shell script 入门 笔记

shell script 入门

在 shell script 注意必须使用完全相同写在下面:

1.  指令的运行是从上而下、从左而右的分析与运行;

2.  指令的运行就如同第五章内提到的: 指令、选项不參数间的多个空白都会被忽略掉;

3.  空白行也将被忽略掉,并且 [tab] 按键所推开的空白相同规为空格键;

4.  假设读取到一个 Enter 符号 (CR) 。就尝试開始运行该行 (或该串) 命令;

5.  至亍假设一行的内容太多,则能够使用『 \[Enter] 』来延伸至下一行。

6.  『 # 』可做为批注。不论什么加在 # 后面的资料将所有被规为批注文字而被忽略。

第一个shell script。必须是hello world。哈哈



export PATH
echo -e "hello world! \n"
exit 0

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

hello world!

特此说明一下,Ubuntu默认的shell是dash,而不是bash。echo -e时候会有问题。会把-e也打印出来。



由于ubuntu默认的sh是连接到dash的,又由于dash跟bash的不兼容所以出错了.运行时能够把sh换成bash 文件名称.sh来运行.成功.dash是什么东西,查了一下,应该也是一种shell,貌似用户对它的诟病颇多.

by the way改动sh默认连接到bash的一种方法:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash


shell script 入门 笔记

#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.29
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program would ask the user to input some varible's value
# and then print them out into the screen. PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH read -p "Please input your first name:" first_name #give the user a message whatshould be inputed
read -p "Please input your second name" second_name
echo -e "\nYour full name is $first_name $second_name" #print out the user's name

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

Please input your first name:Jason

Please input your second nameLeaster

Your full name is Jason Leaster

#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.29
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for demonstrating some
# mathmatical operations on varibles which in bash script
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH echo -e "You SHOULD input 2 numbers ,I will cross them !\n"
read -p "first number: " first_num
read -p "second number: " second_num total=$(($first_num*second_num)) echo -e "total is : $total"

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

You SHOULD input 2 numbers ,I will cross them !

first number: 10

second number: 25

total is : 250


#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.29
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for a demo for command -- test
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH echo -e "Please input a filename, I will check the filename's type and permission.\n\n"
read -p "Input a filename : " filename test -z $filename && echo "You must input a filename." && exit 0 test ! -e $filename && echo "The filename '$filename' DO NOT exist" && exit 0 test -f $filename && filetype="regulare file"
test -d $filename && filetype="directory"
test -r $filename && perm="readable"
test -w $filename && perm="writable"
test -x $filename && perm="excutable" echo "The filename: $filename is a $filetype"
echo "And the permissions are: $perm"

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

Please input a filename, I will check the filename's type and permission.

Input a filename :

The filename: is a regulare file

And the permissions are: writable

删除一个环境变量用      unset 环境变量名

#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.29
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for a demo for [ A==B ]
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N) : " yn
[ "$yn" == "Y" -o "$yn" == "y" ] && echo "OK, continue" && exit 0
[ "$yn" == "N" -o "$yn" == "n" ] && echo "NO,interrupt" && exit 0
echo "I don't know what you choice is" && exit 0

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

Please input (Y/N) : y

OK, continue

#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.29
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for a demo that user input a file name
# and some parameters, lately program process it and print out the file
# type and permission.
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH echo "The script name is ==> $0"
echo "Total parameter numbe is ==> $#"
[ "$#" -lt 2 ] && echo "The number of parameter is less than 2. Stop here" && exit 0
echo "Your whole parameter is ==> $@"
echo "1st parameter ==> $1"
echo "2nd parameter ==> $2"

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

The script name is ==> ./

Total parameter numbe is ==> 0

The number of parameter is less than 2. Stop here

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./ hello world

The script name is ==> ./

Total parameter numbe is ==> 2

Your whole parameter is ==> hello world

1st parameter ==> hello

2nd parameter ==> world

#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.30
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for a demo for command -- shift
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH echo "Total parameter number is ==> $#"
echo "Your whole parameter is ==> $@"
echo "Total parameter number is ==> $#"
echo "Your whole parameter is ==> $@"
shift 3
echo "Total parameter number is ==> $#"
echo "Your whole parameter is ==> $@"

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

Total parameter number is ==> 0

Your whole parameter is ==>

Total parameter number is ==> 0

Your whole parameter is ==>

Total parameter number is ==> 0

Your whole parameter is ==>

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./ hello world

Total parameter number is ==> 2

Your whole parameter is ==> hello world

Total parameter number is ==> 1

Your whole parameter is ==> world

Total parameter number is ==> 1

Your whole parameter is ==> world

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./ hello world jason leaster tonight

Total parameter number is ==> 5

Your whole parameter is ==> hello world jason leaster tonight

Total parameter number is ==> 4

Your whole parameter is ==> world jason leaster tonight

Total parameter number is ==> 1

Your whole parameter is ==> tonight

有意思的是假设文件名称之后没有“參数”,parameter number就是0,假设參数少于shift移动的距离(例如说代码中的shift 3),就会保留最低数目为1,假设參数少于shift移动的距离

#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.30
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for a demo for "if[] ; then fi"
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N) :" yn if [ "$yn" == "Y" -o "$yn" == "y" ]; then
echo "OK,continue"
exit 0
fi if [ "$yn" == "N" -o "$yn" == "n" ]; then
echo "Oh,interrupt!"
exit 0
fi echo "I don't know what your choice is" && exit 0

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

Please input (Y/N) :y


jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

Please input (Y/N) :n


#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.30
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for a demo for "if[] ; elif [] ;then else fi"
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N) :" yn if [ "$yn" == "Y" -o "$yn" == "y" ]; then
echo "OK,continue"
exit 0
elif [ "$yn" == "N" -o "$yn" == "n" ];then
echo "Oh,interrupt!"
exit 0
echo "Are you kidding me? You don't know what means \"Input (Y/N)\" \n"
fi echo "I don't know what your choice is" && exit 0

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

Please input (Y/N) :hehe

Are you kidding me? You don't know what means "Input (Y/N)" \n

I don't know what your choice is

shell script 入门 笔记

#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.30
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for a demo for "if[] ; elif [] ;then else fi"
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH echo "This program will print your selection !" case $1 in
echo "Your choice is ONE"
echo "Your choice is TWO"
echo "42"

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./ hello world

This program will print your selection !


#! /bin/bash

# code writer : EOF
# code date : 2014.07.30
# code file :
# e-mail :
# code purpose:
# This program was coded for a demo for "function and while loop"
# If you find something wrong with my code, please touch me.
# Thank you! PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin
export PATH function secret()
echo "hello world!"
} temp=10 while [ $temp != 0 ]
echo "$temp"

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh ./

hello world!


hello world!


hello world!


hello world!


hello world!


hello world!


hello world!


hello world!


hello world!


hello world!


最后sh -x将使用do啊的script 内容显示到屏幕上,这是非常实用的參数,而-n不会显示不论什么信息

jasonleaster@ubuntu:~/shell_script_beginner$ sh -x ./

+ PATH=/bin/:/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin/:/usr/local/sbin:/home/liuzjian/bin

+ export PATH

+ temp=2

+ '[' 2 '!=' 0 ']'

+ secret

+ echo 'hello world!'

hello world!

+ temp=1

+ echo 1


+ '[' 1 '!=' 0 ']'

+ secret

+ echo 'hello world!'

hello world!

+ temp=0

+ echo 0


+ '[' 0 '!=' 0 ']'



。多么美好年纪啊。。。shell script 入门 笔记

shell script 入门 笔记


上一篇:单点更新线段树 RMQ
