iOS Foundation 框架 224 篇相关文档分类整理

iOS Foundation 框架 224 篇相关文档分类整理

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截至 2014-05-02 ,苹果官网 Foundation 框架相关文档共计 224 篇,分类如下:

Foundation 框架概述文档:常量、数据类型、框架、函数、发布声明
Title Topic Date
Foundation Constants Reference A Content Update
Foundation Data Types Reference A Minor Change
Foundation Framework Reference A Content Update
Foundation Functions Reference A Minor Change
Foundation Release Notes for iOS A First Version
Foundation Release Notes for OS X v10.9 A Content Update

Title Topic Date
NSObject Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSObject Protocol Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSNull Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSValue Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSUUID Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSCopying Protocol Reference - Minor Change
NSMutableCopying Protocol Reference - Minor Change
NSMethodSignature Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
Objective-C Runtime Reference Objective-C Minor Change
Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide Performance Minor Change
NSAutoreleasePool Class Reference - Minor Change

Title Topic Date
Binary Data Programming Guide Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSData Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSMutableData Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change

Title Topic Date
Date and Time Programming Guide Dates, Times, & Numbers Content Update
NSDate Class Reference Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
NSDateComponents Class Reference Dates, Times, & Numbers Content Update
NSDateFormatter and Internet Dates Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
Locales Programming Guide Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
NSLocale Class Reference Data Types & Collections Content Update
NSTimeZone Class Reference Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
NSCalendar Class Reference Dates, Times, & Numbers Content Update

Title Topic Date
Number and Value Programming Topics Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
NSNumber Class Reference Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
NSDecimalNumber Class Reference Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
NSDecimalNumberBehaviors Protocol Reference Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
NSDecimalNumberHandler Class Reference Dates, Times, & Numbers Minor Change
NSIndexPath Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change

Title Topic Date
String Programming Guide Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSString Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSMutableString Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
Attributed String Programming Guide Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSAttributedString Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Content Update
NSMutableAttributedString Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Content Update
Converting to Precomposed Unicode Strings, Text, & Fonts Content Update

Title Topic Date
NSCharacterSet Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Content Update
NSMutableCharacterSet Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change

Title Topic Date
NSEnumerator Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSFastEnumeration Protocol Reference - First Version
Enumeration Sample - Content Update

Title Topic Date
Data Formatting Guide Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSFormatter Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSDateFormatter Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSNumberFormatter Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSByteCountFormatter Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts First Version
NSScanner Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
Sort Descriptor Programming Topics Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSSortDescriptor Class Reference Data Types & Collections Content Update

Title Topic Date
Collections Programming Topics Data Types & Collections Content Update
NSArray Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSMutableArray Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSPointerArray Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSPointerFunctions Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSDictionary Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSMutableDictionary Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSSet Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSMutableSet Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSOrderedSet Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSMutableOrderedSet Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSIndexSet Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSMutableIndexSet Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSCountedSet Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSHashTable Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSMapTable Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change
Property List Programming Guide Data Types & Collections Minor Change
Property List Programming Topics for Core Foundation Data Types & Collections Minor Change
NSPropertyListSerialization Class Reference Data Types & Collections Minor Change

Title Topic Date
Exception Programming Topics Event Handling Minor Change
NSException Class Reference - Minor Change
NSError Class Reference - Minor Change
NSErrorRecoveryAttempting Protocol Reference - Minor Change
NSAssertionHandler Class Reference - Minor Change

Title Topic Date
Key-Value Coding Programming Guide Event Handling Minor Change
Key-Value Observing Programming Guide Event Handling Minor Change
NSKeyValueCoding Protocol Reference General Content Update
NSKeyValueObserving Protocol Reference Event Handling Content Update

Title Topic Date
Notification Programming Topics Event Handling Minor Change
NSNotification Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSNotificationCenter Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSNotificationQueue Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change

Title Topic Date
Predicate Programming Guide Data Management Minor Change
NSPredicate Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
NSComparisonPredicate Class Reference Data Management Content Update
NSCompoundPredicate Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
NSExpression Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
NSRegularExpression Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
NSDataDetector Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Content Update

Title Topic Date
NSJSONSerialization Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
Event-Driven XML Programming Guide Data Management Minor Change
NSXMLParser Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
NSXMLParserDelegate Protocol Reference Data Management Minor Change
XMLPerformance Performance Content Update

Title Topic Date
Undo Architecture Data Management Minor Change
NSUndoManager Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
SimpleUndo User Experience Content Update

Title Topic Date
Timer Programming Topics Event Handling Minor Change
NSTimer Class Reference Event Handling Content Update

Title Topic Date
NSThread Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSRunLoop Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
Simple and Reliable Threading with NSOperation Data Management First Version
NSBlockOperation Class Reference Event Handling Content Update
NSOperation Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSOperationQueue Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSInvocation Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSInvocationOperation Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
Concurrent NSOperations Failing On iOS 4 Networking & Internet First Version

Title Topic Date
NSCondition Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSConditionLock Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSLock Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSLocking Protocol Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSRecursiveLock Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change

Title Topic Date
NSPort Class Reference Event Handling Content Update
NSPortDelegate Protocol Reference Sockets & TCP Content Update
NSMachPort Class Reference Event Handling Content Update
NSMachPortDelegate Protocol Reference Sockets & TCP Content Update
NSMessagePort Class Reference Event Handling Minor Change
NSPipe Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSProcessInfo Class Reference Device Information Content Update

Title Topic Date
URL Loading System Programming Guide Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURL Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
NSURLRequest Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSMutableURLRequest Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLResponse Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSHTTPURLResponse Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSCachedURLResponse Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLConnection Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLConnectionDataDelegate Protocol Reference Networking & Internet Minor Change
NSURLConnectionDelegate Protocol Reference Networking & Internet Minor Change
NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate Protocol Reference Networking & Internet Minor Change
AdvancedURLConnections Protocol Streams Content Update
NSURLAuthenticationChallenge Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender Protocol Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLCredential Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLCredentialStorage Class Reference Protocol Streams Content Update
NSURLProtectionSpace Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLProtocol Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLProtocolClient Protocol Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSURLSession Class Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionDelegate Protocol Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionTask Class Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionTaskDelegate Protocol Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionDataTask Class Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionDataDelegate Protocol Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionUploadTask Class Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionDownloadTask Class Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate Protocol Reference - Minor Change
NSURLSessionConfiguration Class Reference - Minor Change
NSCache Class Reference - Content Update
NSCacheDelegate Protocol Reference - Content Update
NSURLCache Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSHTTPCookie Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSHTTPCookieStorage Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSProxy Class Reference - Minor Change
SimpleFTPSample Protocol Streams Content Update
SimpleURLConnections Protocol Streams Content Update
CustomHTTPProtocol Networking & Internet First Version
HTTPS Server Trust Evaluation Networking & Internet Minor Change
Resumable Downloads Networking & Internet First Version
TLS Session Cache Networking & Internet First Version
WWDC 2012: Networking Best Practices Networking & Internet First Version
WWDC 2012: Simplify Networking with Bonjour Networking & Internet First Version
WWDC 2013: What’s New in Foundation Networking Networking & Internet First Version

文件 之 偏好设置即用户默认设置
Title Topic Date
Preferences and Settings Programming Guide Preference Settings Minor Change
NSUserDefaults Class Reference Preference Settings Minor Change
Why can‘t I save data to my application‘s bundle when running on the device? Preference Settings Minor Change

文件 之 应用包及沙盒管理
Title Topic Date
Resource Programming Guide File Management Minor Change
Bundle Programming Guide File Management Minor Change
NSBundle Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSFileManager Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSFileManagerDelegate Protocol Reference File Management Minor Change

文件 之 归档与串行化
Title Topic Date
Archives and Serializations Programming Guide File Management Minor Change
NSCoder Class Reference File Management Content Update
NSCoding Protocol Reference File Management Minor Change
NSSecureCoding Protocol Reference Data Management Minor Change
NSDirectoryEnumerator Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSFileCoordinator Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSFileHandle Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSFilePresenter Protocol Reference File Management Content Update
NSFileWrapper Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSFileSecurity Class Reference Security First Version
NSKeyedArchiver Class Reference File Management Content Update
NSKeyedArchiverDelegate Protocol Reference File Management Content Update
NSKeyedUnarchiver Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate Protocol Reference File Management Content Update
NSMetadataItem Class Reference File Management Content Update
NSMetadataQuery Class Reference File Management Content Update
NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTuple Class Reference File Management Minor Change
NSMetadataQueryDelegate Protocol Reference File Management Minor Change
NSMetadataQueryResultGroup Class Reference File Management Minor Change
Packaged Document for iOS File Management First Version

文件 之 流
Title Topic Date
Stream Programming Guide Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSStream Class Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSStreamDelegate Protocol Reference Protocol Streams Minor Change
NSInputStream Class Reference Sockets & TCP Minor Change
NSOutputStream Class Reference Sockets & TCP Minor Change
Using NSStreams For A TCP Connection Without NSHost Sockets & TCP Minor Change

Title Topic Date
Bonjour over Bluetooth on iOS 5 and Later Networking & Internet Minor Change
BonjourWeb Services & Discovery Minor Change
NSNetService Class Reference Services & Discovery Content Update
NSNetServiceBrowser Class Reference Services & Discovery Minor Change
NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate Protocol Reference Services & Discovery Content Update
NSNetServiceDelegate Protocol Reference Services & Discovery Content Update
NSNetService and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) Networking & Internet First Version
WiTap Services & Discovery Content Update

Title Topic Date
NSOrthography Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Content Update
NSTextCheckingResult Class Reference Strings, Text, & Fonts Minor Change
ListAdder Data Management First Version
NSFileVersion Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
NSLinguisticTagger Class Reference Data Management Content Update
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
NSValueTransformer Class Reference Data Management Minor Change
WWDC 2012: Advanced iCloud Document Storage Data Management First Version
WWDC 2012: iCloud Storage Overview Data Management First Version
WWDC 2013: Solutions to Common Date and Time Challenges Data Management First Version
NSDiscardableContent Protocol Reference - Content Update
NSPurgeableData Class Reference - Content Update
purgeIdleCellConnections Log Message - First Version
NSProgress Class Reference Languages & Utilities First Version

iOS Foundation 框架 224 篇相关文档分类整理,布布扣,

iOS Foundation 框架 224 篇相关文档分类整理

上一篇:python for android : BeautifulSoup 有 bug

下一篇:iOS Foundation 框架概述文档:常量、数据类型、框架、函数、发布声明