Serializing a Type as a different type and deserializing an object as a different object
public sealed class SingletonSerializable:ISerializable
private SingletonSerializable()
private static readonly SingletonSerializable theOneObject=new SingletonSerializable();
public string Name="Jeff";
public DateTime Date = DateTime.Now;
public static SingletonSerializable GetSingleton()
return theOneObject;
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
//Tell the formatter to serialize the SingletonSerializable object as a SingletonSerializableHelper object instead.
//The formatter automatically detected that both array elements refer to a single object, the formatter serialize only one object.
//So the formatter no need the
special constructor
//When a type implements
IObjectReference, the formatter calls the GetRealObject method
private sealed class SingletonSerializationHelper:IObjectReference
public Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)
return SingletonSerializable.GetSingleton();
//Return a reference to the
object that you really want a reference to now that deserialization of the
object has completed.
public static void TestSingleton()
SingletonSerializable[] al = { SingletonSerializable.GetSingleton(),SingletonSerializable.GetSingleton()};
Console.WriteLine("Do both elements refer to the same object?"+(al[0]==al[1]));//True
using (Stream st = new MemoryStream()) {
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
st.Position = 0;
SingletonSerializable[] a2 =(SingletonSerializable[]) formatter.Deserialize(st);
Console.WriteLine("Do both elements refer to the same object?"+(a2[0]==a2[1]));//True
Console.WriteLine("Do both elements refer to the same object?"+(al[0]==a2[0]));//True