create table student ( name varchar(20) , lesson varchar(20), mark float ) ;
insert into student values('john','Math',60); insert into student values('john','Eng',50); insert into student values('john','HIstory',56); insert into student values('Mike','Eng',51); insert into student values('Mike','Math',59); insert into student values('Mike','HIstory',55); insert into student values('Mark','Eng',71); insert into student values('Mark','Math',89); insert into student values('Mark','HIstory',95); insert into student values('张三','Eng',61); insert into student values('张三','Math',79); insert into student values('张三','HIstory',85); insert into student values('李明','Eng',51); insert into student values('李明','Math',69); insert into student values('李明','HIstory',95);
#方法一 SELECT T1.* FROM student T1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT lesson,mark FROM student) T2 ON T1.lesson = T2.lesson AND T1.mark <= T2.mark GROUP BY name,lesson,mark HAVING COUNT(1) <= 3 ORDER BY lesson,mark DESC; #方法二 SELECT s1.* FROM student s1 WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(1) FROM student s2 WHERE s1.lesson=s2.lesson AND s1.mark<s2.mark)<3 ORDER BY s1.lesson,s1.mark DESC;