Selenium Tutorial (2) - Selenium IDE In Depth

Installing Firefox and Firebug

Installing and Opening Selenium IDE

Starting with test cases and test suites

Selenium IDE UI, Menu Bar, Options and Advanced Settings

Installing Firefox and Firebug

Firefox is a very popular browser

You can install Firefox by going to

Firebug is an Firefox Haddon which is very useful to

Inspect web elements

View html code

Edit html code for web elements

You can install Firebug by going to

Installing and Opening Selenium IDE

Installing Selenium IDE as Firefox add-onyou can install Selenium IDE only on Firefox. It’s not available for other browsers.

It comes as .xpi file (which is Firefox add-on format)

Installation process is very simple

Goto Selenium website and dowload Selenium IDE in Firefox

Follow Firefox add-on installation procedure to install Selenium IDE

Starting with test cases and test suites

Let’s take 2 very basic user actions or test cases applicable for any web site


User Login

We will take Yahoo website and develop these test cases

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