Chapter 1

What Is the Internet?

In this book, we’ll use the public Internet, a specific computer network, as our principal vehicle for discussing computer networks and their protocols. But what is the Internet? There are a couple of ways to answer this question. First, we can describe the nuts and bolts of the Internet, that is, the basic hardware and software components that make up the Internet. Second, we can describe the Internet in terms of a networking infrastructure that provides services to distributed applications. Let’s begin with the nuts-and-bolts description, using Figure 1.1 to illustrate our discussion.
1、principal 主要的
2、vehicle 工具
4、 infrastructure 基础设施

1.1.1 A Nuts-and-Bolts Description The Internet is a computer network that interconnects hundreds of millions of computing devices throughout the world. Not too long ago, these computing devices were primarily traditional desktop PCs, Linux workstations, and so-called servers that store and transmit information such as Web pages and e-mail messages. Increasingly, however, nontraditional Internet end systems such as laptops, smartphones, tablets,TVs, gaming consoles, Web cams, automobiles, environmental sensing devices, picture frames, and home electrical and security systems are being connected to the Internet. Indeed, the term computer network is beginning to sound a bit dated, given the many nontraditional devices that are being hooked up to the Internet. In Internet jargon, all of these devices are called hosts or end systems. As of July 2011,
1、jargon 术语
2、enterprise 企业

1、设备可以是主机(host,有时也称为端系统(end system))
2、也可以是连接设备 如连接其他网络的路由器,将设备连接在一起的交换机、变换数据形式的调制解调器等。 用一台即插即用的路由器连接两台电脑时,我们就组建了一个网络,尽管这个网络很小。


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