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public class BinaryLogClient implements BinaryLogClientMXBean { private static final SSLSocketFactory DEFAULT_REQUIRED_SSL_MODE_SOCKET_FACTORY = new DefaultSSLSocketFactory() { @Override protected void initSSLContext(SSLContext sc) throws GeneralSecurityException { sc.init(null, new TrustManager[]{ new X509TrustManager() { @Override public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] x509Certificates, String s) throws CertificateException { } @Override public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] x509Certificates, String s) throws CertificateException { } @Override public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return new X509Certificate[0]; } } }, null); } }; private static final SSLSocketFactory DEFAULT_VERIFY_CA_SSL_MODE_SOCKET_FACTORY = new DefaultSSLSocketFactory(); // private static final int MAX_PACKET_LENGTH = 16777215; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); private final String hostname; private final int port; private final String schema; private final String username; private final String password; private boolean blocking = true; private long serverId = 65535; private volatile String binlogFilename; private volatile long binlogPosition = 4; private volatile long connectionId; private SSLMode sslMode = SSLMode.DISABLED; private GtidSet gtidSet; private final Object gtidSetAccessLock = new Object(); private boolean gtidSetFallbackToPurged; private EventDeserializer eventDeserializer = new EventDeserializer(); private final List<EventListener> eventListeners = new LinkedList<EventListener>(); private final List<LifecycleListener> lifecycleListeners = new LinkedList<LifecycleListener>(); private SocketFactory socketFactory; private SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory; private volatile PacketChannel channel; private volatile boolean connected; private ThreadFactory threadFactory; private boolean keepAlive = true; private long keepAliveInterval = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1); private long heartbeatInterval; private volatile long eventLastSeen; private long connectTimeout = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(3); private volatile ExecutorService keepAliveThreadExecutor; private final Lock connectLock = new ReentrantLock(); /** * Alias for BinaryLogClient("localhost", 3306, <no schema> = null, username, password). * @see BinaryLogClient#BinaryLogClient(String, int, String, String, String) */ public BinaryLogClient(String username, String password) { this("localhost", 3306, null, username, password); } /** * Alias for BinaryLogClient("localhost", 3306, schema, username, password). * @see BinaryLogClient#BinaryLogClient(String, int, String, String, String) */ public BinaryLogClient(String schema, String username, String password) { this("localhost", 3306, schema, username, password); } /** * Alias for BinaryLogClient(hostname, port, <no schema> = null, username, password). * @see BinaryLogClient#BinaryLogClient(String, int, String, String, String) */ public BinaryLogClient(String hostname, int port, String username, String password) { this(hostname, port, null, username, password); } /** * @param hostname mysql server hostname * @param port mysql server port * @param schema database name, nullable. Note that this parameter has nothing to do with event filtering. It‘s * used only during the authentication. * @param username login name * @param password password */ public BinaryLogClient(String hostname, int port, String schema, String username, String password) { this.hostname = hostname; this.port = port; this.schema = schema; this.username = username; this.password = password; } public boolean isBlocking() { return blocking; } /** * @param blocking blocking mode. If set to false - BinaryLogClient will disconnect after the last event. */ public void setBlocking(boolean blocking) { this.blocking = blocking; } public SSLMode getSSLMode() { return sslMode; } public void setSSLMode(SSLMode sslMode) { if (sslMode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("SSL mode cannot be NULL"); } this.sslMode = sslMode; } /** * @return server id (65535 by default) * @see #setServerId(long) */ public long getServerId() { return serverId; } /** * @param serverId server id (in the range from 1 to 2^32 - 1). This value MUST be unique across whole replication * group (that is, different from any other server id being used by any master or slave). Keep in mind that each * binary log client (mysql-binlog-connector-java/BinaryLogClient, mysqlbinlog, etc) should be treated as a * simplified slave and thus MUST also use a different server id. * @see #getServerId() */ public void setServerId(long serverId) { this.serverId = serverId; } /** * @return binary log filename, nullable (and null be default). Note that this value is automatically tracked by * the client and thus is subject to change (in response to {@link EventType#ROTATE}, for example). * @see #setBinlogFilename(String) */ public String getBinlogFilename() { return binlogFilename; } /** * @param binlogFilename binary log filename. * Special values are: * <ul> * <li>null, which turns on automatic resolution (resulting in the last known binlog and position). This is what * happens by default when you don‘t specify binary log filename explicitly.</li> * <li>"" (empty string), which instructs server to stream events starting from the oldest known binlog.</li> * </ul> * @see #getBinlogFilename() */ public void setBinlogFilename(String binlogFilename) { this.binlogFilename = binlogFilename; } /** * @return binary log position of the next event, 4 by default (which is a position of first event). Note that this * value changes with each incoming event. * @see #setBinlogPosition(long) */ public long getBinlogPosition() { return binlogPosition; } /** * @param binlogPosition binary log position. Any value less than 4 gets automatically adjusted to 4 on connect. * @see #getBinlogPosition() */ public void setBinlogPosition(long binlogPosition) { this.binlogPosition = binlogPosition; } /** * @return thread id */ public long getConnectionId() { return connectionId; } /** * @return GTID set. Note that this value changes with each received GTID event (provided client is in GTID mode). * @see #setGtidSet(String) */ public String getGtidSet() { synchronized (gtidSetAccessLock) { return gtidSet != null ? gtidSet.toString() : null; } } /** * @param gtidSet GTID set (can be an empty string). * <p>NOTE #1: Any value but null will switch BinaryLogClient into a GTID mode (this will also set binlogFilename * to "" (provided it‘s null) forcing MySQL to send events starting from the oldest known binlog (keep in mind * that connection will fail if gtid_purged is anything but empty (unless * {@link #setGtidSetFallbackToPurged(boolean)} is set to true))). * <p>NOTE #2: {@link #setBinlogFilename(String)} and {@link #setBinlogPosition(long)} can be used to specify the * exact position from which MySQL server should start streaming events (taking into account GTID set). * <p>NOTE #3: GTID set is automatically updated with each incoming GTID event (provided GTID mode is on). * @see #getGtidSet() * @see #setGtidSetFallbackToPurged(boolean) */ public void setGtidSet(String gtidSet) { if (gtidSet != null && this.binlogFilename == null) { this.binlogFilename = ""; } synchronized (gtidSetAccessLock) { this.gtidSet = gtidSet != null ? new GtidSet(gtidSet) : null; } } /** * @see #setGtidSetFallbackToPurged(boolean) */ public boolean isGtidSetFallbackToPurged() { return gtidSetFallbackToPurged; } /** * @param gtidSetFallbackToPurged true if gtid_purged should be used as a fallback when gtidSet is set to "" and * MySQL server has purged some of the binary logs, false otherwise (default). */ public void setGtidSetFallbackToPurged(boolean gtidSetFallbackToPurged) { this.gtidSetFallbackToPurged = gtidSetFallbackToPurged; } /** * @return true if "keep alive" thread should be automatically started (default), false otherwise. * @see #setKeepAlive(boolean) */ public boolean isKeepAlive() { return keepAlive; } /** * @param keepAlive true if "keep alive" thread should be automatically started (recommended and true by default), * false otherwise. * @see #isKeepAlive() * @see #setKeepAliveInterval(long) */ public void setKeepAlive(boolean keepAlive) { this.keepAlive = keepAlive; } /** * @return "keep alive" interval in milliseconds, 1 minute by default. * @see #setKeepAliveInterval(long) */ public long getKeepAliveInterval() { return keepAliveInterval; } /** * @param keepAliveInterval "keep alive" interval in milliseconds. * @see #getKeepAliveInterval() * @see #setHeartbeatInterval(long) */ public void setKeepAliveInterval(long keepAliveInterval) { this.keepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval; } /** * @return "keep alive" connect timeout in milliseconds. * @see #setKeepAliveConnectTimeout(long) * * @deprecated in favour of {@link #getConnectTimeout()} */ public long getKeepAliveConnectTimeout() { return connectTimeout; } /** * @param connectTimeout "keep alive" connect timeout in milliseconds. * @see #getKeepAliveConnectTimeout() * * @deprecated in favour of {@link #setConnectTimeout(long)} */ public void setKeepAliveConnectTimeout(long connectTimeout) { this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout; } /** * @return heartbeat period in milliseconds (0 if not set (default)). * @see #setHeartbeatInterval(long) */ public long getHeartbeatInterval() { return heartbeatInterval; } /** * @param heartbeatInterval heartbeat period in milliseconds. * <p> * If set (recommended) * <ul> * <li> HEARTBEAT event will be emitted every "heartbeatInterval". * <li> if {@link #setKeepAlive(boolean)} is on then keepAlive thread will attempt to reconnect if no * HEARTBEAT events were received within {@link #setKeepAliveInterval(long)} (instead of trying to send * PING every {@link #setKeepAliveInterval(long)}, which is fundamentally flawed - * * </ul> * Note that when used together with keepAlive heartbeatInterval MUST be set less than keepAliveInterval. * * @see #getHeartbeatInterval() */ public void setHeartbeatInterval(long heartbeatInterval) { this.heartbeatInterval = heartbeatInterval; } /** * @return connect timeout in milliseconds, 3 seconds by default. * @see #setConnectTimeout(long) */ public long getConnectTimeout() { return connectTimeout; } /** * @param connectTimeout connect timeout in milliseconds. * @see #getConnectTimeout() */ public void setConnectTimeout(long connectTimeout) { this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout; } /** * @param eventDeserializer custom event deserializer */ public void setEventDeserializer(EventDeserializer eventDeserializer) { if (eventDeserializer == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event deserializer cannot be NULL"); } this.eventDeserializer = eventDeserializer; } /** * @param socketFactory custom socket factory. If not provided, socket will be created with "new Socket()". */ public void setSocketFactory(SocketFactory socketFactory) { this.socketFactory = socketFactory; } /** * @param sslSocketFactory custom ssl socket factory */ public void setSslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory) { this.sslSocketFactory = sslSocketFactory; } /** * @param threadFactory custom thread factory. If not provided, threads will be created using simple "new Thread()". */ public void setThreadFactory(ThreadFactory threadFactory) { this.threadFactory = threadFactory; } /** * Connect to the replication stream. Note that this method blocks until disconnected. * @throws AuthenticationException if authentication fails * @throws ServerException if MySQL server responds with an error * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong while trying to connect */ public void connect() throws IOException { if (!connectLock.tryLock()) { throw new IllegalStateException("BinaryLogClient is already connected"); } boolean notifyWhenDisconnected = false; try { Callable cancelDisconnect = null; try { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); channel = openChannel(); if (connectTimeout > 0 && !isKeepAliveThreadRunning()) { cancelDisconnect = scheduleDisconnectIn(connectTimeout - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } if (channel.getInputStream().peek() == -1) { throw new EOFException(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to connect to MySQL on " + hostname + ":" + port + ". Please make sure it‘s running.", e); } GreetingPacket greetingPacket = receiveGreeting(); authenticate(greetingPacket); connectionId = greetingPacket.getThreadId(); if ("".equals(binlogFilename)) { synchronized (gtidSetAccessLock) { if (gtidSet != null && "".equals(gtidSet.toString()) && gtidSetFallbackToPurged) { gtidSet = new GtidSet(fetchGtidPurged()); } } } if (binlogFilename == null) { fetchBinlogFilenameAndPosition(); } if (binlogPosition < 4) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.warning("Binary log position adjusted from " + binlogPosition + " to " + 4); } binlogPosition = 4; } ChecksumType checksumType = fetchBinlogChecksum(); if (checksumType != ChecksumType.NONE) { confirmSupportOfChecksum(checksumType); } if (heartbeatInterval > 0) { enableHeartbeat(); } requestBinaryLogStream(); } catch (IOException e) { disconnectChannel(); throw e; } finally { if (cancelDisconnect != null) { try {; } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.warning("\"" + e.getMessage() + "\" was thrown while canceling scheduled disconnect call"); } } } } connected = true; notifyWhenDisconnected = true; if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) { String position; synchronized (gtidSetAccessLock) { position = gtidSet != null ? gtidSet.toString() : binlogFilename + "/" + binlogPosition; }"Connected to " + hostname + ":" + port + " at " + position + " (" + (blocking ? "sid:" + serverId + ", " : "") + "cid:" + connectionId + ")"); } synchronized (lifecycleListeners) { for (LifecycleListener lifecycleListener : lifecycleListeners) { lifecycleListener.onConnect(this); } } if (keepAlive && !isKeepAliveThreadRunning()) { spawnKeepAliveThread(); } ensureEventDataDeserializer(EventType.ROTATE, RotateEventDataDeserializer.class); synchronized (gtidSetAccessLock) { if (gtidSet != null) { ensureEventDataDeserializer(EventType.GTID, GtidEventDataDeserializer.class); } } listenForEventPackets(); } finally { connectLock.unlock(); if (notifyWhenDisconnected) { synchronized (lifecycleListeners) { for (LifecycleListener lifecycleListener : lifecycleListeners) { lifecycleListener.onDisconnect(this); } } } } } private PacketChannel openChannel() throws IOException { Socket socket = socketFactory != null ? socketFactory.createSocket() : new Socket(); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port), (int) connectTimeout); return new PacketChannel(socket); } private Callable scheduleDisconnectIn(final long timeout) { final BinaryLogClient self = this; final CountDownLatch connectLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final Thread thread = newNamedThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { connectLatch.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage()); } } if (connectLatch.getCount() != 0) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.warning("Failed to establish connection in " + timeout + "ms. " + "Forcing disconnect."); } try { self.disconnectChannel(); } catch (IOException e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage()); } } } } }, "blc-disconnect-" + hostname + ":" + port); thread.start(); return new Callable() { public Object call() throws Exception { connectLatch.countDown(); thread.join(); return null; } }; } private GreetingPacket receiveGreeting() throws IOException { byte[] initialHandshakePacket =; if (initialHandshakePacket[0] == (byte) 0xFF /* error */) { byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(initialHandshakePacket, 1, initialHandshakePacket.length); ErrorPacket errorPacket = new ErrorPacket(bytes); throw new ServerException(errorPacket.getErrorMessage(), errorPacket.getErrorCode(), errorPacket.getSqlState()); } return new GreetingPacket(initialHandshakePacket); } private void enableHeartbeat() throws IOException { channel.write(new QueryCommand("set @master_heartbeat_period=" + heartbeatInterval * 1000000)); byte[] statementResult =; if (statementResult[0] == (byte) 0xFF /* error */) { byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(statementResult, 1, statementResult.length); ErrorPacket errorPacket = new ErrorPacket(bytes); throw new ServerException(errorPacket.getErrorMessage(), errorPacket.getErrorCode(), errorPacket.getSqlState()); } } private void requestBinaryLogStream() throws IOException { long serverId = blocking ? this.serverId : 0; // Command dumpBinaryLogCommand; synchronized (gtidSetAccessLock) { if (gtidSet != null) { dumpBinaryLogCommand = new DumpBinaryLogGtidCommand(serverId, binlogFilename, binlogPosition, gtidSet); } else { dumpBinaryLogCommand = new DumpBinaryLogCommand(serverId, binlogFilename, binlogPosition); } } channel.write(dumpBinaryLogCommand); } private void ensureEventDataDeserializer(EventType eventType, Class<? extends EventDataDeserializer> eventDataDeserializerClass) { EventDataDeserializer eventDataDeserializer = eventDeserializer.getEventDataDeserializer(eventType); if (eventDataDeserializer.getClass() != eventDataDeserializerClass && eventDataDeserializer.getClass() != EventDeserializer.EventDataWrapper.Deserializer.class) { EventDataDeserializer internalEventDataDeserializer; try { internalEventDataDeserializer = eventDataDeserializerClass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } eventDeserializer.setEventDataDeserializer(eventType, new EventDeserializer.EventDataWrapper.Deserializer(internalEventDataDeserializer, eventDataDeserializer)); } } private void authenticate(GreetingPacket greetingPacket) throws IOException { int collation = greetingPacket.getServerCollation(); int packetNumber = 1; if (sslMode != SSLMode.DISABLED) { boolean serverSupportsSSL = (greetingPacket.getServerCapabilities() & ClientCapabilities.SSL) != 0; if (!serverSupportsSSL && (sslMode == SSLMode.REQUIRED || sslMode == SSLMode.VERIFY_CA || sslMode == SSLMode.VERIFY_IDENTITY)) { throw new IOException("MySQL server does not support SSL"); } if (serverSupportsSSL) { SSLRequestCommand sslRequestCommand = new SSLRequestCommand(); sslRequestCommand.setCollation(collation); channel.write(sslRequestCommand, packetNumber++); SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = this.sslSocketFactory != null ? this.sslSocketFactory : sslMode == SSLMode.REQUIRED || sslMode == SSLMode.PREFERRED ? DEFAULT_REQUIRED_SSL_MODE_SOCKET_FACTORY : DEFAULT_VERIFY_CA_SSL_MODE_SOCKET_FACTORY; channel.upgradeToSSL(sslSocketFactory, sslMode == SSLMode.VERIFY_IDENTITY ? new TLSHostnameVerifier() : null); } } AuthenticateCommand authenticateCommand = new AuthenticateCommand(schema, username, password, greetingPacket.getScramble()); authenticateCommand.setCollation(collation); channel.write(authenticateCommand, packetNumber); byte[] authenticationResult =; if (authenticationResult[0] != (byte) 0x00 /* ok */) { if (authenticationResult[0] == (byte) 0xFF /* error */) { byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(authenticationResult, 1, authenticationResult.length); ErrorPacket errorPacket = new ErrorPacket(bytes); throw new AuthenticationException(errorPacket.getErrorMessage(), errorPacket.getErrorCode(), errorPacket.getSqlState()); } throw new AuthenticationException("Unexpected authentication result (" + authenticationResult[0] + ")"); } } private void spawnKeepAliveThread() { final ExecutorService threadExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) { return newNamedThread(runnable, "blc-keepalive-" + hostname + ":" + port); } }); threadExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (!threadExecutor.isShutdown()) { try { Thread.sleep(keepAliveInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // expected in case of disconnect } if (threadExecutor.isShutdown()) { return; } boolean connectionLost = false; if (heartbeatInterval > 0) { connectionLost = System.currentTimeMillis() - eventLastSeen > keepAliveInterval; } else { try { channel.write(new PingCommand()); } catch (IOException e) { connectionLost = true; } } if (connectionLost) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {"Trying to restore lost connection to " + hostname + ":" + port); } try { terminateConnect(); connect(connectTimeout, null); } catch (Exception ce) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.warning("Failed to restore connection to " + hostname + ":" + port + ". Next attempt in " + keepAliveInterval + "ms"); } } } } } }); keepAliveThreadExecutor = threadExecutor; } private Thread newNamedThread(Runnable runnable, String threadName) { Thread thread = threadFactory == null ? new Thread(runnable) : threadFactory.newThread(runnable); thread.setName(threadName); return thread; } boolean isKeepAliveThreadRunning() { return keepAliveThreadExecutor != null && !keepAliveThreadExecutor.isShutdown(); } /** * Connect to the replication stream in a separate thread. * @param timeout timeout in milliseconds * @throws AuthenticationException if authentication fails * @throws ServerException if MySQL server responds with an error * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong while trying to connect * @throws TimeoutException if client was unable to connect within given time limit */ public void connect(final long timeout, final String connectorName) throws IOException, TimeoutException { final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); AbstractLifecycleListener connectListener = new AbstractLifecycleListener() { @Override public void onConnect(BinaryLogClient client) { countDownLatch.countDown(); } }; registerLifecycleListener(connectListener); final AtomicReference<IOException> exceptionReference = new AtomicReference<IOException>(); Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { NetFlowStatistics.setTaskName(connectorName); setConnectTimeout(timeout); connect(); } catch (IOException e) { exceptionReference.set(e); countDownLatch.countDown(); // making sure we don‘t end up waiting whole "timeout" } } }; newNamedThread(runnable, "blc-" + hostname + ":" + port).start(); boolean started = false; try { started = countDownLatch.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage()); } } unregisterLifecycleListener(connectListener); if (exceptionReference.get() != null) { throw exceptionReference.get(); } if (!started) { try { terminateConnect(); } finally { throw new TimeoutException("BinaryLogClient was unable to connect in " + timeout + "ms"); } } } /** * @return true if client is connected, false otherwise */ public boolean isConnected() { return connected; } private String fetchGtidPurged() throws IOException { channel.write(new QueryCommand("show global variables like ‘gtid_purged‘")); ResultSetRowPacket[] resultSet = readResultSet(); if (resultSet.length != 0) { return resultSet[0].getValue(1).toUpperCase(); } return ""; } private void fetchBinlogFilenameAndPosition() throws IOException { ResultSetRowPacket[] resultSet; channel.write(new QueryCommand("show master status")); resultSet = readResultSet(); if (resultSet.length == 0) { throw new IOException("Failed to determine binlog filename/position"); } ResultSetRowPacket resultSetRow = resultSet[0]; binlogFilename = resultSetRow.getValue(0); binlogPosition = Long.parseLong(resultSetRow.getValue(1)); } private ChecksumType fetchBinlogChecksum() throws IOException { channel.write(new QueryCommand("show global variables like ‘binlog_checksum‘")); ResultSetRowPacket[] resultSet = readResultSet(); if (resultSet.length == 0) { return ChecksumType.NONE; } return ChecksumType.valueOf(resultSet[0].getValue(1).toUpperCase()); } private void confirmSupportOfChecksum(ChecksumType checksumType) throws IOException { channel.write(new QueryCommand("set @master_binlog_checksum= @@global.binlog_checksum")); byte[] statementResult =; if (statementResult[0] == (byte) 0xFF /* error */) { byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(statementResult, 1, statementResult.length); ErrorPacket errorPacket = new ErrorPacket(bytes); throw new ServerException(errorPacket.getErrorMessage(), errorPacket.getErrorCode(), errorPacket.getSqlState()); } eventDeserializer.setChecksumType(checksumType); } private void listenForEventPackets() throws IOException { ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = channel.getInputStream(); boolean completeShutdown = false; try { while (inputStream.peek() != -1) { int packetLength = inputStream.readInteger(3); NetFlowStatistics.INSTANCE.mark(hostname, packetLength); inputStream.skip(1); // 1 byte for sequence int marker =; if (marker == 0xFF) { ErrorPacket errorPacket = new ErrorPacket( - 1)); throw new ServerException(errorPacket.getErrorMessage(), errorPacket.getErrorCode(), errorPacket.getSqlState()); } if (marker == 0xFE && !blocking) { completeShutdown = true; break; } Event event; try { event = eventDeserializer.nextEvent(packetLength == MAX_PACKET_LENGTH ? new ByteArrayInputStream(readPacketSplitInChunks(inputStream, packetLength - 1)) : inputStream); if (event == null) { throw new EOFException(); } } catch (Exception e) { Throwable cause = e instanceof EventDataDeserializationException ? e.getCause() : e; if (cause instanceof EOFException || cause instanceof SocketException) { throw e; } if (isConnected()) { synchronized (lifecycleListeners) { for (LifecycleListener lifecycleListener : lifecycleListeners) { lifecycleListener.onEventDeserializationFailure(this, e); } } } continue; } if (isConnected()) { eventLastSeen = System.currentTimeMillis(); updateGtidSet(event); notifyEventListeners(event); updateClientBinlogFilenameAndPosition(event); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (isConnected()) { synchronized (lifecycleListeners) { for (LifecycleListener lifecycleListener : lifecycleListeners) { lifecycleListener.onCommunicationFailure(this, e); } } } } finally { if (isConnected()) { if (completeShutdown) { disconnect(); // initiate complete shutdown sequence (which includes keep alive thread) } else { disconnectChannel(); } } } } private byte[] readPacketSplitInChunks(ByteArrayInputStream inputStream, int packetLength) throws IOException { byte[] result =; int chunkLength; do { chunkLength = inputStream.readInteger(3); inputStream.skip(1); // 1 byte for sequence result = Arrays.copyOf(result, result.length + chunkLength); inputStream.fill(result, result.length - chunkLength, chunkLength); } while (chunkLength == Packet.MAX_LENGTH); return result; } private void updateClientBinlogFilenameAndPosition(Event event) { EventHeader eventHeader = event.getHeader(); EventType eventType = eventHeader.getEventType(); if (eventType == EventType.ROTATE) { EventData eventData = event.getData(); RotateEventData rotateEventData; if (eventData instanceof EventDeserializer.EventDataWrapper) { rotateEventData = (RotateEventData) ((EventDeserializer.EventDataWrapper) eventData).getInternal(); } else { rotateEventData = (RotateEventData) eventData; } binlogFilename = rotateEventData.getBinlogFilename(); binlogPosition = rotateEventData.getBinlogPosition(); } else // do not update binlogPosition on TABLE_MAP so that in case of reconnect (using a different instance of // client) table mapping cache could be reconstructed before hitting row mutation event if (eventType != EventType.TABLE_MAP && eventHeader instanceof EventHeaderV4) { EventHeaderV4 trackableEventHeader = (EventHeaderV4) eventHeader; long nextBinlogPosition = trackableEventHeader.getNextPosition(); if (nextBinlogPosition > 0) { binlogPosition = nextBinlogPosition; } } } private void updateGtidSet(Event event) { EventHeader eventHeader = event.getHeader(); if (eventHeader.getEventType() == EventType.GTID) { synchronized (gtidSetAccessLock) { if (gtidSet != null) { EventData eventData = event.getData(); GtidEventData gtidEventData; if (eventData instanceof EventDeserializer.EventDataWrapper) { gtidEventData = (GtidEventData) ((EventDeserializer.EventDataWrapper) eventData).getInternal(); } else { gtidEventData = (GtidEventData) eventData; } gtidSet.add(gtidEventData.getGtid()); } } } } private ResultSetRowPacket[] readResultSet() throws IOException { List<ResultSetRowPacket> resultSet = new LinkedList<ResultSetRowPacket>(); byte[] statementResult =; if (statementResult[0] == (byte) 0xFF /* error */) { byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(statementResult, 1, statementResult.length); ErrorPacket errorPacket = new ErrorPacket(bytes); throw new ServerException(errorPacket.getErrorMessage(), errorPacket.getErrorCode(), errorPacket.getSqlState()); } while (([0] != (byte) 0xFE /* eof */) { /* skip */ } for (byte[] bytes; (bytes =[0] != (byte) 0xFE /* eof */; ) { resultSet.add(new ResultSetRowPacket(bytes)); } return resultSet.toArray(new ResultSetRowPacket[resultSet.size()]); } /** * @return registered event listeners */ public List<EventListener> getEventListeners() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(eventListeners); } /** * Register event listener. Note that multiple event listeners will be called in order they * where registered. */ public void registerEventListener(EventListener eventListener) { synchronized (eventListeners) { eventListeners.add(eventListener); } } /** * Unregister all event listener of specific type. */ public void unregisterEventListener(Class<? extends EventListener> listenerClass) { synchronized (eventListeners) { Iterator<EventListener> iterator = eventListeners.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EventListener eventListener =; if (listenerClass.isInstance(eventListener)) { iterator.remove(); } } } } /** * Unregister single event listener. */ public void unregisterEventListener(EventListener eventListener) { synchronized (eventListeners) { eventListeners.remove(eventListener); } } private void notifyEventListeners(Event event) { if (event.getData() instanceof EventDeserializer.EventDataWrapper) { event = new Event(event.getHeader(), ((EventDeserializer.EventDataWrapper) event.getData()).getExternal()); } synchronized (eventListeners) { for (EventListener eventListener : eventListeners) { try { eventListener.onEvent(event); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, eventListener + " choked on " + event, e); } } } } } /** * @return registered lifecycle listeners */ public List<LifecycleListener> getLifecycleListeners() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(lifecycleListeners); } /** * Register lifecycle listener. Note that multiple lifecycle listeners will be called in order they * where registered. */ public void registerLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener lifecycleListener) { synchronized (lifecycleListeners) { lifecycleListeners.add(lifecycleListener); } } /** * Unregister all lifecycle listener of specific type. */ public void unregisterLifecycleListener(Class<? extends LifecycleListener> listenerClass) { synchronized (lifecycleListeners) { Iterator<LifecycleListener> iterator = lifecycleListeners.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { LifecycleListener lifecycleListener =; if (listenerClass.isInstance(lifecycleListener)) { iterator.remove(); } } } } /** * Unregister single lifecycle listener. */ public void unregisterLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener eventListener) { synchronized (lifecycleListeners) { lifecycleListeners.remove(eventListener); } } /** * Disconnect from the replication stream. * Note that this does not cause binlogFilename/binlogPosition to be cleared out. * As the result following {@link #connect()} resumes client from where it left off. */ public void disconnect() throws IOException { terminateKeepAliveThread(); terminateConnect(); } private void terminateKeepAliveThread() { ExecutorService keepAliveThreadExecutor = this.keepAliveThreadExecutor; if (keepAliveThreadExecutor == null) { return; } keepAliveThreadExecutor.shutdownNow(); while (!awaitTerminationInterruptibly(keepAliveThreadExecutor, Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) { // ignore } } private static boolean awaitTerminationInterruptibly(ExecutorService executorService, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) { try { return executorService.awaitTermination(timeout, unit); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; } } private void terminateConnect() throws IOException { do { disconnectChannel(); } while (!tryLockInterruptibly(connectLock, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); connectLock.unlock(); } private static boolean tryLockInterruptibly(Lock lock, long time, TimeUnit unit) { try { return lock.tryLock(time, unit); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; } } private void disconnectChannel() throws IOException { connected = false; if (channel != null && channel.isOpen()) { channel.close(); } } /** * {@link BinaryLogClient}‘s event listener. */ public interface EventListener { void onEvent(Event event); } /** * {@link BinaryLogClient}‘s lifecycle listener. */ public interface LifecycleListener { /** * Called once client has successfully logged in but before started to receive binlog events. */ void onConnect(BinaryLogClient client); /** * It‘s guarantied to be called before {@link #onDisconnect(BinaryLogClient)}) in case of * communication failure. */ void onCommunicationFailure(BinaryLogClient client, Exception ex); /** * Called in case of failed event deserialization. Note this type of error does NOT cause client to * disconnect. If you wish to stop receiving events you‘ll need to fire client.disconnect() manually. */ void onEventDeserializationFailure(BinaryLogClient client, Exception ex); /** * Called upon disconnect (regardless of the reason). */ void onDisconnect(BinaryLogClient client); } /** * Default (no-op) implementation of {@link LifecycleListener}. */ public static abstract class AbstractLifecycleListener implements LifecycleListener { public void onConnect(BinaryLogClient client) { } public void onCommunicationFailure(BinaryLogClient client, Exception ex) { } public void onEventDeserializationFailure(BinaryLogClient client, Exception ex) { } public void onDisconnect(BinaryLogClient client) { } } }