

Golang1.17 学习笔记009


全局变量 g0 主协程、m0 工作线程

P 里面只是有个本地 runq,全局的 runq 存储在 sched 中

获取任务顺序,先从 m 自身 p 中的 runq 获取,没有就去全局 sched 中获取,没有再去其他 q 中拿一点

type g struct {
	_panic    *_panic // innermost panic - offset known to liblink
	_defer    *_defer // innermost defer
	m         *m      // current m; offset known to arm liblink
	goid      int64   // 协程id

type m struct {
	g0      *g     // goroutine with scheduling stack
	curg   *g       // current running goroutine
	// 处理器相关信息
	p             puintptr // attached p for executing go code (nil if not executing go code)
	nextp         puintptr
	oldp          puintptr // the p that was attached before executing a syscall

type p struct {

    status    // 状态:_Pidle、_Prunning、_Psyscall、_Pgcstop、_Pdead
    m           muintptr   // back-link to associated m (nil if idle)
    // Queue of runnable goroutines. Accessed without lock.
	runqhead uint32
	runqtail uint32
	runq     [256]guintptr
	runnext guintptr
	// Available G's (status == Gdead)
	gFree struct {
		n int32

type schedt struct {
    midle        muintptr // idle m's waiting for work
    pidle      puintptr // idle p's
    // Global runnable queue.
	runq     gQueue
	runqsize int32


调用 newproc(),然后内部调用 newproc1()

详细流程:newproc -> newproc1 -> (如果P数目没到上限)wakep -> startm -> (可能引发)newm -> newosproc
-> (线程入口)mstart -> schedule -> execute -> goroutine运行 (参考《深入理解go》之goroutine调度)

func newproc(siz int32, fn *funcval) {
	argp := add(unsafe.Pointer(&fn), sys.PtrSize)
	gp := getg()
	pc := getcallerpc()
	systemstack(func() {
		newg := newproc1(fn, argp, siz, gp, pc)

		_p_ := getg().m.p.ptr()
		// 绑当前协程往可执行队列中加;如果本地队列满了,就往全局队列中加
		runqput(_p_, newg, true)

		if mainStarted {

func newproc1(fn *funcval, argp unsafe.Pointer, narg int32, callergp *g, callerpc uintptr) *g {
	// 获取协程
	_g_ := getg()

	// 获取线程
	acquirem() // disable preemption because it can be holding p in a local var
	siz := narg
	siz = (siz + 7) &^ 7

	// 协程参数大小判断
	if siz >= _StackMin-4*sys.PtrSize-sys.PtrSize {
		throw("newproc: function arguments too large for new goroutine")

    // 获取当前协程所在线程的 P 指针
	_p_ := _g_.m.p.ptr()
	// 获取当前空闲的协程
	newg := gfget(_p_)
	if newg == nil {
	    // 栈上分配一个新的协程
		newg = malg(_StackMin)
		// 修改状态为 Gdead
		casgstatus(newg, _Gidle, _Gdead)
		// 加入到全局的 allg 中
		allgadd(newg) // publishes with a g->status of Gdead so GC scanner doesn't look at uninitialized stack.

    // 获取栈帧地址
	totalSize := 4*sys.PtrSize + uintptr(siz) + sys.MinFrameSize // extra space in case of reads slightly beyond frame
	totalSize += -totalSize & (sys.StackAlign - 1)               // align to StackAlign
	sp := newg.stack.hi - totalSize
	spArg := sp
	if usesLR {
		// caller's LR
		*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = 0
		spArg += sys.MinFrameSize
	// 参数拷贝到栈中
	if narg > 0 {
		memmove(unsafe.Pointer(spArg), argp, uintptr(narg))
		// This is a stack-to-stack copy. If write barriers
		// are enabled and the source stack is grey (the
		// destination is always black), then perform a
		// barrier copy. We do this *after* the memmove
		// because the destination stack may have garbage on
		// it.
		if writeBarrier.needed && !_g_.m.curg.gcscandone {
			f := findfunc(fn.fn)
			stkmap := (*stackmap)(funcdata(f, _FUNCDATA_ArgsPointerMaps))
			if stkmap.nbit > 0 {
				// We're in the prologue, so it's always stack map index 0.
				bv := stackmapdata(stkmap, 0)
				bulkBarrierBitmap(spArg, spArg, uintptr(bv.n)*sys.PtrSize, 0, bv.bytedata)

	memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(&newg.sched), unsafe.Sizeof(newg.sched))
	newg.sched.sp = sp
	newg.stktopsp = sp
	newg.sched.pc = abi.FuncPCABI0(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
	newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
	gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
	newg.gopc = callerpc
	// 保存父级协程
	newg.ancestors = saveAncestors(callergp)
	newg.startpc = fn.fn
	if _g_.m.curg != nil {
		newg.labels = _g_.m.curg.labels
	// 如果是系统协程,那么 sched.ngsys(系统协程数)加 1
	if isSystemGoroutine(newg, false) {
		atomic.Xadd(&sched.ngsys, +1)
	// 协程状态修改为 Grunable
	casgstatus(newg, _Gdead, _Grunnable)

	if _p_.goidcache == _p_.goidcacheend {
		// Sched.goidgen is the last allocated id,
		// this batch must be [sched.goidgen+1, sched.goidgen+GoidCacheBatch].
		// At startup sched.goidgen=0, so main goroutine receives goid=1.
		_p_.goidcache = atomic.Xadd64(&sched.goidgen, _GoidCacheBatch)
		_p_.goidcache -= _GoidCacheBatch - 1
		_p_.goidcacheend = _p_.goidcache + _GoidCacheBatch
	newg.goid = int64(_p_.goidcache)

    // 释放获取协程所在的线程

	return newg

P 和 M 个数

  • P: 可以由 runtime.GOMAXPROCES()

  • M: go 启动时,设置 M 最大只,默认 10000。runtime/debug.SetMaxThreds 设置 M 最大数量

  • 一个 M 被阻塞,会创建新的 M;反之,空闲 M 也可以被回收或睡眠

P 和 M 创建

  • P:在确定最大数量 n 后,运行时程序就会创建 n 个 P
  • M: 没有足够 M 来关联 P 并执行其中的 G。如:所有 M 被阻塞了,先去看还有空闲的没有,没有就创建 M


  • workd stealing 机制:当前 M 没有 G,尝试去其他 M 绑定 P 中偷取 G

  • hand off 机制:当前 M 因 G 进行系统调用阻塞时,M 释放 P,把去转移到其他空闲线程执行

  • 抢占:在coroutine中要等待一个协程主动让出CPU才执行下一个协程,在Go中,一个goroutine最多占用CPU

  • 全局G队列:当 M 执行 work stealing 从其他 P 偷不到 G 时,它可以从全局 G 队列获 G

《深入解析Go》之 goroutine 调度
《Golang 修养之路》之 Golang 的协程调度器原理及 GMP 设计思想?


下一篇:CentOS 7 上CNVnator安装