





1. If you are free, please help me with my homework.

2. If I were free, I would help you with your homework.

1.1 假设法现在式

3. If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.

4. I suggest that everyone should help in some way.
=> I suggest that everyone help in some way.

5. I insist that she should consult the doctor.
=> I insist that she consult the doctor.

6. It is important that we be honest.
=> It is important that we should be honest.
=> It is important for us to be honest.

1.2 假设法过去式

7. If I were young, I could enjoy this party.
=> As I am not young, I can't enjoy this party.

8. If I had a lot of money, I would buy a yacht.
=> As I don't have much money, I won't buy a yacht.

1.3 假设法过去完成式

9. If I had known the gossip then, I would have told you.
=> As I didn't known the gossip then, I wouldn't tell you.

10. If our teacher had spoken louder, we wouldn't have dozed off.
=> We wouldn't have dozed off if our teacher had spoken louder.
=> As our teacher didn't speak loud, we dozed off.
=> we dozed off as our teacher didn't speak loud.

11. Suppose you had ten million dollars, what would you like to do first?
=> Supposing you had ten million dollars, what would you like to do first?

12. I will stay here provided the climate agrees with me tomorrow.
=> I will stay here providing the climate agrees with me tomorrow.

13. If I had done my homework yesterday, I would go on a date with her now.
=> As I didn't do my homework yesterday, I don't go on a date with her now.

1.4 假设法未来式

14. If it should rain tomorrow, the game would be put off.
=> If it should rain tomorrow, the game will be put off.

15. If the Pacific Ocean were to dry up, I would change my mind.
=> I never change my mind.

16. If I were a bird, I could fly to you.
=> Were I a bird, I could fly to you.

17. If he had known the truth, he would have told you.
=> Had he known the truth, he would have told you.

18. If it should rain, I would stay at home.
=> Should it rain, I would stay at home.

1.5 其他假设法的表现

19. He talks as if he knew everything.
=> He talks as though he knew everything.

20. She looks as if she had seen a ghost.
=> She looks as though she had seen a ghost.

21. She laughed as if nothing had happened.
=> She laughed as though nothing had happened.

22. I wish I knew Annie's cellular phone number.
=> I'm sorry I don't know Annie's cellular phone number.

23. I wish I hadn't bought such an expensive dress.
=> I'm sorry I bought such an expensive dress then.

24. It's past midnight. It's time the children went to bed.
=> It's time the children went to bed.
=> It's time that the children went to bed.
=> It's time for the children to go to bed.

25. It's about time you apologized to her for what you did.

26. If only I had taken her advice.

27. If only my tooth would stop hurting!

28. It it were not for music, he would not live a moment.
=> Were it not for music, he would not live a moment.
=> Without music, he could not live a moment.
=> But for music, he could not live a moment.

29. If it had not been for the traffic jam, we would have been in time for the game.
=> Had it not been for the traffic jam, we would have been in time for the game.
=> Without the traffic jam, we would have been in time for the game.
=> But for the traffic jam, we would have been in time for the game.

1.6 代替if子句的用法

30. To hear him talk, you would think he knew all about the secret.
=> If you heard him talk, you would think he knew all about the secret.

31. I know he is innocent; otherwise I wouldn't try to save him.
=> If I didn't know he was innocent, I wouldn't try to save him.

32. We hid in the forest; otherwise they would have found us.
=> If we hadn't hidden in the forest, they would have found us.

33. With a little patience, you could get over your difficulty.
=> If you had a little patience, you could get over your difficulty.

34. Ten years ago, I could have run around this lake within half an hour.
=> If it had been ten years ago, I could have run around this lake within half an hour.

35. The same man, living in this centry, would be a hero.
=> The same man, if he were living in this centry, would be a hero.

36. Seen from a distance, you might look hansome.
=> If you were seen from a distance, you might be hansome.

37. A man of sense wouldn't say such a thing.
=> If he were a man of sense, he wouldn't say such a thing.

38. A secret agent would never tell you his real name.
=> If he were a secret agent, he would never tell you his real name.


1. 直述句。
If you are free, please help me with my homework.

2. 假设句。
If I were free, I would help you with your homework.

2.1 假设法现在式

	过去完成式 -> 过去式 -> 现在式 -> 未来式

