

import cmd
import sys
import json
import pdfplumber
import os
from pprint import pprint class FapiaoShell(cmd.Cmd):
""" 发票 """ intro = '欢迎使用发票提取工具,输入?(help)获取帮助消息和命令列表,CTRL+C退出程序。\n'
prompt = '\n输入命令: '
doc_header = "详细文档 (输入 help <命令>):"
misc_header = "友情提示:"
undoc_header = "没有帮助文档:"
nohelp = "*** 没有命令(%s)的帮助信息 " def __init__(self):
super().__init__() def do_load(self, arg):
""" 加载发票 例如:load D:\ """
if not os.path.isdir(arg):
return os.chdir(os.path.dirname(arg))
pdfs = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(arg):
for fn in files:
ext = os.path.splitext(fn)[1].lower()
if ext != '.pdf':
fpth = os.path.join(root, fn)
fpth = os.path.relpath(fpth)
print(f'发现pdf文件: {fpth}')
pdfs.append(fpth) pdf_ctxs = self._parse_pdfs(pdfs)
total = {
'内容': pdf_ctxs,
'发票数': len(pdf_ctxs),
'总计': 0,
for fpth, info in pdf_ctxs:
total['总计'] += float(info['总计']) print('\n保存到 结果.json...') with open("结果.json", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
separators=(', ', ': ')) print('完成!') def _parse_pdfs(self, pdfs):
""" 分析 """
result = []
for fpth in pdfs:
info = {}
with pdfplumber.open(fpth) as pdf:
page = pdf.pages[0] if '增值税电子普通发票' not in ''.join(page.extract_text()):
result.append((fpth, {})) inf = self._extrace_from_words(page.extract_words())
info.update(inf) inf = self._extrace_from_table(page.extract_tables()[0])
info.update(inf) result.append((fpth, info))
return result def _extrace_from_words(self, words):
""" 从单词中提取 """
info = {} lines = {}
for word in words:
top = int(word['top'])
bottom = int(word['bottom'])
pos = (top + bottom) // 2
text = word['text']
if pos not in lines:
lines[pos] = [text]
lines[pos].append(text) lines_pack = []
last_pos = None
for pos in sorted(lines):
arr = lines[pos] if len(lines_pack) > 0 and pos - last_pos <= 10:
lines_pack[-1] += arr
continue lines_pack.append(arr)
last_pos = pos
continue for pack in lines_pack:
for idx, line in enumerate(pack):
if '电子普通发票' in line:
info['标题'] = line
continue if '发票代码:' in line:
info['发票代码'] = line.split(':')[1]
continue if '发票号码:' in line:
info['发票号码'] = line.split(':')[1]
continue if '开票日期:' in line:
year = line.split(':')[1]
month = [ln for ln in pack if ln.isdigit()][0]
day = [ln[:2] for ln in pack if '日' in ln][0]
info['开票日期'] = f'{year}-{month}-{day}'
continue if '机器编号:' in line:
info['机器编号'] = [ln for ln in pack if ln.isdigit()
and len(ln) > 10][0]
continue if '码:' in line:
c1 = pack[idx].split(':')[1]
c2 = pack[idx+1]
c3 = pack[idx+2]
c4 = pack[idx+3]
info['校验码'] = f'{c1} {c2} {c3} {c4}'
continue if '收款人:' in line:
info['收款人'] = line.split(':')[1]
continue if '开票人:' in line:
info['开票人'] = line.split(':')[1]
continue return info def _extrace_from_table(self, table):
""" 从表中提取 """
info = {}
if len(table) != 4:
return None # 购买方
for cell in table[0]:
if not cell:
continue lines = cell.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if '名 称:' in line:
info['购买方名称'] = line.split(':')[1]
continue if len(line) == 18 and line.isalnum():
info['购买方税号'] = line
continue if len(line) == 27:
if '密码' not in info:
info['密码'] = []
continue # 详细
for cell in table[1]:
if not cell:
continue lines = cell.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if '货物或应税劳务、服务名称' in line:
info['商品'] = lines[1:-1]
break if '金 额' in line:
info['总金额'] = lines[-1][1:]
break if '税 额' in line:
info['总税额'] = lines[-1][1:]
break # 合计
for cell in table[2]:
if not cell:
continue lines = cell.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if '¥' in line:
info['总计'] = line[1:] # 销售方
for cell in table[3]:
if not cell:
continue lines = cell.splitlines()
for line in lines:
if '名 称:' in line:
info['销售方名称'] = line.split(':')[1]
continue if len(line) == 18 and line.isalnum():
info['销售方税号'] = line
continue return info if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
