【ASP.NET Web API教程】4.2 路由与动作选择

原文:【ASP.NET Web API教程】4.2 路由与动作选择

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4.2 Routing and Action Selection
4.2 路由与动作选择


By Mike Wasson | July 27, 2012
作者:Mike Wasson | 日期:2012-7-27

This article describes how ASP.NET Web API routes an HTTP request to a particular action on a controller.
本文描述ASP.NET Web API如何把一个HTTP请求路由到控制器的一个特定的方法上。

For a high-level overview of routing, see Routing in ASP.NET Web API.
关于路由的总体概述,参阅“ASP.NET Web API中的路由”(本系列教程的前一小节 — 译者注)。

This article looks at the details of the routing process. If you create a Web API project and find that some requests don’t get routed the way you expect, hopefully this article will help.
本文考察路由过程的细节。如果你创建了一个Web API项目,并发现有些请求并未按你期望的方式被路由,希望这篇文章对你会有所帮助。

Routing has three main phases:

  1. Matching the URI to a route template.
  2. Selecting a controller.
  3. Selecting an action.

You can replace some parts of the process with your own custom behaviors. In this article, I describe the default behavior. At the end, I note the places where you can customize the behavior.

Route Templates

A route template looks similar to a URI path, but it can have placeholder values, indicated with curly braces:


When you create a route, you can provide default values for some or all of the placeholders:

defaults: new { category = "all" }

You can also provide constraints, which restrict how a URI segment can match a placeholder:

constraints: new { id = @"\d+" }   // Only matches if "id" is one or more digits.
// 用正则表达式限制片段的取值,上语句表明,id片段的值必须是一个或多个数字。
// 因此,URI中id片段必须是数字才能与这条路由匹配

The framework tries to match the segments in the URI path to the template. Literals in the template must match exactly. A placeholder matches any value, unless you specify constraints. The framework does not match other parts of the URI, such as the host name or the query parameters. The framework selects the first route in the route table that matches the URI.

There are two special placeholders: "{controller}" and "{action}".

  • "{controller}" provides the name of the controller.
  • "{action}" provides the name of the action. In Web API, the usual convention is to omit "{action}".
    “{action}”提供动作名。在Web API中,通常的约定是忽略“{action}”的。


If you provide defaults, the route will match a URI that is missing those segments. For example:

    name: "DefaultApi", 
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{category}", 
    defaults: new { category = "all" } 

The URI "http://localhost/api/products" matches this route. The "{category}" segment is assigned the default value "all".

Route Dictionary

If the framework finds a match for a URI, it creates a dictionary that contains the value for each placeholder. The keys are the placeholder names, not including the curly braces. The values are taken from the URI path or from the defaults. The dictionary is stored in the IHttpRouteData object.
如果框架为一个URI找到一个匹配,它会创建一个字典,其中包含了每个占位符的值。(字典的内容是一些“键-值”对 — 译者注)。其键是不带花括号的占位符名称。其值取自URI路径或默认值。该字典被存储在IHttpRouteData对象中。

During this route-matching phase, the special "{controller}" and "{action}" placeholders are treated just like the other placeholders. They are simply stored in the dictionary with the other values.

A default can have the special value RouteParameter.Optional. If a placeholder gets assigned this value, the value is not added to the route dictionary. For example:

    name: "DefaultApi", 
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{category}/{id}", 
    defaults: new { category = "all", id = RouteParameter.Optional } 

For the URI path "api/products", the route dictionary will contain:

  • controller: "products"
  • category: "all"

由于这条URI路径中不包含id,因此,id的值将采用默认的RouteParameter.Optional,所以,路由字典中不会包含id片段的键值对 — 译者注

For "api/products/toys/123", however, the route dictionary will contain:

  • controller: "products"
  • category: "toys"
  • id: "123"

The defaults can also include a value that does not appear anywhere in the route template. If the route matches, that value is stored in the dictionary. For example:

    name: "Root", 
    routeTemplate: "api/root/{id}", 
    defaults: new { controller = "customers", id = RouteParameter.Optional } 

If the URI path is "api/root/8", the dictionary will contain two values:

  • controller: "customers"
  • id: "8"

Selecting a Controller

Controller selection is handled by the IHttpControllerSelector.SelectController method. This method takes an HttpRequestMessage instance and returns an HttpControllerDescriptor. The default implementation is provided by the DefaultHttpControllerSelector class. This class uses a straightforward algorithm:

  1. Look in the route dictionary for the key "controller".
  2. Take the value for this key and append the string "Controller" to get the controller type name.
  3. Look for a Web API controller with this type name.
    用这个类型名查找Web API控制器。

For example, if the route dictionary contains the key-value pair "controller" = "products", then the controller type is "ProductsController". If there is no matching type, or multiple matches, the framework returns an error to the client.

For step 3, DefaultHttpControllerSelector uses the IHttpControllerTypeResolver interface to get the list of Web API controller types. The default implementation of IHttpControllerTypeResolver returns all public classes that (a) implement IHttpController, (b) are not abstract, and (c) have a name that ends in "Controller".
对于步骤3,DefaultHttpControllerSelector使用IHttpControllerTypeResolver接口以获得Web API控制器类型的列表。IHttpControllerTypeResolver的默认实现会返回所有符合以下条件的public类:(a)实现IHttpController的类(b)是非抽象类,且(c)名称以“Controller”结尾的类。

Action Selection

After selecting the controller, the framework selects the action by calling the IHttpActionSelector.SelectAction method. This method takes an HttpControllerContext and returns an HttpActionDescriptor.

The default implementation is provided by the ApiControllerActionSelector class. To select an action, it looks at the following:

  • The HTTP method of the request.
  • The "{action}" placeholder in the route template, if present.
  • The parameters of the actions on the controller.

Before looking at the selection algorithm, we need to understand some things about controller actions.

Which methods on the controller are considered "actions"? When selecting an action, the framework only looks at public instance methods on the controller. Also, it excludes "special name" methods (constructors, events, operator overloads, and so forth), and methods inherited from the ApiController class.
控制器中的哪些方法被看成为是“动作”?当选择一个动作时,框架只考察控制器的public实例方法。而且,它会排除“special name"特殊名称”的方法(构造器、事件、操作符重载等等),以及继承于ApiController类的方法。

这里按原文的含义似乎是要排除API控制器中的public方法,但译者认为,框架会把API控制器中的public方法看成是动作 — 译者注

HTTP Methods. The framework only chooses actions that match the HTTP method of the request, determined as follows:

  1. You can specify the HTTP method with an attribute: AcceptVerbs, HttpDelete, HttpGet, HttpHead, HttpOptions, HttpPatch, HttpPost, or HttpPut.
    你可以用注解属性AcceptVerbs、HttpDelete、HttpGet、HttpHead、HttpOptions、HttpPatch、HttpPost、或HttpPut来指定HTTP方法(这段文字说明,你可以在方法上用这些注解属性进行标注,以指定该方法用于处理哪一种HTTP请求。通过这种标注,方法的命名可以不遵循下一条的约定 — 译者注)。
  2. Otherwise, if the name of the controller method starts with "Get", "Post", "Put", "Delete", "Head", "Options", or "Patch", then by convention the action supports that HTTP method.
  3. If none of the above, the method supports POST.
    如果以上都不是(即,既未用第一条的办法进行标注,又未用第二条的方法命名约定 — 译者注),则该方法支持POST。

Parameter Bindings. A parameter binding is how Web API creates a value for a parameter. Here is the default rule for parameter binding:
参数绑定。参数绑定是指Web API如何创建参数值。以下是参数绑定的默认规则:

  • Simple types are taken from the URI.
  • Complex types are taken from the request body.

Simple types include all of the .NET Framework primitive types, plus DateTime, Decimal, Guid, String, and TimeSpan. For each action, at most one parameter can read the request body.
简单类型包括所有“.NET 框架简单类型”,另外还有,DateTime、Decimal、Guid、String和TimeSpan。对于每一个动作,最多只有一个参数可以读取请求体。

It is possible to override the default binding rules. See WebAPI Parameter binding under the hood.
也可以重写这种默认的绑定规则。参见WebAPI Parameter binding under the hood(作者的一篇博客文章 — 译者注)。

With that background, here is the action selection algorithm.

  1. Create a list of all actions on the controller that match the HTTP request method.
    创建该控制器中与HTTP请求方法匹配的所有动作的列表(这一步属于HTTP请求方法匹配,即,从已选定的控制器中挑出了与请求类型匹配的动作方法,例如,对于GET请求,于是只挑出处理GET请求的那些方法 — 译者注)。
  2. If the route dictionary has an "action" entry, remove actions whose name does not match this value.
    如果路由字典有“action”条目,(从该列表)除去与该条目值不匹配的动作(这一步属于方法名称匹配,即,在上一步基础上进一步挑出其中与路由字典的action键值匹配的动作方法 — 译者注)。
  3. Try to match action parameters to the URI, as follows:
    试图将动作参数与该URI匹配,办法如下(这一步属于参数匹配 — 译者注):
    1. For each action, get a list of the parameters that are a simple type, where the binding gets the parameter from the URI. Exclude optional parameters.
      针对每个动作,获得简单类型的参数列表,这是绑定得到URI参数的地方。该列表不包括可选参数(提取方法的参数名称 — 译者注)。
    2. From this list, try to find a match for each parameter name, either in the route dictionary or in the URI query string. Matches are case insensitive and do not depend on the parameter order.
      根据这个列表,在路由字典或是在URI查询字符串中,试着为每个参数名找到一个匹配。匹配是大小写不敏感的,且与参数顺序无关(为各个方法参数匹配一个值 — 译者注)。
    3. Select an action where every parameter in the list has a match in the URI.
      选择一个动作,其列表中的每个参数都在这个URI中获得一个匹配(选出满足条件的动作 — 译者注)。
    4. If more that than one action meets these criteria, pick the one with the most parameter matches.
      如果满足这些条件的动作不止一个,选用参数匹配最多的一个(进一步筛选动作 — 译者注)。
  4. Ignore actions with the [NonAction] attribute.

Step #3 is probably the most confusing. The basic idea is that a parameter can get its value either from the URI, from the request body, or from a custom binding. For parameters that come from the URI, we want to ensure that the URI actually contains a value for that parameter, either in the path (via the route dictionary) or in the query string.
第3步可能会让人困扰。其基本思想是,可以从URI、或请求体、或一个自定义绑定来获取参数值(这里指出了方法参数的来源 — 译者注)。对于来自URI的参数,我们希望确保URI在其路径(通过路由字典)或查询字符串中实际包含了一个用于此参数的值。

For example, consider the following action:

public void Get(int id)

The id parameter binds to the URI. Therefore, this action can only match a URI that contains a value for "id", either in the route dictionary or in the query string.

Optional parameters are an exception, because they are optional. For an optional parameter, it‘s OK if the binding can‘t get the value from the URI.

Complex types are an exception for a different reason. A complex type can only bind to the URI through a custom binding. But in that case, the framework cannot know in advance whether the parameter would bind to a particular URI. To find out, it would need to invoke the binding. The goal of the selection algorithm is to select an action from the static description, before invoking any bindings. Therefore, complex types are excluded from the matching algorithm.

After the action is selected, all parameter bindings are invoked.


  • The action must match the HTTP method of the request.
  • The action name must match the "action" entry in the route dictionary, if present.
  • For every parameter of the action, if the parameter is taken from the URI, then the parameter name must be found either in the route dictionary or in the URI query string. (Optional parameters and parameters with complex types are excluded.)
  • Try to match the most number of parameters. The best match might be a method with no parameters.
    试图匹配最多数目的参数。最佳匹配可能是一个无参数方法(意即,框架按最多参数匹配来选择动作,而不是按最佳匹配来选择 — 译者注)。

Extended Example


    name: "ApiRoot", 
    routeTemplate: "api/root/{id}", 
    defaults: new { controller = "products", id = RouteParameter.Optional } 

    name: "DefaultApi", 
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}", 
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional } 


public class ProductsController : ApiController 
    public IEnumerable<Product> GetAll() {} 
    public Product GetById(int id, double version = 1.0) {} 
    public void FindProductsByName(string name) {} 
    public void Post(Product value) {} 
    public void Put(int id, Product value) {} 

HTTP request:

GET http://localhost:34701/api/products/1?version=1.5&details=1

Route Matching

The URI matches the route named "DefaultApi". The route dictionary contains the following entries:

  • controller: "products"
  • id: "1"

The route dictionary does not contain the query string parameters, "version" and "details", but these will still be considered during action selection.

Controller Selection

From the "controller" entry in the route dictionary, the controller type is ProductsController.

Action Selection

The HTTP request is a GET request. The controller actions that support GET are GetAll, GetById, and FindProductsByName. The route dictionary does not contain an entry for "action", so we don’t need to match the action name.

Next, we try to match parameter names for the actions, looking only at the GET actions.

Parameters to Match
GetAll None(无)
GetById "id"
FindProductsByName "name"

Notice that the version parameter of GetById is not considered, because it is an optional parameter.

The GetAll method matches trivially. The GetById method also matches, because the route dictionary contains "id". The FindProductsByName method does not match.
GetAll方法非常匹配(这是最佳匹配,但不是最终选择 — 译者注)。GetById方法也匹配,因为路由字典包含了“id”。FindProductsByName方法不匹配。

The GetById method wins, because it matches one parameter, versus no parameters for GetAll. The method is invoked with the following parameter values:

  • id = 1
  • version = 1.5

Notice that even though version was not used in the selection algorithm, the value of the parameter comes from the URI query string.

Extension Points

Web API provides extension points for some parts of the routing process.
Web API为路由过程的某些部分提供了扩展点。

IHttpControllerSelector Selects the controller.
IHttpControllerTypeResolver Gets the list of controller types. The DefaultHttpControllerSelector chooses the controller type from this list.
IAssembliesResolver Gets the list of project assemblies. The IHttpControllerTypeResolver interface uses this list to find the controller types.
IHttpControllerActivator Creates new controller instances.
IHttpActionSelector Selects the action.
IHttpActionInvoker Invokes the action.

To provide your own implementation for any of these interfaces, use the Services collection on the HttpConfiguration object:

var config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
config.Services.Replace(typeof(IHttpControllerSelector), new MyControllerSelector(config));




【ASP.NET Web API教程】4.2 路由与动作选择

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