

Listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.
A. She has been interested in Luis' job.
B. She has been thinking about quitting.
C. She has been applying to new jobs.
D. She has been watching Luis for a long time.
1) A
M: Did you hear that Luis is quitting at the end of the month. He's got a new job at a different company.
W: Really? I've had my eye on that position for years. I wonder if I will be able to apply.
Q1: What does the woman mean?
∧ 收起答案
A. Because he hasn't been in the industry long enough.
B. Because he originally got his job from a relative.
C. Because he's been working in the same job for so long.
D. Because he's too old and no one will listen to him.
2) B
W: What advice would you give to someone new to this industry?
M: I've been in this industry for fifteen years, but I don't know if I'm the best person to give advice.
W: Why is that?
M: I wasn't qualified for this job. So my big break came when my uncle bought the company and then hired me.
Q2: Why does the man think he can't give advice?
∧ 收起答案
A. They will get a bonus this year.
B. Their opportunity to take a holiday this year.
C. The possibility of getting a holiday bonus this year.
D. Their guarantee of getting a holiday bonus this year.
3) C
M: What're the odds that we will get the holiday bonus this year?
W: I can pretty much guarantee that there's no likelihood what so ever.
Q3: What are they talking about?
∧ 收起答案
A. The réseumé should include all of your relevant experience.
B. You should leave out a lot of information about yourself.
C. You should embellish your achievements to get an employer interested.
D. The réseumé shouldn't be too short or too long.
4) D
W: Can you help me update my réseumé? It's been a long time since I've needed one.
M: Sure. The most important thing to remember is to find a good middle ground. Don't be too concise, but don't embellish your achievements too much.
W: But if I don't include everything, how would anyone be able to evaluate my experience?
M: You want to include enough information to get an employer interested, but still leave yourself something to talk about in the interview.
Q4: What advice does the man give about writing a réseumé?
∧ 收起答案
A. She didn't do as well as he had expected.
B. She is the employee of the year.
C. She did much better than he expected.
D. She was incredibly effective in her job.
5) C



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