SSIS For Loop Container

其实这就是一个 for循环而已


SSIS For Loop Container


当我们打开SSIS For循环容器编辑器时,必须设置三个主要属性:

  • InitExpression: What is the initialization expression? InitExpression:什么是初始化表达式?
  • EvalExpression: What is the evaluation expression? EvalExpression:评估表达式是什么?
  • AssignExpression: What is the counter incremental expression? AssignExpression:什么是计数器增量表达式?

Variables must be added within the SSIS package, and to use them, you must add the @ character as the prefix. As example, if we added the @[User::Counter] variable, to implement a for loop similar to For(int i=0;i<10;i++){},we must use the following expressions:

必须在SSIS包中添加变量,并且要使用它们,必须添加@字符作为前缀。 例如,如果我们添加@ [User :: Counter]变量,以实现类似于For(int i = 0; i <10; i ++){}的for循环,则必须使用以下表达式:

  • InitExpression: @Counter = 0 InitExpression: @Counter = 0
  • EvalExpression: @Counter<10 EvalExpression: @Counter <10
  • AssignExpression: @Counter = @Counter + 1 AssignExpression: @Counter = @Counter + 1

SSIS For Loop Container





SSIS For Loop Container


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