EE308 LAB 3 Bobing software interface design

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The requirements of this lab is to implement a Bobing software interface in pairs. My partner is Zongtan Li. I think he is quite reliable, although sometimes he is not so reliable. After discussion We want to design an app and this app is interesting and carry with the VoIP, because the DONGGE need chat with other people, so we should design it like a APP which have account and can register. Here is the information about my partner.

Partner’s MU STU ID and FZU STU ID 19105690 & 831902209
The Link of the Blog of my partner EE308 LAB3: BoBing APP RP Design


1. Need

In the eyes of Chinese people, the Mid Autumn Festival is a symbol of reunion. Usually at this time, people will have the custom of gathering Bobing. But at the moment of the epidemic, people can’t get together, and offline Bobing is difficult to carry out. When Bobing offline, people always want to shake the bowl and expected to a good number and win the prize, consider the this situation, our app want to provide the immersive experience to the user for using.

2. Approach

After picking, we take the MOCK RP (MOCKUP) as our tools. We can add some element into app, the bowl can be touched and dice start turning. If user want to keep turning, it can keep touching until the all dices stop.

3. Benefit

User will receive the immersive experience like the real bowl shaking the 6 dices

4. Competitors

The Some IM software(QQ, WeChat) also have related emotion can throw dice and RNG(random number generator)also can replace the core part of app, if the user can instant communicate on cloud, the Bobing can also finished on cloud. WeChat miniprogram also have been done, so we should make interesting and more funny

上一篇: Startup and Shutdown Callbacks 启动和停止回调

下一篇:sync.Pool is much slower than using channel, so why should we use sync.Pool?