    match e with
    | ENumber(n) -> fill_imm h (ImmNumber(n))
    | EBool(b) -> fill_imm h (ImmBool(b))
    | EId(x) -> fill_imm h (ImmId(x))
    | EPrim1(op, e) ->
    anf e (ImmHole(fun imm -> (fill_c h (CPrim1(op, imm)))))
    | EPrim2(op, left, right) ->
    anf left (ImmHole(fun limm ->
    anf right (ImmHole(fun rimm ->
    (fill_c h (CPrim2(op, limm, rimm)))))))
    | EApp(f, args) ->
    (* FILL: you need to implement this *)
    anf_list args (fun immlist -> fill_c h (CApp(f, immlist)))
    | EIf(cond, thn, els) ->
    anf cond (ImmHole(fun cimm ->
    (fill_c h (CIf(cimm, (anf thn return_hole), (anf els return_hole))))))
    | ELet([], body) -> anf body h
    | ELet((name, value)::rest, body) ->
    anf value (CHole(fun ce ->
    ALet(name, ce, anf (ELet(rest, body)) h))) let anf_decl (d : decl) : adecl =
    match d with
    | DFun(name, args, body) ->
    ADFun(name, args, anf body return_hole) let anf_program (p : program) : aprogram =
    match p with
    | Program(decls, main) ->
    AProgram(List.map anf_decl decls, anf main return_hole)
  • 生成汇编代码(格式如下)

     ;; extern and global stuff
    section .text
    ;; code for fun_decl1, including stack management
    ;; code for fun_decl2, including stack management
    ;; main entrypoint, as before, with stack management ;; errors, as before
    let compile_to_string prog =
    match well_formed_p prog with
    | x::rest ->
    (* NOTE: This is where errors are reported, by concatenating them all together *)
    let errstr = (List.fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ "\n" ^ y) "" (x::rest)) in
    failwith errstr
    | [] ->
    let anfed = (anf_program prog) in
    (* FILL: You need to get from ANFed program to full assembly structure
    this time, possibly by starting from a previous lab's code *)
    let preclude = sprintf "section .text
    extern print
    extern error
    global our_code_starts_here" in
    let decls = match anfed with
    | AProgram(decls, _) -> decls in
    let main = match anfed with
    | AProgram(_, main) -> main in
    let stack_setup = [
    IMov(Reg(EBP), Reg(ESP));
    ISub(Reg(ESP), Const(4 * count_vars main));
    ] in
    let postlude = [
    IMov(Reg(ESP), Reg(EBP));
    ] in
    let compiled_decls = List.flatten (List.map (fun decl -> acompile_decl decl) decls) in
    let compiled_main = acompile_expr main 1 [] in
    let as_assembly_string = (to_asm (stack_setup @ compiled_main @ postlude)) in
    sprintf "%s%s%s\n" preclude (to_asm compiled_decls) as_assembly_string

    下面的代码和之前类似,增加了函数调用的这部分(需遵循C-Stack Convention)

    [swarthmore cs75] Compiler 4 – Diamondback

    let rec acompile_step (s : cexpr) (si : int) (env : int envt) : instruction list =
    let postlude =
    ITest(Reg(EAX), Const(1));
    ] in
    match s with
    | CPrim1(op, e) ->
    let eGen = acompile_imm e si env in
    let prelude = eGen @ postlude in
    begin match op with
    | Add1 -> prelude @ [IAdd(Reg(EAX), Const(2));]
    | Sub1 -> prelude @ [ISub(Reg(EAX), Const(2));]
    | Print -> eGen @ [IPush(Reg(EAX)); ICall("print");]
    | IsNum -> eGen @ [IAnd(Reg(EAX), Const(1)); IShl(Reg(EAX), Const(31)); IXor(Reg(EAX), const_true);]
    | IsBool -> eGen @ [IAnd(Reg(EAX), Const(1)); IShl(Reg(EAX), Const(31)); IOr(Reg(EAX), const_false);]
    | CPrim2(op, left, right) ->
    let lGen = acompile_imm left si env in
    let rGen = acompile_imm right si env in
    let imma = acompile_imm_arg right si env in
    let preclude = lGen @ postlude @ rGen @ postlude in
    begin match op with
    | Plus -> preclude @ lGen @ [IAdd(Reg(EAX), imma);] @ [IJo("error_overflow");]
    | Minus -> preclude @ lGen @ [ISub(Reg(EAX), imma);] @ [IJo("error_overflow");]
    | Times -> preclude @ lGen @ [ISar(Reg(EAX), Const(1)); IMul(Reg(EAX), imma);] @ [IJo("error_overflow");]
    | Less -> preclude @ lGen @ [ISub(Reg(EAX), imma); IAnd(Reg(EAX), HexConst(0x80000000)); IOr(Reg(EAX), const_false);]
    | Greater -> preclude @ lGen @ [ISub(Reg(EAX), imma); IAnd(Reg(EAX), HexConst(0x80000000)); IAdd(Reg(EAX), const_true);]
    | Equal ->
    let end_label = gen_temp "end" in
    lGen @
    ICmp(Reg(EAX), imma);
    IMov(Reg(EAX), const_false);
    IMov(Reg(EAX), const_true);
    | CIf(cond, thn, els) ->
    let else_label = gen_temp "else" in
    let endif_label = gen_temp "endif" in
    acompile_imm cond si env @
    ITest(Reg(EAX), Const(1));
    ICmp(Reg(EAX), const_false);
    ] @
    acompile_expr thn si env @
    ] @
    acompile_expr els si env @
    | CImmExpr(i) -> acompile_imm i si env
    | CApp(fname, args) -> (* Caller *)
    List.map (fun arg -> IPush(Sized(DWORD_PTR, acompile_imm_arg arg si env))) args @ (* 这里把参数逆序压入栈中 *)
    IAdd(Reg(ESP), Const(4 * List.length args));
    ] and acompile_expr (e : aexpr) (si : int) (env : int envt) : instruction list =
    match e with
    | ALet(id, e, body) ->
    let preclude = acompile_step e (si + 1) env in
    let postlude = acompile_expr body (si + 1) ((id, si)::env) in
    preclude @
    IMov(RegOffset(-4 * si, EBP), Reg(EAX))
    ] @ postlude
    | ACExpr(s) -> acompile_step s si env let acompile_decl (ad : adecl) : instruction list = (* Callee *)
    match ad with
    | ADFun(fname, args, body) ->
    let env = List.mapi (fun i arg -> (arg, -i-2)) args in (* [ebp+8]、[ebp+12]、.... 是压入的参数 *)
    IMov(Reg(EBP), Reg(ESP));
    ISub(Reg(ESP), Const(4 * count_vars body));
    ] @
    acompile_expr body 1 env @
    IMov(Reg(ESP), Reg(EBP));


  1. Valgrind不支持最新的osx。
  2. 未实现Tail Call Optimizaion。



上一篇:Anaconda安装Package的问题(Permission Denied)

下一篇:spark2.1注册内部函数spark.udf.register("xx", xxx _),运行时抛出异常:Task not serializable