
摘 要: 该系统是为了适应现代教育而存在的,是网络管理校园的主要组成部分.它使用JavaBean来封装对象,由于对象具有多个属性,在传递对象属性时,单个传递对象容易出错,而代码可读性差.使用JavaBean来将其封装,就能很好地解决这些问题,同时使用servlet框架.该系统建数据库是使用MySQL,同时使用了JDBC来连接数据库.使用批处理可以一次处理大量数据,可以提升性能.可以更好地实现学生与课程之间的成绩管理、最重要的是该系统可以实现学生与学生之间的成绩管理.
关键词: JavaBean,servlet框架,JDBC技术,批处理技术,MySQL数据库.
Abstract:The system existed to adapt to modern education and was a major component of the network management campus. It used JavaBeans to encapsulate objects. Since objects had multiple attributes,a single passed object was error-prone and the code was readable but Poor when passing object properties. You can solve these problems well via using JavaBean to wrap it and use.The system built the database using MySQL and used JDBC to connect to the database. Batch processing can process large amounts of data at a time, which performance can be improved.It can better achieve student and curriculum management.

上一篇:JavaEE 实例二 采用JSP+JavaBean+JDBC方式开发一个Web登录程序
