
//--------------------declaration of class CEmployee --------

#ifndef _CEMPLOYEE_H_ 
#define _CEMPLOYEE_H_

class CEmployee
	char *m_pName;   //name
	int  m_nAge;     //age
	float m_fSalary; // salary
	char *m_pDepartment; //deparment
	//-----------constructor's declaration---------------------
	CEmployee(char *pName = "", char *pDepartment = "", int age = 0, float salary = 0.0);

	CEmployee(const CEmployee &src);

	//-----------destructor's declaration----------------------

	//-----------others's member functions's declaration-------
	void SetName(char *name);    //set the employee's name

        char *GetName() const;       //retrieve the employee's name

        void SetAge(int age);        //set the employee's age

	int GetAge() const;          //retrieve the employee's age

	void SetSalary(float salary);//set the employee's salary

	float GetSalary() const;     //retrieve the employee's salary

	void SetDepartment(char *department); //set the employee's department

	char *GetDepartment() const; //retrieve the employee's department

	void Print() const;          //output the information


//------------Declaration of class CManager------------------
#include "CEmployee.h"

#ifndef _CMANAGER_H_
#define _CMANAGER_H_

class CManager : public CEmployee
	//-------------private members' declaration-------------
	int m_nLevel;      //rank

	//-------------public member functions' declaration------

	//-------------default constructor -----------------------
	CManager(char *name = "", char *department = "", int age = 0,
		     float salary = 0.0, int level = 0);
	//-------------copy constructor---------------------------
        CManager(const CManager &m);

	//-------------destructor declaration----------------------

	//-------------other member functions ------------------------
	void SetLevel(int level);         //set the level

	int  GetLevel() const;            //get the level

	void Print() const;               //output the information



#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

#include "CEmployee.h"
#include "CManager.h"

CManager::CManager(char *name, char *department, int age, float salary, int level) 
        : CEmployee(name, department, age, salary)
	cout << "Called CManager constructor "<< endl; 
	m_nLevel = level;

CManager::CManager(const CManager &src) : CEmployee(src)
	cout << "Called CManager constructor "<< endl; 
	m_nLevel = src.m_nLevel;	

	cout << "Called ~CManager destructor " << endl;
	//Nothing to do

inline void CManager::SetLevel(int level)
	m_nLevel = level;

int CManager::GetLevel() const
	return m_nLevel;

void CManager::Print() const
	cout << "Level : " << m_nLevel << endl;

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

#include "CEmployee.h"

CEmployee::CEmployee(char *pName, char *pDepartment, int age, float salary)
	int nLenOfName = strlen(pName);
	int nLenOfDepart = strlen(pDepartment);

	m_pName = new char [nLenOfName+1];
	strcpy(m_pName, pName);
        m_pName[nLenOfName] = '\0';

	m_pDepartment = new char[nLenOfDepart+1];
	strcpy(m_pDepartment, pDepartment);
	m_pDepartment[nLenOfDepart] = '\0';

	m_nAge = age;
	m_fSalary = salary;

	cout << "Called CEmployee constructor "<< endl; 

CEmployee::CEmployee(const CEmployee &src)
        if (!m_pName)
		delete [] m_pName;
	if (!m_pDepartment)
		delete [] m_pDepartment;

	int len1 = strlen(src.GetName());
	int len2 = strlen(src.GetDepartment());

	m_pName = new char[len1+1];
	strcpy(m_pName, src.GetName());
	m_pName[len1] = '\0';

	m_pDepartment = new char[len2+1];
	strcpy(m_pDepartment, src.GetDepartment());
	m_pDepartment[len2] = '\0';

	m_nAge = src.GetAge();
	m_fSalary = src.GetSalary();

	cout << "Called CEmployee constructor "<< endl; 

	if (!m_pName)
		delete [] m_pName;
	if (!m_pDepartment)
		delete [] m_pDepartment;

	cout << "Called ~CEmployee() " << endl;

void CEmployee::SetName(char *name)
	if (!m_pName)
	    delete [] m_pName;
	int len = strlen(name);

	m_pName = new char[len+1];
	strcpy(m_pName, name);
	m_pName[len] = '\0';

inline char * CEmployee::GetName() const 
	return m_pName;

inline char * CEmployee::GetDepartment() const
        return m_pDepartment;

void CEmployee::SetDepartment(char *pDepartment)
        if (!m_pDepartment)
	    delete [] m_pDepartment;

	int len = strlen(pDepartment);

	m_pDepartment = new char[len+1];
	strcpy(m_pDepartment, pDepartment);
	m_pDepartment[len] = '\0';

inline void CEmployee::SetAge(int age) 
    m_nAge = age;

inline int CEmployee::GetAge()  const
    return m_nAge;

inline float CEmployee::GetSalary() const
	return m_fSalary;

inline void CEmployee::SetSalary(float salary)
    m_fSalary = salary;

void CEmployee::Print() const
    cout << "Name : " << m_pName << endl
		 << "Department : " << m_pDepartment << endl
		 << "Age : " << m_nAge << endl
		 << "Salary : " << m_fSalary << endl;

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

#include "CEmployee.h"
#include "CManager.h"

int main()
	CEmployee e1("huang", "economic", 22, 12000.0);
        cout << "--------------------Test the class CEmployee-------------" << endl;
	cout << e1.GetName() << endl;
	cout << e1.GetDepartment() << endl;
	cout << e1.GetAge() << endl;
	cout << e1.GetSalary() << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_pName) = " << sizeof(e1.GetName()) << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_pDepartment) = " << sizeof(e1.GetDepartment()) << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_nAge) = " << sizeof(e1.GetAge()) << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_fSalary) = " << sizeof(e1.GetSalary()) << endl;
        cout << "sizeof(CEmployee) = " << sizeof(CEmployee) << endl;
        cout << "--------------------Test the class CManager-------------" << endl;
        CManager *pManager, manager("hecong", "economic", 22, 12000.0, 3);
	pManager = &manager;
	cout << pManager->GetName() << endl;
	cout << pManager->GetDepartment() << endl;
	cout << pManager->GetAge() << endl;
	cout << pManager->GetSalary() << endl;
	cout << pManager->GetLevel() << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_pName) = " << sizeof(manager.GetName()) << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_pDepartment) = " << sizeof(manager.GetDepartment()) << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_nAge) = " << sizeof(manager.GetAge()) << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_fSalary) = " << sizeof(manager.GetSalary()) << endl;
	cout << "sizeof(m_nLevel) = " << sizeof(pManager->GetLevel()) << endl;
        cout << "sizeof(CManager) = " << sizeof(CManager) << endl;
	return 0;


