var rbrace = /(?:\{[\s\S]*\}|\[[\s\S]*\])$/, rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g; function internalData( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ){ //如果elem元素不能附加值,退出 if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { return; } // ## form core.js // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page // Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery // expando: "jQuery" + ( core_version + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ), // 每个Jquery都有单独的一个expando var ret, thisCache, internalKey = jQuery.expando, // We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7 // can‘t GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary // 由于IE6,7不能自动回收再DOM上的引用,所以要对DOM和JS对象区别对待 isNode = elem.nodeType, // Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is // attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically // 只有DOM需要全局的缓存变量,对象就直接插入值了 cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, // Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows // the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey; // 什么时候会出现id为undefined的时候? // internalData(document.createElement(‘div‘),‘namea‘,...) // internalData({}); // Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an // object that has no data at all if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!pvt && !cache[id].data)) && data === undefined && typeof name === "string" ) { return; } // 如果有name而没有data,说明这是一个读取的动作 // 但是没有得到id,获取cache[id]中啥都没有,在获取用户数据的时候cache[id].data啥都木有,就返回空 if ( !id ) { // Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data // ends up in the global cache // 如果是DOM元素,则取得一个唯一的ID值 if ( isNode ) { id = elem[ internalKey ] = core_deletedIds.pop() || jQuery.guid++; } else { id = internalKey; //这是jQuery.expando } } if ( !cache[ id ] ) { // Avoid exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object // is serialized using JSON.stringify // 避免只用JSON.stringify(cache[id]) 所带来的循环引用 cache[ id ] = isNode ? {} : { toJSON: jQuery.noop }; } // An object can be passed to instead of a key/value pair; this gets // shallow copied over onto the existing cache // 也可以穿一个,浅拷贝过来 //{},{name:‘hhstuhacker‘,age:31}) // cache[id] = {data:{name:‘hhstuhacker‘,age:31}}; // cache[ id ]存入的是jQuery的内部数据 // cache[ id ].data 存入的是用户数据 // 若果pvt为真,就拷贝到cache[ id ]里 // 若果pvt为false,就拷贝到cache[ id ].data 里 if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) { if ( pvt ) { cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name ); //直接拷贝,内部使用 } else { cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name ); //直接拷贝data } } thisCache = cache[ id ]; // jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object‘s internal data // cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined // data. // jQuery.cache = {jQuery.expando: {data:{}}}; // 这里是为了防止内部数据跟用户定义的数据项混淆,内部数据定义在jQ.cache里,用户定义数据在jQ.cache.[id] 里 if ( !pvt ) { if ( ! ) { = {}; } thisCache =; } // 分情况了,如果传入了键值对,就设置之 // 将camelCase驼峰 if ( data !== undefined ) { thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data; } // Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names // If a data property was specified // 不管是否读取还是设置缓存,都会返回数据 // 先尝试直接获取,如果获取不成功,就尝试驼峰式获取 // 如果连name都没有指定,就获取整个thisCache对象 if ( typeof name === "string" ) { // First Try to find as-is property data ret = thisCache[ name ]; // Test for null|undefined property data if ( ret == null ) { // Try to find the camelCased property ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ]; } } else { ret = thisCache; } return ret; } function internalRemoveData( elem, name, pvt ) { if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) { //如果elem元素不能附加值,退出 return; } var thisCache, i, isNode = elem.nodeType, // See for more information cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem, id = isNode ? elem[ jQuery.expando ] : jQuery.expando; // If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no // purpose in continuing // 如果没有得到cache[ id ] 那就不进行了 if ( !cache[ id ] ) { return; } if ( name ) { thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data; if ( thisCache ) { // Support array or space separated string names for data keys // $.removeData(element,[‘title‘,‘age‘,‘createTime‘]); // $.removeData(element,‘title age createTime‘); if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) { // try the string as a key before any manipulation if ( name in thisCache ) { name = [ name ]; } else { // split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists // 检测是否驼峰式在其中,如果不在,将其split name = jQuery.camelCase( name ); if ( name in thisCache ) { name = [ name ]; } else { name = name.split(" "); } } } else { // If "name" is an array of keys... // When data is initially created, via ("key", "val") signature, // keys will be converted to camelCase. // Since there is no way to tell _how_ a key was added, remove // both plain key and camelCase key. #12786 // This will only penalize the array argument path. name = name.concat( name, jQuery.camelCase ) ); // 将不驼峰和驼峰的全部删除 } //删除之 i = name.length; while ( i-- ) { delete thisCache[ name[i] ]; } // If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue // and let the cache object itself get destroyed // 如果说删除过后,cache[id]或者cache[id].data 都是空了,那么咱们需要清理下一步吧? if ( pvt ? !isEmptyDataObject(thisCache) : !jQuery.isEmptyObject(thisCache) ) { return; } } } // See for more information // 如果是用户使用的话,清空cache[id].data // 如果cache [ id ] 不是空的话,结束该函数 // 如果cahce [ id ] 是空的话,还是下一步的清理行动啊 if ( !pvt ) { delete cache[ id ].data; // Don‘t destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object // had been the only thing left in it if ( !isEmptyDataObject( cache[ id ] ) ) { return; } } // window.window === window; // isWindow: function (o) {return o.window === window;} // cache != cache.window 表示不是window // Destroy the cache // 如果是个DOM节点,那么cleanData if ( isNode ) { jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ], true ); // ses: // Use delete when supported for expandos or `cache` is not a window per isWindow (#10080) // 经测试,在IE6,7,8下面,var div = document.createElement(‘div‘) delete div.test; // 是报错的 而 正是这种检测 } else if ( || cache != cache.window ) { delete cache[ id ]; // When all else fails, null } else { cache[ id ] = null; } } jQuery.extend({ cache: {}, // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you // attempt to add expando properties to them. // 这几个元素不能有附加值 noData: { "applet": true, "embed": true, // Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos) "object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" }, hasData: function( elem ) { elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ]; return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem ); }, data: function( elem, name, data ) { return internalData( elem, name, data ); }, removeData: function( elem, name ) { return internalRemoveData( elem, name ); }, // For internal use only. // 内部适用,这里设置pvt为true,返回内部数据,定位到cache[id]这一层 _data: function( elem, name, data ) { return internalData( elem, name, data, true ); }, // 内部适用,这里设置pvt为true,返回内部数据,定位到cache[id]这一层 _removeData: function( elem, name ) { return internalRemoveData( elem, name, true ); }, // A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando acceptData: function( elem ) { // Do not set data on non-element because it will not be cleared (#8335). // 如果是个dom节点,并且不是element也不是document,那就表示不能被附加数据 // see: if ( elem.nodeType && elem.nodeType !== 1 && elem.nodeType !== 9 ) { return false; } var noData = elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ]; // nodes accept data unless otherwise specified; rejection can be conditional // 如果是embed或者applet,或者是flash元素,就返回false // about falsh:: return !noData || noData !== true && elem.getAttribute("classid") === noData; } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ data: function( key, value ) { var attrs, name, data = null, i = 0, elem = this[0]; // Special expections of .data basically thwart jQuery.access, // so implement the relevant behavior ourselves // Gets all values // 如果key为undefined,那就表示要取得所有的data if ( key === undefined ) { if ( this.length ) { data = elem ); //默认取第一个 // 看看cache内部是否已经解析过该DOM了,parsedAttrs // 如果没有,得到属性列表 if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs" ) ) { attrs = elem.attributes; for ( ; i < attrs.length; i++ ) { name = attrs[i].name; if ( name.indexOf("data-") === 0 ) { name = jQuery.camelCase( name.slice(5) ); //这里的data[ name ]为空值 dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] ); } } //标记已经解析过了 jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs", true ); } } return data; } // Sets multiple values // 如果是个对象,递归调用之 if ( typeof key === "object" ) { return this.each(function() { this, key ); }); } return arguments.length > 1 ? // Sets one value this.each(function() { this, key, value ); }) : //$(‘.color-box‘).data(‘someone‘,‘new‘); // Gets one value // Try to fetch any internally stored data first elem ? dataAttr( elem, key, elem, key ) ) : null; //$(‘#box‘).data(‘dataFirst‘); // <div data-data-first="something....."></div> }, removeData: function( key ) { return this.each(function() { jQuery.removeData( this, key ); }); } }); function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) { // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute //这个函数,主要是处理HTML5的问题 if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { // 驼峰反转 var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase(); data = elem.getAttribute( name ); // rbrace 对象或者数组正则 if ( typeof data === "string" ) { try { data = data === "true" ? true : data === "false" ? false : data === "null" ? null : // Only convert to a number if it doesn‘t change the string +data + "" === data ? +data : rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) : data; } catch( e ) {} // Make sure we set the data so it isn‘t changed later elem, key, data ); //设置进去 } else { data = undefined; } } return data; } // checks a cache object for emptiness function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) { var name; for ( name in obj ) { // if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty // 如果 为空,跳过本次循环,不判断了 // 如果不跳过啊,就走到下面了吧,name !== data 杠杠的 if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) { continue; } //toJSON是内置的,如果看到其他name,就不为空 if ( name !== "toJSON" ) { return false; } } return true; }