计算几何-hdoj-1221-Rectangle and Circle

Rectangle and Circle


Problem Description
Given a rectangle and a circle in the coordinate system(two edges of the rectangle are parallel with the X-axis, and the other two are parallel with the Y-axis), you have to tell if their borders intersect.

Note: we call them intersect even if they are just tangent. The circle is located by its centre and radius, and the rectangle is located by one of its diagonal.

计算几何-hdoj-1221-Rectangle and Circle

The first line of input is a positive integer P which indicates the number of test cases. Then P test cases follow. Each test cases consists of seven real numbers, they are X,Y,R,X1,Y1,X2,Y2. That means the centre of a circle is (X,Y) and the radius of the circle is R, and one of the rectangle's diagonal is (X1,Y1)-(X2,Y2).
For each test case, if the rectangle and the circle intersects, just output "YES" in a single line, or you should output "NO" in a single line.
Sample Input

2 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 4.5

Sample Output


计算几何-hdoj-1221-Rectangle and Circle分析:圆与矩形有交点的充分必要条件是:点到四个线段的最短距离dmin<=radius && 点到四个线段的最长距离dmax>=radius。


