Name |
Type |
Description |
ProductDescription |
Product Description |
A textual description of the products that require the work. |
WorkTypeRequested |
Work Type Requested |
Work type requested in circumstances where there are categorizations of types of work task. It could be used to identify a remedial task, minor work task, electrical task etc. |
ContractualType |
Contractual Type |
The contractual type of the work. |
IfNotAccomplished |
If Not Accomplished |
Comments if the job is not accomplished. |
MaintenaceType |
P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_MaintenanceType
Maintenace Type |
Identifies the predefined types of maintenance that can be done from which the type that generates the maintenance work order may be set where: ConditionBased: generated as a result of the condition of an asset or artefact being less than a determined value. Corrective: generated as a result of an immediate and urgent need for maintenance action. PlannedCorrective: generated as a result of immediate corrective action being needed but with sufficient time available for the work order to be included in maintenance planning. Scheduled: generated as a result of a fixed, periodic maintenance requirement. |
FaultPriorityType |
P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_PriorityType
Fault Priority Type |
Identifies the predefined types of priority that can be assigned from which the type may be set where: High: action is required urgently. Medium: action can occur within a reasonable period of time. Low: action can occur when convenient. |
LocationPriorityType |
P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_PriorityType
Location Priority Type |
Identifies the predefined types of priority that can be assigned from which the type may be set where: High: action is required urgently. Medium: action can occur within a reasonable period of time. Low: action can occur when convenient. |
ScheduledFrequency |
P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcTimeMeasure
Scheduled Frequency |
The period of time between expected instantiations of a work order that may have been predefined. |