缺省安装的JMS SERVER 密码是welcome1,如果安装SOA SUITE时不是这个密码, 用到JMS会报错:
The Adapter Framework was unable to establish an outbound JCA connection due to the following issue: ORABPEL-12133
Unable to create JMS connection due to JMS exception.
Please examine the log file to determine the problem.
[Caused by: JMSServer[soasuite01.markcallen.com:12601]: failed to authenticate "oc4jadmin/welcome1" via "[JAZNUserAdaptor: user=oc4jadmin]".]
解决方法是进入/em控制台, 修改JMS adapter密码:
Go to the SOA Suite Enterprise Manager:
* Click on the Home JVM
* Click on the Applications tab
* Select Standalone Applications from the View drop down list
* Click on the JMSAdapter link
* Click on the Connection Factories tab
* Click on eis/JMS/TopicConnectionFactory
* Change the password to the SOA Suites oc4jadmin password.
* Press the Apply button.
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