Ubuntu install php swoole

1: 安装环境依赖:

Ubuntu install php swoole


wget http://pecl.php.net/get/swoole-4.4.3.tgz

download to current location: swoole-4.4.3.tgz

3: 解压:

tar xf swoole-4.4.3.tgz

4: go to swoole root directory + run phpize

cd swoole-4.4.3


display your version number: 

Ubuntu install php swoole

5: 设置安装参数: full list of config setting (https://wiki.swoole.com/#/environment)

./configure --enable-openssl --enable-sockets --enable-http2 --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config

6: make 进行编译,make install 进行安装

make && make install


Ubuntu install php swoole


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