


1.1 技巧层面

  • 四六级作文不要求写题目,不写不扣分,写了不加分。
  • 疯狂背作文,上考场就拼你背的,绝对见效。

1.2 词汇层面

  • 很多:many

    • a host of / a large number of / a large quantity of
  • yy is very sexy ~= yy is exceedingly sexy

  • not(adv) have--- no(adj)

    • i don't have time / i have no time
  • be adj --- be of n(adj->n)

    • it is important -- it is of great importence
    • time is valuable = time is of hreat importance
  • 非常,很 --> very

    • particularly / rather / exceedingly / quite
  • 提升 / 提高 --> promote

    • enhance / strengthen / boost / improve
  • I am convinced that it is of great necessary for youngsters to enhance ourselves by listening to other people's opinions.

  • sky is particularly young.

  • 重要的 Important -->

    • significant / essential / crucial /indispensable
  • 足够的 Enough -->

    • adequate / ample / sufficient

  • 救命作文:On English Learning(讲义p5)

      In contemporary world, English learning has gained great popularity and it is of great significance for toungsters to learn English well.(主题句)Based on a survey, a majority of international organizations or firms acknowledge that they prefer recruiting employees who can speak English fluently.(调查法)
  • try our utmost to 尽最大的努力

  • practice makes perfect



2.1 精华词汇

  • future is hopeful and promising
  • 词性基础
  • 善用代词:they/them/it
  • 弃用第一反应词,补充(待背):
    1. 我认为:
      • i am convinced that
      • deem
      • think
      • state
      • contend
      • I believe
      • depon
      • advocate
      • hold
      • I argue
      • ponder
      • claim
      • suppose
      • assert
      • point out
      • personally
      • as for me
      • as far as i am concerned
    • 许多:
      • a large number of
      • a large amount of
      • a considerable number of
      • a host of
      • dozens of
      • scores of
      • the bulk of
      • a majority of 大部分的
      • a minority of 小部分的
      • 记不住写手心上
    • 如今、目前:
      • in contemporary society
      • nowadays
      • at present
      • recently
      • currently
      • in recent decades(dai kei zi)
    • 越来越:
      • an increasing / growing number of +可数名词复数=越来越多的
      • increasingly + 形容词、副词原形
    • 重要、必要、主导、关键、根本、意义重大
      • important
      • necessary
      • essential
      • vital
      • crucial
      • influential
      • overwhelming
      • primary
      • principal
      • fundamental
      • elementary
      • cardinal
      • significant
      • indispensable
      • dominant
      • key
      • leading
      • prominent
      • decisive
      • major
    • 提升、提高、增强
      • enhance
      • strengthen
      • promote
      • boost
      • intensify
      • magnify
      • amplify
    • 很大地、非常地(表示程度):
      • exceedingly
      • quite
      • rether
      • particularly
      • significantly
      • considerably
      • surprisingly
      • greatly
      • hightly
      • largely
    • 可能:
      • may
      • perhaps
      • be likely to
      • possibly
      • it is very likely that ……
      • it is predicted that …… 预测
    • if I work hard this term,I am more likely to succeed in CET-4.
    • 常常:
      • often
      • frequently
      • more often
      • than not

2.2 句子写作

2.2.1 造句要领

  • 切忌逐字翻译
  • 汉语意思vs英文结构


A baby was born in their family.


I regret so much that he spent a lot of my money. I am exceedingly regretful that he spent a lot of my money.

2.2.2 句法基础

  • 简单句结构
  • 并列句
  • 常见错误:(课下自学)
    • 词性
    • 单复数
    • 动词(时态,语态,语气)
  • 复合句:
    • 名词从句
    • 定语从句
    • 状语从句
    • If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will also miss the stars.

2.3 基础句式

  • 被动句

    1. 在情况变得更糟之前采取行动。
      • Effective measures should be taken before things/situations get worse.
    • 据说/相传五千年前中国的一位帝王发现了茶并用它来治病。
      • It is said that 5000 years old, a king / an emperor of China discovered the tea and use it to cure/treat illness/disease.
    • 学生应该努力学习
      • should <--> sb/sth be advisable to ……
      • It is suggested that students should work hard.
      • Students are well-advised/supposed to study hard.
    • 中国结最初是由手工艺人发明的。
      • The Chinese knot was invented by handicraftsmen initially.(me)
      • The Chinese knot was firstly/originally invented by people who made handcrafts = handcrafts.(teahcer)
    • 剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间
      • Paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms.
  • 名词从句

    • 主语从句
      • 很多家长担心的是网络或计算机游戏可能影响孩子的学习

          What worries many parents is that the internet or computers may impact their kids' study.( is前是主语从句,后面是表语从句 )
    • 宾语从句(一个从句充当主句的宾语)
      • 很多人依靠借贷,他们的生活质量用他们能借到多少钱来衡量而非能挣到多少。

          A host of people live on/depend on credit/loan, and their quality of life can be measured by how much they can bowser, rather than/not by how much they can earn. 
  • 听写

  1. current,contemporary
  2. society
  3. gain greeting of people/gain peple's welcome
  4. acknowledge
  5. recruit
  6. css expression
  7. a variety of
  8. frequency/fluent,频繁的/流利的
  9. I believe,I am convined that
  10. bright/promising 光明的



3.1 精华词汇

  1. 教育、倡导、鼓励:
    • educate
    • advocate
    • encourage
  2. 足够的:
    • adequate
    • ample
    • sufficient
    • enough
    • Adequate participation helps us to gain experience.
  3. 归因于,源自于:
    * ascribe to
    * attribute to
    * is associated with
    * arise from
    * stem from
    * originate from(in)
    * result from
    * derive from
    * grow form
    * a source of
  4. 因为,由于:
    • due to
    • thanks to 多亏了
    • owing to
      • owing my laziness, I wasted too much time last semester.
    • because of
    • be responsible for
    • by virtue of
    • in light of
  5. 导致,造成:
    • contribute to
    • lead to
    • result in
    • bring about
    • create
    • give rise to
    • trigger
    • ignite
    • cause
    • generate
    • promote
    • bread
    • induce
    • 实体经济有助于维护市场稳定:
      • The real economy contributes to maintenance of market stability.
  6. 往往,表趋势:
    • tend to
    • be prone to
    • be inclined to
      • A host of youngsters tend to/are inclined to indulge themselves in WeChat,Tmall,games and so on.
    • have a tendency to
  7. 塑造,培养:
    • shape,reshape
    • develop
    • foster
    • mould
    • cultivate
      • talents / knowledge
      • confidence / ability / conpetence
      • skills / quanlity / awareness / habit
    • build
  8. 发生,出现,产生
    • take place
    • occur
    • arise
    • bring about
    • create
    • cause
    • emerge
    • turn out
    • work out
    • 近年来,中国已经发生了巨大的变化
      • Recently, great changes have taken place in China.
  9. 能给,能使,能让:
    • enable sb. to do sth
    • allow
    • render
    • ensure
    • equip...with
    • furnish...with
    • give
    • let
    • make
    • offer
    • promise
    • bring
    • provide
    • encourage
    • liberate
    • free
    • release sb. from...
  10. 有益,有助于:
    • be beneficial
    • instrumental
    • helpful
    • condecive
    • favorable
    • optimal
    • facilitate
  11. 偶尔:
    • occasionally
    • sometimes
    • once in a while
    • on some occasions
    • condition / environment

3.2 基础句式

  • 宾语从句(一个从句充当主句的宾语)

    • 很多人依靠借贷,他们的生活质量用他们能借到多少钱来衡量而非能挣到多少。

      • A host of people live on/depend on credit/loan, and their quality of life can be measured by how much they can bowser, rather than/not by how much they can earn.
    • 我相信年轻人很有必要努力学习

      • I am convined that it is of vital necessity for youngsters to study hard.
    • 明智的人不为别人的想法所影响

      • Sensible people are not impacted/influenced by what others think.
        what i need is what you need.(爱屋及乌)
  • 表语从句(一个从句充当主句的主语)

    • 这就是为什么中国被称之为“自行车的王国”。
      • This is why China is called "The Kingdom of bicycles".
    • 在团队比赛中,实战是能提升文明的合作意识的方法。
      • In competition of teamwork/(team games), practice is what enhances/(improves) our awareness of teamwork / cooperation.
      • In team games, practice is the way to improve(本来加的s,但是由于to后是动词原形,则不加) our sense of cooperation.(动词不定式充当the way 定语)
      • In tests, deep breath is what relieves our nerousness.
  • 同位语从句(相对较难)(从句解释某个名词,即该名词和句子内容之间为“等号关系”)

    • I had a dream last night that China;s Nation……( that换成冒号:)
  • 定语从句

    • 用法:Taobao is a website, in which customers can purchase a variety of good, which include clothes, shoes, books, cosmetics and so on, which are much cheaper than those in stores, which have to pay more taxes, which can be avoided in online shopping, which……

    • 哈利波特与火焰杯

      • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    • 中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。

      • Chinese paer cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years, which gained great / particular popularity during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
      • 技巧:
        • 句子长就加逗号,短则不用。
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