screen 多人使用的时候经常遇到 屏幕大小不一致导致无法正常显示,只需要 ctrl+a shift+; 输入 fit 即可解决.
可以通过下面#把ctrl +a 替换成ctrl+z(ctrl+a 经常会用此组合键实现光标移动)
The resultsing command give you a status line that
looks like this:
| Screens: 0* bash 5:30PM Fri, Jun/25/2004 |
(The pipes indicate the edges of the xterm/console).
Green text, time, and date; windows in blue:
hardstatus alwayslastline
Red Hat's normal status line
hardstatus string "[screen %n%?: %t%?] %h"
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{=b}%{G} Screen(s): %{b}%w %=%{kG}%C%A %D, %M/%d/%Y "
defscrollback 10000
vbell off
把ctrl +a 替换成ctrl+z
escape ^Zz
hardstatus alwayslastline
defscrollback 10000
screen 配置
ctr+A shift: 输入 fit
消除 线 适应屏幕
ctr+A然后 shift+: 输入 fit