
hbase(main):009:0> help

HBase Shell, version 1.2.4, r67592f3d062743907f8c5ae00dbbe1ae4f69e5af, Tue Oct 25 18:10:20 CDT 2016
Type 'help "COMMAND"', (e.g. 'help "get"' -- the quotes are necessary) for help on a specific command.
Commands are grouped. Type 'help "COMMAND_GROUP"', (e.g. 'help "general"') for help on a command group.

  Group name: general
  Commands: status, table_help, version, whoami

  Group name: ddl
  Commands: alter, alter_async, alter_status, create, describe, disable, disable_all, drop, drop_all, enable, enable_all, exists, get_table, is_disabled, is_enabled, list, locate_region, show_filters

  Group name: namespace
  Commands: alter_namespace, create_namespace, describe_namespace, drop_namespace, list_namespace, list_namespace_tables

  Group name: dml
  Commands: append, count, delete, deleteall, get, get_counter, get_splits, incr, put, scan, truncate, truncate_preserve

  Group name: tools
  Commands: assign, balance_switch, balancer, balancer_enabled, catalogjanitor_enabled, catalogjanitor_run, catalogjanitor_switch, close_region, compact, compact_rs, flush, major_compact, merge_region, move, normalize, normalizer_enabled, normalizer_switch, split, trace, unassign, wal_roll, zk_dump

  Group name: replication
  Commands: add_peer, append_peer_tableCFs, disable_peer, disable_table_replication, enable_peer, enable_table_replication, list_peers, list_replicated_tables, remove_peer, remove_peer_tableCFs, set_peer_tableCFs, show_peer_tableCFs

  Group name: snapshots
  Commands: clone_snapshot, delete_all_snapshot, delete_snapshot, list_snapshots, restore_snapshot, snapshot

  Group name: configuration
  Commands: update_all_config, update_config

  Group name: quotas
  Commands: list_quotas, set_quota

  Group name: security
  Commands: grant, list_security_capabilities, revoke, user_permission

  Group name: procedures
  Commands: abort_procedure, list_procedures

  Group name: visibility labels
  Commands: add_labels, clear_auths, get_auths, list_labels, set_auths, set_visibility


  hbase(main):001:0> status
  1 active master, 0 backup masters, 1 servers, 1 dead, 4.0000 average load
  #该集群有1台regin server,1个master,没有死掉的master,平均每台RegionServer上有4.0000个Region

  hbase(main):002:0> version
  1.2.4, r67592f3d062743907f8c5ae00dbbe1ae4f69e5af, Tue Oct 25 18:10:20 CDT 2016







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