Given a binary search tree and a node in it, find the in-order successor of that node in the BST.
Note: If the given node has no in-order successor in the tree, return null
这道题让我们求二叉搜索树的某个节点的中序后继节点,那么我们根据BST的性质知道其中序遍历的结果是有序的, 是我最先用的方法是用迭代的中序遍历方法,然后用一个bool型的变量b,初始化为false,我们进行中序遍历,对于遍历到的节点,我们首先看如果此时b已经为true,说明之前遍历到了p,那么此时我们返回当前节点,如果b仍为false,我们看遍历到的节点和p是否相同,如果相同,我们此时将b赋为true,那么下一个遍历到的节点就能返回了,参见代码如下:
class Solution { public: TreeNode* inorderSuccessor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p) { stack<TreeNode*> s; bool b = false; TreeNode *t = root; while (t || !s.empty()) { while (t) { s.push(t); t = t->left; } t =; s.pop(); if (b) return t; if (t == p) b = true; t = t->right; } return NULL; } };
class Solution { public: TreeNode* inorderSuccessor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p) { if (!p) return NULL; inorder(root, p); return suc; } void inorder(TreeNode *root, TreeNode *p) { if (!root) return; inorder(root->left, p); if (pre == p) suc = root; pre = root; inorder(root->right, p); } private: TreeNode *pre = NULL, *suc = NULL; };
class Solution { public: TreeNode* inorderSuccessor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p) { TreeNode *res = NULL; while (root) { if (root->val > p->val) { res = root; root = root->left; } else root = root->right; } return res; } };
class Solution { public: TreeNode* inorderSuccessor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p) { if (!root) return NULL; if (root->val <= p->val) { return inorderSuccessor(root->right, p); } else { TreeNode *left = inorderSuccessor(root->left, p); return left ? left : root; } } };
本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:二叉搜索树中的中序后继节点[LeetCode] Inorder Successor in BST ,如需转载请自行联系原博主。