c# Standard numeric format strings

Format specifier Name Description Examples
"C" or "c" Currency Result: A currency value.

Supported by: All numeric types.

Precision specifier: Number of decimal digits.

Default precision specifier: Defined by NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyDecimalDigits.

More information: The Currency ("C") Format Specifier.
123.456 ("C", en-US) -> \$123.46

123.456 ("C", fr-FR) -> 123,46 €

123.456 ("C", ja-JP) -> ¥123

-123.456 ("C3", en-US) -> (\$123.456)

-123.456 ("C3", fr-FR) -> -123,456 €

-123.456 ("C3", ja-JP) -> -¥123.456
"D" or "d" Decimal Result: Integer digits with optional negative sign.

Supported by: Integral types only.

Precision specifier: Minimum number of digits.

Default precision specifier: Minimum number of digits required.

More information: The Decimal("D") Format Specifier.
1234 ("D") -> 1234

-1234 ("D6") -> -001234
"E" or "e" Exponential (scientific) Result: Exponential notation.

Supported by: All numeric types.

Precision specifier: Number of decimal digits.

Default precision specifier: 6.

More information: The Exponential ("E") Format Specifier.
1052.0329112756 ("E", en-US) -> 1.052033E+003

1052.0329112756 ("e", fr-FR) -> 1,052033e+003

-1052.0329112756 ("e2", en-US) -> -1.05e+003

-1052.0329112756 ("E2", fr-FR) -> -1,05E+003
"F" or "f" Fixed-point Result: Integral and decimal digits with optional negative sign.

Supported by: All numeric types.

Precision specifier: Number of decimal digits.

Default precision specifier: Defined by NumberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalDigits.

More information: The Fixed-Point ("F") Format Specifier.
1234.567 ("F", en-US) -> 1234.57

1234.567 ("F", de-DE) -> 1234,57

1234 ("F1", en-US) -> 1234.0

1234 ("F1", de-DE) -> 1234,0

-1234.56 ("F4", en-US) -> -1234.5600

-1234.56 ("F4", de-DE) -> -1234,5600
"G" or "g" General Result: The more compact of either fixed-point or scientific notation.

Supported by: All numeric types.

Precision specifier: Number of significant digits.

Default precision specifier: Depends on numeric type.

More information: The General ("G") Format Specifier.
-123.456 ("G", en-US) -> -123.456

-123.456 ("G", sv-SE) -> -123,456

123.4546 ("G4", en-US) -> 123.5

123.4546 ("G4", sv-SE) -> 123,5

-1.234567890e-25 ("G", en-US) -> -1.23456789E-25

-1.234567890e-25 ("G", sv-SE) -> -1,23456789E-25
"N" or "n" Number Result: Integral and decimal digits, group separators, and a decimal separator with optional negative sign.

Supported by: All numeric types.

Precision specifier: Desired number of decimal places.

Default precision specifier: Defined by NumberFormatInfo.NumberDecimalDigits.

More information: The Numeric ("N") Format Specifier.
1234.567 ("N", en-US) -> 1,234.57

1234.567 ("N", ru-RU) -> 1 234,57

1234 ("N1", en-US) -> 1,234.0

1234 ("N1", ru-RU) -> 1 234,0

-1234.56 ("N3", en-US) -> -1,234.560

-1234.56 ("N3", ru-RU) -> -1 234,560
"P" or "p" Percent Result: Number multiplied by 100 and displayed with a percent symbol.

Supported by: All numeric types.

Precision specifier: Desired number of decimal places.

Default precision specifier: Defined by NumberFormatInfo.PercentDecimalDigits.

More information: The Percent ("P") Format Specifier.
1 ("P", en-US) -> 100.00 %

1 ("P", fr-FR) -> 100,00 %

-0.39678 ("P1", en-US) -> -39.7 %

-0.39678 ("P1", fr-FR) -> -39,7 %
"R" or "r" Round-trip Result: A string that can round-trip to an identical number.

Supported by: SingleDouble, and BigInteger.

Note: Recommended for the BigInteger type only. For Double types, use "G17"; for Single types, use "G9".
Precision specifier: Ignored.

More information: The Round-trip ("R") Format Specifier.
123456789.12345678 ("R") -> 123456789.12345678

-1234567890.12345678 ("R") -> -1234567890.1234567
"X" or "x" Hexadecimal Result: A hexadecimal string.

Supported by: Integral types only.

Precision specifier: Number of digits in the result string.

More information: The HexaDecimal ("X") Format Specifier.
255 ("X") -> FF

-1 ("x") -> ff

255 ("x4") -> 00ff

-1 ("X4") -> 00FF

c# Standard numeric format strings

上一篇:Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: 违反协议 error code [17401]
